
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the third rail of medicine is saving lives, and costing big pharma. Because it’s not only big pharma that benefits from sickness and death… but the elite. Who, oddly, seem to live to extreme old age themselves? Probably nothing. There’s no money in curing disease… the money is in long term treatment. Monthly income. Cure a disease and you get paid once, treat it, and you get paid for years. That’s why there will never be a cure for cancer. Well, there probably is, but it’ll never see the light of day, since it would cost the healthcare industry tens of billions of dollars a year. There’s a reason it’s more profitable to spend money on lobbying than R&D. Of course, I’m not a doctor, and would never presume to give medical advice. This is my opinion about incentives pertaining to our health.

I have no idea if supplements help, do nothing, or hinder. It’s hard to trust anyone nowadays. We do know that the FDA, CDC and WHO, are bold faced liars though. They lie when the truth would serve them better. Proven by the Covid and “vaccine” debacle. The lies, and censorship to protect those lies, were thick as tar. So we know who we can’t trust. The proven liars say supplements are worthless. On the other hand, how are we supposed to trust some hippy’s anecdotal claim of benefit? As the wielders of empirical evidence can’t be trusted, and those with differing narratives are shady, what are we to think? I try to cross reference as much as possible. Verify the hippy’s claims with empirical studies. Because, I’ll trust a hippy hopped up on weed… before I’d trust a liar. (Not that Dr Berg is a hippy or hopped up).

I’m pretty certain that exercise helps. In my anecdotal experience, those who have maintained their weight, and kept active, stayed healthy longer. The exceptions always being cancer and accident victims. Then again, you don’t see many 400 pound men racing motocross or riding super bikes. So in that case obesity is protective. Nevertheless, keeping active and in decent shape, is crucial to being healthy. Which is maybe why our kids are being told an obese inactive lifestyle is healthy. To harvest more profits from them. The fatter and sicker we are, the more money we’ll spend in the healthcare system. Doctors have yacht payments too. Though I’m not sure it really is in the self interest of the healthcare system, to remove largess from their patients, instead of tumors.

It’s probably nothing… that the uber rich tend to live to extreme old age. With few if any of the issues everyone else has. Like George Soros. Maybe they have the best genes, perhaps it’s clean living, or baby blood. Regardless of why, the fact is, they do. Not all the uber rich. I bet Elon Musk hasn’t been given the forever juice, like Steve Jobs wasn’t. Those who don’t play the game don’t get the juice, or whatever it is. One of my best friends since childhood was struck in the head while logging, and the blow triggered an aneurysm. The same time, an old wealthy politician had a stroke, triggered by a similar aneurysm. She was well taken care of and walked out of the Hospital. While Barry died a year later in a coma in his 30’s, due to a lack of care. Who you are effects the level of care you get.

If someone came out with a pill that cured everything and increased our lives to immortality, that person would be killed immediately, in an unfortunate lab accident, and the pill memory holed. Because such a thing would harm the elite profoundly. Old people are a cistern of knowledge. You can’t memory hole a thing if people remember it. You have to drain the cistern first. The elite want a diminishing population. Improving our health would only increase the numbers of us hoi polloi. Plus, it diminishes the utility of wealth, if everyone can have perfect health. Then there’s the loss of billions of dollars of profit from the health care system. For these and a myriad of other reasons, the incentive for the health care system and elite, is to keep us sick, stupid, fat, lazy, depressed and dying young.


John Pepin

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