How Times Have Changed

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… Oh how times have changed. Twenty years ago if there was a single terrorist attack in the US, in a decade, it was the biggest story that decade… while today, we suffer terrorist attacks every few hours. Even as jihadis openly rally in our major cities like NYC and Austin TX calling for the overthrow of our constitutional government, and our brutal subjugation. That may be protected speech, but if you and I march to protest a stolen election, we go to prison for years without trial. Which only serves to encourage the terrorists. Anyone complaining about their protected speech is deemed a criminal. Showing why we suffer terrorist attacks by the hour now. Because the elite want terrorist attacks. Rest assured, if you or I acted up like that, the elite would nip it in the bud.

Prior to 911 there were very few Muslims in the US. Once they showed themselves to be a mortal threat to us, our elite imported them by the thousands. Knowing that among the sane people there would inevitably be terrorists. It’s like the elite wanted more 911’s, more terrorism and more chaos. Else they would have issued a moratorium on Muslim immigration until the war on terror was sorted out. They didn’t import thousands of Japanese and Germans during WWII, or North Koreans during the Korean war, nor did the elite import thousands of Barbary Pirates during the Barbary wars. Yet they imported thousands of Muslims during the war on terror? Was it Hegelian malevolence or stupidity? Today we’re swamped with Muslims, many are fine people, but some could go off any moment.

The elite want us to think, they’re the smartest people who ever lived, while at the same time hold them to be utterly inept. Why do I say that? Because, they claim to be smart enough to save the world from our stupidly, even as they fail at everything they put their hand to. So, we’re supposed to give them the benefit of the doubt, and grant their failures are due to ineptitude, not malevolence, yet they are smart and wise enough to be global despots. For our own good. It’s a hard pitch to make, that idiots incapable of anything should have total power globally to run the world, without consequence for outcomes. Yet there it is. Our elites tell us, they need power to save the world from us, and their failures are due to ineptitude. They are smart… to get anyone to believe that hogwash.

The elite have shown they know how to deal with insurrection, by the way they treated the Jan 6 protesters. No bail, prison without trial, and abuse while in prison… adding up to a trifecta of constitutional crimes. Without a single consequence for any elite guilty of cruelty under color of law. If they can get away with abusing citizens so, how much more so could they have got away with after 911? Yet the elite bent over backwards to claim, we are the threat, and Muslims are the victims. Meanwhile they’ve continued that song for twenty plus years. Yet we all know the elite would never treat a terrorist as bad as they treat citizens. The terrorists must be on their side while we’re their enemy. The double standard in law enforcement is proof the elite have an agenda.

Any reasonable person can look at the state of affairs, and conclude, the elite want chaos. Else they wouldn’t encourage it, protect it, and punish anyone who stands up to it. At least in the US we can complain about it, but in Britain and elsewhere, they release violent prisoners to make room for wrongthinkers. The elite there support the chaos plan. Who knows why the elite have gone full retard. One possibility is they want a globalist order, and to get there, they need to burn down the existing order. In other words, they see chaos as the path to utopia. Perhaps they hate America and it’s ethos? Maybe the elite are too stupid to know better? Regardless of why, it proves our elites now hate us, our culture, and the American way… or are too stupid to run a broom. Oh how times have changed.


John Pepin

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