Hillary Clinton’s Wiped Email Server

Dear friends,

It seems to me, if Hillary Clinton and the others who have wiped their hard drives and gone to extraordinary lengths to hide their emails from law enforcement, get away with it, that will be proof positive we live in a place and time where some are above the law. When some are above the law, you don’t really have law, what you have is arbitrary rule masquerading as law. The only reason arbitrary rule masquerades as law, is to trick the subjects into thinking they are citizens. It is a way of making the average person feel he or she is valued, our property is safe and our persons are protected, and therefor arbitrary rule masquerading as law keeps us quite and compliant – and can go on unabated. This is far more pernicious than it appears on the surface. A market economy cannot function, the standard of living must necessarily fall and violence will sooner or later appear, under arbitrary rule, especially where arbitrary rule masquerades as law. Your life, property and liberty is directly effected by the outcome of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Let’s face it, you or I would go to jail of the government subpoenaed our email, and we had the hard drive professionally cleaned to prevent them. It would be a no brainer. Simply the fact we did it would in and of itself be a sufficient crime to get us arrested and in court. Regardless if all we had on that hard drive was pictures of puppies holding flowers. The moment you or I wiped a hard drive subpoenaed by the government we would have committed a crime. Don’t think for a second any prosecuting attorney would let it go. The full weight and power of the government would be leveled against us. Yet, Hillary Clinton and a few of her cronies have done it, and so far they have escaped any punishment for it. One can only logically conclude it is because they are above the law.

Now if there is a huge public outcry, and that is the impetus for the government to actually charge them with a crime, that is also very indicative of arbitrary rule masquerading as law. This is because if it takes political pressure from the people before the Justice Department, (DOJ) will do it’s job, the DOJ was not planning on prosecuting them in the first place! The only reason the DOJ wouldn’t charge someone immediately when evidence becomes clear a law was broken… is because the law breaker is above the law! If some people can break the law, and the only way the government will charge them, while it would immediately charge another for that same crime, they are by definition, above the law and therefore we have arbitrary rule.

Arbitrary rule is a situation where “law” is arbitrarily passed or enforced. The ancient Greeks held arbitrary rule to be one of the primary definitions of tyranny. There was great debate among the ancients about the advantages and disadvantages of arbitrary rule. Some, like the sophist Thrasymachus, favored arbitrary rule while others, like Socrates, held it was uniformly and universally evil. History has come down on the side of Socrates and not Thrasymachus. Moreover, arbitrary rule always results in poverty, tyranny and violence. All people know in their hearts and in their minds arbitrary rule is wrong. Justice requires that all human beings be treated equally by their governments, to do anything less is unjust. So, arbitrary rule is by nature, unjust, and creates conditions of injustice.

Whenever injustice masquerades as justice, it pretends to be what it isn’t, and anytime someone pretends something to be what it is not, it is so the injustice can continue. Injustice masquerading as justice is a con game the elite don’t want to stop. Of the two, arbitrary rule masquerading as law is worse than open and obvious arbitrary rule. In the first case, when an evil is hidden it can grow, in the second case evil exposed to sunlight withers. Since Hillary Clinton has escaped justice so far is proof we live under arbitrary rule. The question now is, is that arbitrary rule masquerading as law or is it open and obvious arbitrary rule?

We need to watch this scandal unfold with open eyes. If she and her sidekicks are charged and punished, it is evidence we don’t yet live under arbitrary rule. If we sit, and she skates on a crime you and I would face severe punishment for, it is proof positive we live under open arbitrary rule. If we rise up and demand they be charged, as we would be, then we have admitted Hillary Clinton and her boot licks are above the law, by having to rise up, and it will be proof injustice is masquerading as justice. If however, she is charged and gets a mere show trial to placate the masses, we live under arbitrary rule masquerading as law, injustice pretending to be justice, and because the injustice is hidden it can grow and metastasis into a cancer that will take our prosperity, liberty and reduce us and our children to slaves. We can do something, enact a Fourth Branch, but in our complacency most will merely go back to watching dancing with the stars, ensuring the cancer of injustice pretending to be justice endures.


John Pepin

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