Elitists Banning Democracy To Protect Democracy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in Germany, elitists are threatening to ban populists, to protect democracy. In their singular void of self awareness… despotic elitists are calling the populist AFD, a threat to democracy. People who openly avow that populism, (the ignorant grazing masses seeking their own interest), is evil. They must believe the opposite then… only the interests of the elite count. Which changes the nature of their rule from aristocracy to oligarchy. As the elite in Europe count on the miserable education system inculcating ignorance to the kids. People who don’t know what aristocracy or oligarchy are, won’t recognize them. Because if they’re told they live in a republic, but that word is never defined, any form of government becomes a “republic.” Even elitist despotism.

A republic requires more than one element. It’s the alloy of two or more traditional forms of government. Monarchy, aristocracy and democracy is the most common blend. A government where one person makes all the decisions with unlimited power is called a monarchy, or tyranny, if he or she rules for their own benefit instead of the benefit of the whole. Aristocracy is when a cadre of people are tasked with rule. Which becomes oligarchy when that cadre rule for their benefit at cost to everyone else. Our elites have softened the names aristocracy and oligarchy, becoming administrative state. To make their elitist despotism more palatable. Democracy, the form of government the elite pretend to love, is where the people make the decisions. Not an elected representative. That’s a republic.

An administrative state is an aristocracy. “Call a kitten what you will, but if a cat had a litter in the oven, I wouldn’t call ’em biscuits.” – old Yankee lore. The aristocrats are the bureaucrats, public servants, judges and the think tanks that put ideas in their heads. In our case… oligarchs. Does anyone really believe the elitist parties in Germany are banning the AFD because it’s a threat to the people? Only the deluded. They want to ban the AFD because it’s a threat to their unlimited power. The masses are no longer ceding to being despotically ruled. It’s the voice of the people saying, “Enough is enough!” Now that’s a voice the elite want silenced. Banning the party that represents the people, and only allowing the people to vote for elitist parties, is one seriously corrupt thing to do.

Democracy is literally the voice of the ignorant grazing masses. Banning parties then is effectively ripping out the people’s tongue. In Europe, the masses have had their teeth removed to facilitate chewing pablum, and now with no tongue, the folks being replaced will soon have no option other than to choke on it and die… as the elite apparently want. The trouble is, people tend to get irate at being targeted for extermination. Even those without voice or teeth to gnash. Because everyone has a brain to exercise. That brain can be much more dangerous than a tongue, or teeth, because it can devise far more deadly mechanisms than a fang. Back people into a corner, and they may come at the elite voiceless and toothless, but with an obsidian dagger in hand.

Banning a political party is the naked application of elitist power against populism. It’s the elite telling the people who we can vote for and who we can’t… or else. Enforced by violence their edict against democracy defines despotic. If one knows what the word despotic means. The elite can call their unjust egoistic actions anything they want… but we still have eyes, despite being ordered not to use them. If their scheme works and the AFD is banned from running in this election, that action will seal the pressure relief mechanism that is democracy. Building pressure until the whole thing blows. If it does, Germans are notoriously smart. If cornered… who knows what sort of obsidian the Germans could come up with, and fashion into an implement to protect themselves from an out of control elite?


John Pepin

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