Great Men

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the entire question of government, whether or not we should have collective regulation of ourselves by an elite, hinges on controlling Thrasymachus’ “Great Men.” Those who consider themselves great men will always be a scourge on mankind. The best we can do is to control them and limit their ability to harm. The trouble is, they exploit our socialization, morals and ethics to their advantage, and our disadvantage. They’re people utterly lacking morals, using morals to discredit morality, villains without ethics using law to destroy the ethical, and are psychopaths without empathy, who manipulate us by compassion, to be villains. Almost every problem mankind faces today, is a contrivance of our great men, to maintain and grow their power.

Great men are unethical yet exploit ethics to obliterate the ethical. Using lawfare with gusto, the great men are as far above law, as their victims are below its protections. They have access plenty of ideas. All the great men need do is examine their own criminality, and accuse the other of it. Which has two advantages. It discredits the virtuous opposition as corrupt, and it protects the corrupt as virtuous. Because they can spuriously claim vindictive prosecutions. Only people with a total lack of ethics would do such a thing though. Which makes it perfectly reasonable the elite would. Great men have only one goal… power over others. To that end ethics is a mere tool to the unethical. A tool to drive people into the ground like a hammer drives nails.

Being immoral, the great men of any age exploit our morality against us. We see this illustrated in the great men of today, attacking Christianity and Christians, as evil for the sin of slavery, a century and a half ago, while they claim those who own slaves today are victims of colonialism. Vilifying the people who were so outraged at the immorality of slavery they outlawed it in the West and across the world. Stigmatizing it to such an extent everyone agrees it’s evil. Even those who own slaves. Nevertheless, the very people that made slavery distasteful are being painted as evil by it! Quite a slight of hand. What makes the irony even more sticky, is the very people decrying the west for slavery… abet slavery today. Could there be anything more immoral than exploiting morality to destroy morality?

Empathy is a wonderful thing, except when used by demons to manipulate good people into being villains. Selectively showing us “atrocities,” to label villains as victims, makes us empathize with the villains. We only know what we see. We find common ground with people that we’re told are victims. Especially the victims of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Nothing is more offensive to the empathetic than slavery or ethnic cleansing. So when they’re told the victims are the villains and villains are the victims, the empathetic will support the villains. Illustrated, by people openly calling for genocide, being ascribed to be the victims of genocide. As their population grows logarithmically. Proving the great men are lying… else the only thing the Jews suck at, is genocide.

There are always plenty of reasons we need great men and few reasons to limit them. The great men make sure of it. Lacking morals, ethics and empathy the great men are singular in purpose. How to control them though? Transparency opens their moral and ethical failings to public view. Transparency is limited in effect though, unless there are consequences for judges, prosecutors and other bureaucrats who break the law and abuse our Rights. Constitutionally limited government hinders their ability to harm. Give that Constitution teeth and the great men will feel its bite before they can usurp power. Education is critical. Not indoctrination as we have today but authentic education. These are a few ways to limit the great men. The truth is, we don’t need great men… they need us.


John Pepin

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