
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re seeing the effect of our cultural, political and religious leaders throwing aside the outdated American concepts of merit, work ethic and independence, for innovative new ways of living… privilege, laziness and dependence. The results are all around us, in our collapsing society. A society where increasingly, the simple things are failing. The elite can’t reliably keep the lights on anymore. That’s pretty basic in the twenty first century I would think. Inflation has devastated families, entirely because of the actions of the elite. Actions that every economic theory told them would create inflation. Then there is the dismal state of education in the US. Where kids go in, sane, and come out purple haired lunatics who don’t know if they’re a boy or girl. Effects that will echo through history.

A person can be quite intelligent and stupid, which is becoming more and more common. Folks with advanced degrees, capable of grasping the most arcane concepts with ease, couldn’t change a tire if their life depended on it. Leading like dogs, not knowing where we’re going they know they want to be in front, so constantly stop to look back… getting in the way and tripping us up. The brilliant stupid set traps everywhere they go, not knowing any better, and without a malicious thought in their head. Of course, there is the old Confucian concept, people follow their leaders, and ours are utterly inept, so what else can we expect? Other than inept corporations like Boeing, incompetent elites and feckless people. Being obtuse to the real world is a sign one is cultured today.

The pernicious notion of entitlement pervades our culture like a bad smell. How many people do you suppose are too proud to work at McDonalds, yet are perfectly willing to take charity? That’s an inversion of the old American ethic. Where, no working man should be ashamed, shame was reserved for those taking charity. Kids are educated at great expense to think the world owes them for the mere fact of their existence. Obviously, there is no more entitled group than the elite, following them is like becoming a title company. The constant anti free market propaganda is helpful in removing any sense of gumption. Why struggle in an arena that’s stacked against you? Better to vie for a bigger welfare check, and work under the table… like the illegals do.

We’re told by people without self awareness, that empathy is manipulating a little girl to sterilize herself, and humanity is allowing genocide. Our crime statistics shows it. Along with the complete breakdown of our society, culture and the rule of law by the courts themselves, there is our lack of outrage at the outrageous. It wasn’t that long ago, if someone released a deadly virus that killed over a million Americans, people would have been outraged. Had the vaccine to stop it, killed more than the virus, people would have demanded justice. Had an election been run with open fraud, that was covered up by the courts, the hoi polloi would have freaked out. Because we’ve lost much of our empathy, perspective and human heartedness, we’re cool with it.

Why fight to get ahead when the system is designed to keep you down? That’s why no one has gumption anymore. There’s plenty of ambition… but no gumption. We’re following our elites to be worthless, lazy and parasitic as they. The answer is to unplug from their propaganda. Most importantly, get your kids disconnected from the elite’s insanity machine. If private schooling is out of the question, then home school. Get rid of all social media. It’s only a system of manipulation. Teach your kids to have an entrepreneurial mindset. Since, “In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.” Because, changing a culture starts with the kids. We’re at a crossroads. Let the progressives have their way with the kids, and the kids lose, get the kids back, and Mankind wins.


John Pepin

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