Leaders Who are Villains

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if Eggbert invited people into his home who openly avow their hatred and murderous intent for his children, you would have to inquire as to his sanity. Once one or more of his children are killed or raped by the “guest” it would seem obvious that the guest should be evicted. If Eggbert blamed his children rather than the Guest one could only conclude Eggbert is out of touch with reality. Such a parent would have his children, the remaining ones at least, removed from the home and placed in protective custody. Anyone and everyone can see the logic of that… well, not everyone. There are those who would proclaim Eggbert’s progressive attitude to the homeless and demand his children stay at home, in that loving nurturing atmosphere of rape and constant threat to their lives. To those people Eggbert would be a hero. His children might disagree however. They might believe their tormentor to be someone who should be sent away in a selfish show of self interest.

Those people guardians are charged with protecting should always come first. That is the nature of being a guardian after all. No one would condemn a mother who defends her child from a monster, and only a monster would begrudge a father, for protecting his daughter from a villain, because that is their job. The nature of being the protector is to put the interests of those who are under protection first. Parents go without, so their children can have a better life, better education, better home life and better prospects for the future. Most parents would happily lay down their life for their children, and those who have, are heroes of the highest order.

Those who knowingly risk the lives of their charges are people who shouldn’t be guardians. They are unfit. That is the opposite of being a protector. Someone who endangers their children, no matter what for, is not a fit parent. That is why the government takes the children away from parents that are unfit. A parent that feeds, houses, clothes and nurtures their children, yet has a house full of rattlesnakes is not fit. No matter how much that guardian might love rattlesnakes, his or her children are at great risk of dying from a snake bite. A guardian who argues he is filling his house with rattle snakes to prevent snakebite is someone who is unhinged. To be so incapable of reason is the sign of insanity.

Once several children in that home have been bitten and died for the venom, it should seem obvious, that the rattlesnake bite prevention program, of filling the house with snakes, is not working. Bringing in more rattlesnakes only serves to exacerbate the problem not solve it. No mount of sophistry will make such actions acceptable nor will spurious logic fill the void left by the murdered children. No matter if the parent honestly believes that filling the house with rattlesnakes is a good idea, the results would wake up any sane parent. It doesn’t matter if the danger is from rattlesnakes, murderers or rapists, a wise and loving guardian doesn’t put their charges in danger for some pie in the sky idea. A villain does however. A villain who wants his or her charges bitten would do just that, fill the house with snakes, then claim with a tear running down one cheek, they are only doing it for their children’s protection.

People are the charges of their governments. Not that we are children, but we elect representatives to protect us from external threats, the role of our leaders is of guardians. In fact protecting the people’s property, lives and families is the primary role of government. That is why we have police and a standing army. The only legitimate role of national government is to protect the people. Just like a parent who invites a murderer into their home is unfit, if the leaders of government, society and culture undermine the very safety of those they are charged to protect, they are unfit to serve as leaders. Once people are being murdered, raped and beaten, it is time to evict those who openly avow their hatred of the nation, and stop the spurious logic of filling a nation with rattlesnakes, to protect from snakebite. Sadly, this only makes sense to people who are able to reason, most people across our planet lack that ability, and so many of us agree that filling a home with rattlesnakes is a wise way to prevent snakebite, no matter how many children die of snakebite in the process. So I ask you… is Eggbert a wise and loving parent, progressive in his attitudes… or a evil villain?


John Pepin

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