
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, democracy may be a thing of the past, what we have now is corruptocracy. How could I say such an incendiary thing? Because it’s true. Across the planet the elite are clamping down on the voice of the people in their charge. Using censorship, lawfare and election fraud. In Brazil the newly “elected” dictator for life (or until deposed), has declared free speech verboten. I’ve heard it said that in some cultures you get one vote one time… but I’m starting to think, we only get the appearance of one vote one time. The new dictator is already chosen by the elite before we get anywhere near a voting booth. In Zimbabwe as well as the United States. In the US, we have a faction that requires an ID to exist, but not to vote. Then, with all the technology they bring to bear, take weeks to count it.

How can we have any confidence in the outcome of an election where the courts have ruled aliens can vote? What other country allows me to vote in their elections? Every illegally cast vote literally disenfranchises a citizen who legally voted the other way. That we have an entire faction that constantly tries to take away our Rights, and wanted to force us to carry vaccination passports, opposes any laws toward election integrity? I suspect it’s because they have no integrity. Democracy requires legitimacy, integrity and honesty. Lacking any of these, no one can have confidence in the outcome of an election. Which effectively, rips out the tongue of the people, leaving only our teeth. Leading to societal upheavals. Which may be the short term goal. To sow chaos as the means to utopia.

Democracy means nothing if the elite choose who rules instead of the people. When the elite choose that’s called tyranny, oligarchy or despotism. Not democracy nor polity. Democracy is when the people vote, one voter one vote, to make governmental decisions. If the people’s vote is massaged with fraudulent votes, propaganda and jailing those who question it, that reduces the enterprise from democracy to something else. Corruptocracy perhaps. Rule by the corrupt. In this case those corrupt enough to manipulate an election to gain power. A corruptocracy that has the perceived legitimacy of a democratically elected government. It takes the collusion of the legal system, the courts and a mockingbird media to pull such a thing off. All of which are wielded by the progressive faction.

In ancient Rome they had the Consular system. In it, the patricians would run for office and the plebeians would vote. The patricians could hold office but couldn’t vote themselves in. The plebeians couldn’t hold office but could vote for their rulers. The system insured limited government, and thus liberty… pretty well, until it was broken. Like ours. We had a pretty good system but it no longer suits the wants of the elite. So they’ve perverted it. When non citizens get a voting card to vote in local elections, but are on scouts honor not to vote in national elections, many do. How many non citizen votes are we supposed to tolerate? Mail in voting is an election fraud magnet. Proven in 2020 by James O’Keeffe. Nevertheless, it remains a vector for election fraud to this day.

It defies reason that it takes weeks to count the vote using digital computers and tallying machines. When it only took one day back when they were hand counted. Then again, the elite might argue, with mail in voting it’s going to take awhile to get all the votes in, then open them, destroy the envelope, do a signature match if it’s a vote the elite don’t want, then count the leftist vote. In Venezuela, Brazil, and the US. Because of the rise of populist parties in England, France and Germany. Europe will soon follow. Once that happens, democracy will be a thing of the past. Replaced by corruptocracy. Rule by the corrupt willing to pervert elections for power. Not only in third world countries, Canada and the US, but the whole world. Global corporatist elitism, a WWC… World Wide Corruptocracy.


John Pepin

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