Evil Masquerading as Good

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one diabolical way Lucifer works, is by putting his henchmen in religious institutions to pervert them. That is why so many people around the world today despise “organized religion.” Because they are all infiltrated, to some extent, with evil people masquerading as saints, for fun and profit. This is especially true of Christianity and religions derived from Krishna worship. People with dark intentions pretend to be good, to exploit religion as a means to their own ends, rather than to advance the moral lot of mankind. This is great for sinister forces… since it discredits religion, the font of morality, twists good into evil, is a vehicle for abusing children, and in doing so it moves society away from morality, truth, justice and God, toward immorality, lies, injustice and Lucifer.

Hardly a month goes by without a story about some religious figure abusing children or women. Sometimes a priest, guru, yogi or pastor. Every one of them serves Lucifer whether they admit it or not. Some are psychopaths, others have been manipulated or fallen into sin, but they all serve the darkness. In doing so they become void-minds. People who have alienated themselves from their humanity. They have voided their spirituality for hedonistic pleasure and egoistic power. Every time a child is abused at the hands of a cleric, our aggregate faith is ground down a bit, whenever a pastor, who has been given much, begs money from those who have been given little, so he can have everything… further denigrates otherwise good institutions. Lowering us all.

These voidminds undermine the people’s faith in religion. Religion is the social manifestation of our innate spirituality. It is a way for many to interact with spirituality in a meaningful way, growing that critical part of themselves. A materialist thinks the only part of a human being is his or her physicality, but we are much more… we are spirits, with minds, riding a machine. Let the machine grow weak from disuse, drugs, abuse or injury and that facet is reduced. Allow the spirit to wither away and any evil that comes into the mind of man becomes doable, and dull the psyche with propaganda, falsehoods and fictions and a person becomes something less than a fully realized, centered, and mature human being. He is become a tool of his manipulators.

Which cannot but erode our belief in God. Lessen a human being to an animal, a creature with a soul and body but not mind, and belief in God becomes impossible. Lower us by polluting our spirituality and God becomes a functional myth. When the body is reduced though we become more spiritual. This is because when one facet of a human being is reduced other parts step in to fill the vacuum. We look at many of those who are supposed to be our spiritual leaders, hypocrites engaging in every sordid thing imaginable, finding common cause with atheists who despise religion, getting filthy rich on the donations of the poor, etc… our faith in God cannot but be undermined. Yet the sins of evil temporal men cannot negate the existence or perfection of our immortal God.

Let’s remember it is religion that is the source of morality. Morality cannot be rationally nor emotionally derived. When people stop believing in God, we open ourselves to every manner of evil entering our lives, disguised as good. Forcing us to create our own morality, since we deny the Golden Rule, which is inextricably tied up with God. Any morality we come up with will be measured by, and fall short of God’s, because God’s morality is ideal and the only measure we have. Evil clerics lead the spiritually weak to a sea of futility and nihilism, exactly where Lucifer wants us. A human hearted adult on the other hand, recognizes that appearances can be deceiving, lies can sound like truths and evil often masquerades as good, and as such are not fooled by darkness… when it pretends to be light.


John Pepin

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