Human Speciecide

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite’s war on us is going very well, heck, most of us haven’t even realized we are being systematically exterminated. How could I make such a shocking statement? Because reality. If we only look at statistics, the death rate among young people is up between 40% and 80% depending on the source. They do all agree that the youth are dying in astounding numbers. Some from overdoses, others from suicide and many from side effects of the experimental biological agent the elite forced us to take. Then there is the artificial famine the elite are creating from whole cloth. Obviously, calling for nuclear war is a suboptimal path to our species expansion, longevity and health. Why do they hate us so much they are committing speciecide? Because many of us voted for Trump.

Let us review recent history. The CDC, NIH and Fauci transferred the technology and funded the creation of the Wuhan flu. Then covered it up. The release might have been from stupidity else as a means to get the unsanctioned Trump from office. Then the elite refused treatment to the victims of their novel corona virus. That little trick magnified the death count tenfold or more. They created a biological agent that they called a vaccine, lied about it’s safety and effectiveness, then mandated it. The deaths from that will probably collapse our healthcare system in the next decade. The shut downs that were billed to fight covid resulted in an astounding rise in suicides, drug overdoses and hopelessness. Then there is the artificial famine the elite are creating… for our enjoyment.

The war in Ukraine has cut wheat, fertilizer and palm oil production and export, from Ukraine and Russia. The western elite magnified the issue by regulating the railroads out of shipping fertilizer and diesel fuel additive to farmers in the US breadbasket. Then there are the ongoing terrorist attacks (probably by the FBI or some other government agency) on our food production facilities. Famine has always been the means socialist have used to get rid of unwanted elements in society. Look at the Ukrainians in the 1930s for example. The world wide famine that is rapidly approaching sets up the ideal conditions for a great reset. Where we are reduced to slaves, slaves to people who would slaughter millions to make a point… slaves to subhumans without the ethics of a rabid dog.

Calling for nuclear war is as psychopathic as it gets. There have been rumors for decades that the elite have vast underground bunkers with which to set out Armageddon, and the fallout, to reemerge with an army and take over the starving mutants, that are left of our posterity. A normal human being would be ashamed of creating such suffering on a global scale, not our elite, they lack shame as well as a conscience, ethics and a heart. Satan himself shudders at their evil. Creating a pandemic, denying treatment to the victims, shutting down the economy leading to shortages, inflation and famine, burning food processing plants to the ground, using false flags to create a goblin and trying to get a nuclear war going. Their eternal reward is all but guaranteed.

The elite have a plan, and they are not even secret about it, read the Georgia guide stones. They lay it out, reduce the population by 80-90%. Of course, those that think that way, will never lead by example. They expect us to die so they can have the world to themselves. Which goes to show, there is no filling up a hog, no satisfying an addict and no trusting a demon…. all of which the elite today epitomize. It is all out in the open and yet most refuse to see. Probably because it is too ugly a truth to acknowledge. Yet truth it is. There is a war on between the elite and us. They are waging it with all the gusto of the Nazis in Operation Barbarossa. The only question is, will they win and exterminate us, or will we win, and they get their just comeuppances?


John Pepin

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