Elite Jokes

Dear friends,

A bureaucrat and a clergyman died and went to heaven. After accepting them, Saint Peter led the clergyman to a small room with only a table, chair and bed. The bureaucrat became worried at this. Until Saint Peter stopped at a huge mansion, teeming with angelic servants. The Bureaucrat asked why he got such a nice place while the good clergyman’s was so humble. Saint Peter said, “You have to realize, we get thousands of clergymen a year… but you’re the first bureaucrat we’ve ever seen.”

What do you call a bag of feed? A feedbag, What do you call a bag of groceries? A grocery bag. What do you call a bag of scum? Joe Biden.

Men are bold, adventurous and a bit pathological, while women are nurturing, protective and a bit neurotic, and progressives are just bat shit crazy.

Government is a system so the unproductive can control the productive, the stupid can command the wise, and the parasite can call itself the host.

Entrepreneurs innovate technology, scientists innovate knowledge, and lawyers innovate ways around the law.

I saw that rioters surrounded the White House the other day, they chanted violent slogans, engaged in iconoclasm and beat police… and no one was arrested. Good thing too, anti Americans have Rights!

George Soros, Biden and Rothschild could care less about nuclear war… they’re to senile to know better.

Biden was driving through an Indian reservation and came upon some Cherokee banging drums. He told his driver to stop. Biden asked them what they were doing. One Cherokee said, “We bang on drums and the echo from that mountain gives us deep insights about ourselves.” Biden asked if he could see. The Indian asked the heavens, “How do I get rich?” He banged the drum. The echo said, “Thrift…” Biden asked if he could try? The Indian handed him the drumstick. Biden shouted to the heavens, “How can democrats win the election?” He banged on the drum as hard as he could. The echo responded, “Drop out…”

Mothers are loving as fathers are protecting… and the state is both smothering mother and drunken father.

Government staunchly protects freedom of opinion and expression… as long as you express protected opinions.


John Pepin

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