How To Fight The Foolishness

Dear friends,

It seems to me, the goal of the elite is to destroy the nation state, and they’re doing it by perverting everything, until everything collapses. They’re teaching absurdity in the schools, undermining education. The cultural elite are inculcating us with stories that are a perversion of reality, making us susceptible to reality’s bite. Then there’s the fact the bureaucratic elite are exploiting their power over law, to reward crime and punish justice, destroying our faith in the courts. There’s the fentanyl crisis the elite could stop tomorrow, the wars and diseases the elite started, as well as the destruction of the family unit. By every measure the elite are either failing, or succeeding… if I’m correct in my assessment of their intentions. There is a way we can combat the absurdity… by not going along.

Don’t agree to things you know are wrong. We’re pushed by the media, public opinion and courtesy, to go along. That’s a quality that makes us human. Our socialization. We’ve found that going along with the crowd, even to foolishness, is often better than standing alone and getting eaten by a lion. We’re not threatened by lions, our threat comes from the crowd becoming lemmings, and running off a cliff. Led by the self proclaimed experts. Many of us lack the self-determination to fight against a crowd. Especially when we’re berated by “experts.” In that case, we tamp down our conscience and do the wrong thing, to get along. We agree to that which we know to be absurd. So discredit ourselves in our own eyes, producing cognitive dissonance, that makes us all the easier to manipulate next time.

Don’t repeat the lies, use the words, or even grant the premise of their arguments… unless in a mocking way. Everything the post modernist progressive faction does, is based on an egoistic lust for power over others. They’re the heirs of the fascists and communists… and are willing and capable of all the atrocities their ancestors did. Class theory is merely a way to channelize our thinking to suit their needs. Grouping us and pitting us against each other is a classic elitist tactic. Still used because it’s so effective. Elitist theory better matches human history. Politically correct language is explicitly designed to promote a political ideology. It’s in the damn name. Whatever a progressive says, is projection, because people with dark triad personality disorders have no ability to self analyze.

Point out the stupidity, make jokes about it and those that push it. Ridicule them into the ground. Nothing cuts an egoist more than mockery. They take themselves absolutely seriously and expect everyone else to as well. Initially, ridicule triggers a narcissistic rage. If rage doesn’t work, they flee, to find easier victims. Gaslighting is nothing but laughing stock. How is a rock and a progressive different? The rock can tell the difference between a boy and a girl. Caustic humor works best. It burns their egos like nitric acid burns limestone. Absurdity only has power to sway if it’s not pointed out. Laughing at it is the most effective way to point it out. So ridicule, laugh at and mock the elite, who push post modernist perversions. Epstein wasn’t killed by tainted shell fish… but by tainted people.

Whether their goal is the destruction of the nation state, to make way for their Star Trekesque globalist utopia, or they’re just plain stupid, the elite are engaged in the systematic destruction of the world as we know it. That’s not really debatable. Nor is the question of why. Why doesn’t matter if a train is hurdling towards you. The question is… how to avoid it. By not agreeing to their foolishness, we make a stand against it, and it stops with us. When we refuse to repeat lies those lies lose credibility. Moreover, the elite are over represented with dark triad personality disorders, and so have egos measured in parsecs. Therefore, they can’t stand criticism, let alone outright mockery. So mock them and their ideas, to expose the stupidity, trigger them into taking off the mask, or get them to flee.


John Pepin

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