Identity And Social Justice

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in the West, as “social justice” took the place of justice, “identity” has taken the place of individualism. In both cases a good was perverted to an evil. Justice, or equal treatment became social justice, and now means unequal treatment… the opposite of justice. While identity, focusing on social recognition, has taken the place of individualism, the ability to stand outside the social norm. Again, perverting individualism to its opposite. This is a channelization tactic the progressive faction uses within their greater strategy of manipulating the language. With this tactic in hand, the globalist faction of progress, toward world despotism, can do evil and call it good. Then vilify anyone who points out the evil and especially those who prove it pragmatically.

Pragmatism is a tool to discern the good from the bad. Its simplicity is only matched by its effectiveness. The pragmatic simply examines the outcome of an idea or action, and from that, decides if the idea is good or bad. There’s no weighing motivations, ideology or political favor. The pragmatic only weighs outcome. Was the result good or bad? When applied to individualism versus identity we clearly see a pattern. People and societies that embrace individualism, enjoy a rising standard of living, are healthy and have little social discord. Ideologues that embrace identity politics on the other hand, enjoy societal strife, economic ruin and suicide becomes the largest cause of death among certain groups. Measured pragmatically then, individualism is good, and identity politics is bad.

When an imp wants to do evil, but needs it to appear good, they couch their words in euphemisms. Justice, a good we all understand and gives definition to hypocrisy, is replaced by social justice, a term that means, “some are more equal.” The opposite of justice. Then apply their new phraseology to society and societal norms. So, while an action may be just… it may not be socially just. Put another way, an action that treats everyone equally, by definition, doesn’t privilege the favored group. The politically favored. Therefore is a violation of social justice. The same is done to individualism and identity. The individualist believes in a host of ideas that coalesce into individualism. While the identityist focuses on a single attribute of individualism and conflates it to the whole.

Identity is how we appear in society. While individualism is the ability to disappear from society. Identity politics then seeks to force society to favor certain identities and despise others. Especially those identities disfavored by the elite. The exact opposite of individualism’s freedom to be who and what you are. The identityist is politically limited in acceptable identities. Even as the individualist has unlimited options. In this way identity politics dovetails nicely with social justice. The one enhances and benefits the other. Both limiting the people and unlimiting the elite. The elite need injustice masquerading as justice to set the stage for the double standards needed, to get society to favor certain identities, and disfavor others. Thus destroying justice and individualism at the same time.

Identity is all about how you identify… not who you are. It’s a mask. A fabrication designed to trick us. A mere tactic in the progressive faction’s large tool kit of manipulations, to make good seem bad, and evil appear good. We know this by judging identity politics and indeed social justice by their fruits… not their intentions. Knowing this, it’s our obligation to point it out, condemn identity politics as well as social justice, for a return to justice and individualism. The true beneficial ideas, perverted to their opposites by the progressive faction, in their arrogant lust for power over mankind. Ridicule is a powerful sterilant. It exposes absurdity. Mock social justice and identity politics. By doing so, you inoculate humanity from these pernicious manipulating mind viruses… identity and social justice.


John Pepin

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