Dear Friends,
It seems to me, by smashing down the guardrails, the progressive faction has opened us up to innumerable potential disasters. Now the progressive globalist faction is on the ropes, the unlimited power they’ve amassed around the world, could fall into the hands of anyone. We hope the leaders we elect will be centrist, in an Enlightenment way, but until we have a taste of them, we can’t know. Especially since everyone not to the left of Mao is called far right. Skewing the metric we use to determine a person’s political stance, and hollowing out the middle, to add to the ends. Which empowers radical factions at cost to sanity. That’s why we must limit governmental power, erode the administrative state, and put the guardrails back up.
The swing from the far left, rightward, is a good thing. However, such movements can gain momentum such that they overshoot the ideal… by a long way. An out of balance wheel will wear no matter if it’s tipped to the right or left. The trouble is, we’ve worn down to the steel belts on the left side of the tire. So if we want to stave off a blowout, we need to balance more to the right… but not too far. As is the tendency of people to do. Movements build inertia. That inertia gains as the movements speeds up and grows in mass. Plus, people hang on way past their comfort zone, as we’ve seen with the progressive faction. Eventually rejecting that ideology altogether. So we must control ourselves and insure we don’t let our emotions run away with us. Else the globalists might seize control again.
The repulsive corruption of the progressive globalist faction has only impelled the swing faster. As the scales fall from people’s eyes, and they see the horror that is the globalist vision of the world, and humanity, they flee it as fast as possible. Because once you understand what they mean by, “You will own nothing and be happy…” your blood will run cold. That emotional reaction to astonishing evil is natural but makes people less rational. Running in terror, while screaming and carrying scissors, through a junkyard… is a sub optimal strategy to escape to safety. Which is the natural reaction to a monster in the dark. Once you have some distance though, it’s best to hide and weapon up. In the case of the leftist beast system, our weapons are our voices, just law and public opinion.
No guardrails means no bounds. If we pick up the weapons of the foe, lawfare, fraud and propaganda, then we’ve become unbalanced too. We need to eliminate those things. You get rid of lawfare by charging the criminals, with denial of Constitutional rights under color of law, then try, and if guilty, made examples of. Root out election fraud. By voter ID, paper ballots and same day counting. If an election takes more than 24 hours to count, there are too many anomalies, and it needs to be redone. Mail in voting must be abolished. Then there’s propaganda. Edward Bernays would be astounded at how effective his tool of mass control has become. Pass laws to forbid government propaganda against citizens. Then there’s the administrative state.
Now that people with demonstrated sanity, might be in charge, it’s time to put some guardrails back up. Pare the government back to some semblance of constitutionality. Debate Constitutional changes to get rid of abominations like Wickard v Filburn, Korematsu and Buck v Bell, to name a few. Get a handle on election fraud. Make examples of those who abuse their power, and put the guardrails back up, to prevent it in the future. Remember, the faction in power today, will not be in power tomorrow. It’s up to us then to insure that tomorrow’s ruler’s stay on the road. So they can’t engage in open election fraud, forced medical procedures, or other usurpations of human Rights. But don’t go crazy, going off road on the trail the left cut… and become the faction we’re fighting. Limit government power… don’t expand it.
John Pepin