Globalist Ambitions and the Perils of Dissent

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… the republicans might be wise to put on a little extra security, and maintain situational awareness. Considering the assassination attempts the last time republicans won. There was the baseball game shooting and the train derailment of 2016. Obviously, Trump is in constant mortal danger as proved by the assassination attempts, we know about. Because, the globalist progressive faction has shown itself capable of any atrocity, to achieve utopia. Creating bioweapons and releasing them, like Covid. Making concoctions they claim to be vaccines for the disease they created, with side effects that dwarf the danger of the bio engineered virus, itself. One even wonders if they’re responsible for the Maui and LA fires? I wouldn’t issue life insurance to a republican in power today.

On a case by case basis. Failure is either due to incompetence or malevolence. Honest effort never leads to utter failure. If a competent person puts in honest effort they succeed. Unless they’re inept. Then they fail. If they are competent and fail… they failed intentionally. Making their failures malevolence. Then there’s the narcissists’ trick. Blame someone else for their failures. The narcissist and Machiavellian always have a ready scapegoat. While the hypocrite prefers censorship. Even as the sadist is willing to use both. Compound blame shifting with ineptitude, or malevolence, and you have people that need to be removed from power. They’re unworthy of it. Being willing to do anything in the service of their ambitions… including mass murder. Making them ideal politicians.

When election tampering, interference and outright fraud don’t work, there is always propaganda and finally, liquidation. As Marius did to Sulla’s faction… leading to a century of bloodshed and eventually, Caesar. People who’re so convinced they’re right, they’re willing to commit any atrocity to see it through, are like dross. Useless, they float to the top, and smother the whole. The globalist progressive faction has proved itself dross… capable of anything. Even outlawing political parties, protecting pedophile rape gangs, and canceling elections. Along with jailing citizens for wrongthink. In the US a man is in prison for a joke ridiculing Hillary voters. Even as the exact same joke was played on Trump voters to zero consequences. Proving political bias in the judicial system.

The globalist progressive faction thought it had won… until Trump came along. They thought they had him fenced in with a special prosecutor woven from a lie. That failed. Then they impeached Trump for a phone call…. and again for questioning their election fraud machine. That didn’t work, so they used lawfare against him. When that let go, snapped back and slapped them in the face, they started to become worried. Next, Trump’s helicopter almost crashed, a bullet grazed his head and another gunman was caught at Trump’s golf course. In this case I fervently believe the elite put in honest effort. Their failure was due to ineptitude and not intentional. Now, not only Trump, but the whole republican party stands in the way of the globalist progressive’s ambitions. Making them all a target.

The republican establishment would like to play along with their puppet masters, but Trump’s populism has mobilized the masses, into self interest. We see through much of the propaganda, limiting its usefulness. It’s hard not to notice the assassination attempts on Trump. Then there’s the ever loved, jailing wrongthinkers, outlawing parties, canceling elections and censorship. If those tools are too dull, there’s always liquidation. The utopia they envision is so glittering it blinds them to atrocity. The elite have made honest efforts to take care of Trump. They failed. Nevertheless they’ll work diligently to remove all obstacles in their path. Progress to a global elitist socialist system can’t be stopped. It’s inevitable. Unless meddling populists like Trump get in their way. To those in the way… Stay alert.


John Pepin

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