Evil Always Defeats Itself


Dear Friends,


It seems to me, the rise of ISIS will result in the deaths of perhaps millions of human beings, but in the end, it will be their own evil that defeats them. Great evil always defeats itself because it confuses human suffering with victory. The suffering of other human beings is always more important to those who serve Lucifer than anything else. Oh, they might lie to themselves and even believe their own lies, but in the end it is not power, righteousness or to serve God that evil people like ISIS do what they do, it is a love of inflicting human suffering that is their primary motivator, and that motivation has it roots in hate. Hatred is so powerful an emotion it can drive people to do the most despicable things without a hint of remorse. In the next few years when our governments do nothing of any real consequence to stop ISIS from their goal of a global Caliphate, where only Muslims are allowed to live, we must keep in mind that even without intervention of government, armies or even God, ISIS will be defeated, due entirely to their evil nature. Evil always has within it the seeds of it’s own destruction.


There is no better example in history than the Second World War. Hitler and the Nazis were evil. Evil fueled by hate was their primary motivator. Hate of the Jews, Gypsies and all non Aryans was the Nazis bread and butter. The Nazis reveled in slaughter. The war was ostensibly a means to power but in reality is was a way to round up more people to feed into the meat grinder. All other purposes came second to the slaughter.


In September 1941 the Nazi war machine was on the verge of victory. They had taken almost all of European Russia and were banging at the doors of Leningrad, Moscow and the Caucuses. When winter fell on the German troops they had plenty of winter gear but it was in Germany. OKW had thought the war would be over before winter and so the winter clothes and gear sat in Berlin. This is where priorities came to the front. The Nazis had enough trains to get the winter gear to their troops in plenty of time, but instead, those trains were used to bring Jews and Gypsies to the death camps. Meanwhile the flower of German youth froze to death in the frozen wastes of Russia.


Later in the war, in 1943 Germany was worried about Hungary flipping and signing a separate peace with Russia, as Romania had a month earlier, so Nazi Germany sponsored a coup. The coup brought loyal Nazis to power in Hungary. The Hungarian government had, until that point, been sheltering the Jews from deportation to the death camps, but the moment loyal Nazis took power they started rounding up Jews for extermination. Meanwhile Army Group Center was facing imminent collapse. They badly needed ammunition and supplies, but the German rail system was diverted from the war effort again to ship Jews who had escaped the campaign of extermination, to the death camps. The result was that Army Group Center collapsed creating a hole the Russian army could simply drive to Berlin through.


The evil empire, the Soviet Union, was also defeated by their own evil. Instead of building up their industry to improve the lot of people, the Soviet Union built a war machine, in the absence of war. Stalin the despot, would sign the execution papers for thousands of people a day, then watch his favorite swashbuckler. Millions were executed, sent to forced reeducation camps, tortured, shipped to Siberia as slave labor, whole races faced ethnic cleansing and suffering was universal among the people, while splendid luxury was the bailiwick of the Communist elite. The whole thing came crashing down because of the economic, social and cultural stresses such a system must build up.


ISIS is no different. The seeds of their destruction lay in their evil. How many have they murdered that otherwise would have helped them like the Nazis did in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia? Eventually they will divert essential war supplies to some evil end or turn on their allies just as the Nazis did. Even if they win and subject the entire world to tyranny their empire will not last a decade. The stresses such a system create will put an end to that perverted structure. Sadly, not until millions or maybe even billions of our fellow human beings have died horribly, will ISIS’ own evil defeat them. That is the cost to good people who allow evil to grow, and that is exactly what we have done. By voting in governments that not only allowed it to grow, but nurtured it for their own evil ends… we have become our own executioners.





John Pepin


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