Dear Friends,
It seems to me, the best people on Earth are the little creators. People who create things, ideas and especially… other people. Farmers create food, carpenters create dwellings and mothers create families. When we make… we order the universe. In their ignorance some would poo poo and say, “the tiny bit I create makes no difference.” Forget that all the oxygen on our planet was initially created by the cumulative effects of billions of single celled organisms. Small differences add up. Not everyone is creative, that may be true, but everyone can create a family, a loving atmosphere for children and keep an eye out for the neighbor’s kids. We are most Godlike when we create and the most important and blessed thing we can create… is a family.
I have always laughed at the villain who claims the mantle of a god because he can kill. There cannot be a more perverted idea of God than that. A parasite can kill millions but cannot create anything but more parasites. A lumbering asteroid could wipe life from Earth. Are these gods? Obviously not. God is a creator, we are made in his image, as creators. For someone to be truly Godlike they would have to be able to create life itself from inanimate material. So far all anyone can do is reanimate sleeping life. Which is no great feat since you and I do it every morning. The ability to kill has empowered psychopaths in the past to feel godlike over their victims. In their twisted version of the universe, where they envy God’s ability to destroy that which he created, yet lack the wisdom to understand, creating.
Almost all forms of creation have value. From a stone tool, to a 4nm DIPP IC, creations have value. Sometimes merely as an example to others. Other times as a template, to learn a new skill or to improve the lot of Man. Most of the best inventions have not been for economic gain, but because they were inside and needed to get out. Tesla for example. His world changing ideas struggled to get out of him as much as he tried to get others to understand them. It helps to be human hearted in creating. Some creations lower us. Scientists in nations that lack humanity are creating chimeras, human animal hybrids, worse than Dr Moreau’s. It is hard to see how such atrocities against humanity can have utility other than to learn how to pervert life. A form of anti creation.
We live the lives we do because of the creations of others. Yet how many of us are thankful for their efforts? There are a million clever inventions you use every day, that you or I couldn’t think up in a thousand years. Just starting your car requires an untold number of innovations that stacked up to make the car you drive. Tesla was crucial in the invention of our electric delivery system, 3 phase motors and other amazing ideas we still use today… but his inventions were based on the ideas of others, like Maxwell, Newton and Faraday. How many times in the past year have you been really hungry? If you haven’t, it is probably because of the agri food industry. Based on thousands of years of farming and a century of innovation, we feed more today than was predicted was possible 50 years ago.
All of which shows how easy it is to be among the best people on Earth… create goodness. Even if you whittle a whistle from a thistle, and give it to little boy misle, to use as a chisel… you have created something. Little creations add up. The car wasn’t invented from dirt, it was the culmination of millions of small innovations adding up to the point where Ford could mass produce them. Whatever you create, if you do it with human heartedness, it will improve the lot of Mankind, but there is nothing that serves humanity more than creating families and children. Try creating something, maybe you have no creativity at all, but isn’t it worth it to emulate God, in the only way we can, by creating. Of course, some of the best parents are not the least bit creative, yet their creations change the world.
John Pepin