Democracy Affirming Fraud

Dear Comrades,

It seems to me, Italy needs mail in voting and they need it retroactively, to save democracy! Because, as we all know, there is no greater threat to democracy than elections. Allowing anyone to have a say is absurd. They could ignorantly vote in a populist for heavens sake! Imagine if a populist, like Trump or Meloni, managed to get their pro human policies through! Such people, voted in by the most grounded, would return the US to Constitutional norms, and Italy to prosperity, low crime and insuring individual Rights. Worse than that, those policies will weaken the power of the administrative state, the experts will have less ability to force their ideas on humanity, how could the hoi polloi be so far sighted? Therefore, elections in Europe need to be reigned in, with mail in voting, to protect democracy.

Mail in voting protects the voting Rights of the dead, aliens and the elite. That is why any attempt to do signature verification is a direct threat to democracy. Everyone knows the dead have terrible penmanship. Arbitrarily enforcing the election laws are another way to protect democracy from the voters. Open and honest counting of the votes is a problem, the elite address in the US, by making the counting process a black box. They could use that innovation in Europe as well. All the people need to have is an opportunity to vote, have their voices heard, in the privacy of the voting booth. Clearly, anyone who votes for their self interest instead of the elite’s, shouldn’t have a say anyway. The citizenry of nations have had too much power for too long, the elite can fix that, with election innovations.

How do we know democracy is threatened by voters today? They voted in Trump, twice, and if not for the democracy affirming fraud, he would be in office right now. Then there is Giorgia Meloni in Italy. If she is to be believed, she is a populist, perish the thought! Therefore she has to go. First the elite will vilify her by calling her what they are. Then they will fabricate some criminal charge to throw at her. If that doesn’t stick, criminal charges are as easy to come up with as paper and a pen. Rest assured the elite in Europe will follow the template the elite in the US used against Trump. Meloni will not get elected again, if it takes another worldwide pandemic and open election fraud, to get rid of her. Killing her or Trump would make them martyrs, like it did Kennedy… but I am sure it’s not off the table.

Elitism is rule by the experts, an oligarchy of the smartest, best educated and most omniscient people ever born. We have the surveillance state to thank for our omniscience. Given absolute power in an unlimited global government by an unaccountable administrative state, the experts could create Hell on Earth in no time. While populism is rule by the grazing masses. The most ignorant people who have ever lived. Because of our public stupification system. Taught to be mere worker ants, without a thought to their own well being, or that of their offspring. Not self interested individuals with autonomy and agency. Let alone the franchise. That is why us elite have to censor disinformation, pervert law enforcement and practice election fraud, to save the people from obesity, ideas and salvation.

I am sure the courts in Italy can be relied upon to fix the situation there. They have done a splendid job here in the US. Violating every norm of jurisprudence, constitutional limit and legal precedent to get Trump. Utterly discrediting themselves in the process. Very progressive of them. One fix could be to legislate from the bench, retroactive mail in voting in Italy, for the last election. Then print up the needed votes to get the elitist in, and voila, problem solved. She retroactively lost the election fair and square. In the future, populists must be excluded, as we have done in the past. Merely vilifying them is not working anymore, they need to be excluded altogether, but for now, election affirming fraud will save us from democracy… and us elite, from the consequences for our crimes against humanity.


John Pepin

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