Dear Friends,
It seems to me, even as Andrew Breitbart said, “Politics is downstream from culture…” I believe, all outcomes are downstream from culture. From likely life outcomes, to seemingly unconnected qualities, like intelligence. The culture someone is born into and raised in decides who and what they’ll become. The older I get the less I believe genetics is the final factor. It could be argued that within the “Overton window” of probable outcomes, genetics plays a role… but not in determining what falls within that cultural Overton window’s view. You don’t see many Zulus becoming rocket scientists, not because of any deficiency in them, but their culture is antithetical to it. Just as you don’t see many NASA scientists able to kill an antelope with a spear. The cultural incentives are different.
The idea of an Overton window is a political term, meaning the area of allowable political thought. I’ve lifted it and applied it to the area of likely life outcome. The cultural Overton window of probable life outcomes. Someone raised in the culture of an Amazon tribe without contact with the outside world, may have the genetics to be a genius, but the culture is insufficient for that outcome. They may become a medicine man, midwife or tribe elder, but they won’t find an error in Einstein’s equations. The Overton window of probable life outcome then, of someone raised in the Amazon in a hunter gatherer society, will be far removed from the Overton window of someone raised in a household of college professors. The primary difference is in culture… not genetics.
Likely life outcome then is downstream of culture. If we accept this as the case, then wouldn’t it behoove us to list those traits that lend a people to be happy, healthy, and prosperous? Then put them in our culture? If those are indeed traits that we value in ourselves and in others. If we can’t figure out how to navigate towards a happy, healthy and prosperous culture. We could identify those traits that lead us away from prosperity, health and fulfilled lives… and go the opposite way. That at least would get us generally in the right direction. Once we get closer maybe we can recognize those qualities that will get us all the way there. Qualities like, a work ethic, honesty, empathy, trustworthiness, curiosity, and love of family. These traits have always led a people to prosperity, happiness and health.
If we accept this as true, that the Overton window of likely life outcome, is based on cultural incentives, and that culture can be changed… then we should examine why our culture aligns with our wants… or is at odds with it. Our culture doesn’t seem to value hard work as a reward in it’s own right. The culture actually dissuades young people from having a strong work ethic. Leading to poverty and lowered GDP. The problems associated with obesity and lack of exercise are causing a health crisis. The curious are now conspiracy theorists. Add to that, out of control crime, as well as poor family formation, and we have a culture that makes people poor, sick and depressed. The exact opposite of the culture we should be striving for.
Our culture is the result of the cultural elite’s efforts. They’re the ones who decide if the culture will be toxic or wholesome. Ask yourself, “How many TV shows, movies and news casts… are wholesome?” Do our children’s movies raise them or lower them? Are we surrounded by beauty or ugliness? Why? Why is it our cultural elites foist a toxic culture on us. The results are, birth rates below replacement, depression, diminishing general wealth, dropping life expectancy, and hopelessness, along with it’s leprous triplets, drug use, crime and alcoholism. Why indeed. Why not use our purchasing power to make our toxic culture wholesome? Identify and eliminate the agenda that’s driving the culture to be toxic. Because joy, health and prosperity are downstream from culture… as is politics.
John Pepin