Measuring Good And Evil

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, that without empathy, sympathy and indeed kindness, the concept of evil would be impossible to understand. Since it is only through the lens of empathy, kindness and sympathy can we even see evil. For without kindness, evil simply is. Concepts need metrics. The opposite is true as well. That without hatred, anger and wrath we could not understand the good. We can say that in these cases, the opposite gives meaning. Like cold and hot. Without feeling the one we cannot understand the concept of the other. If you have never been cold, how do you know you are hot, and if you have never been hot, how do you know you are cold? Far from an eclectic thought experiment, these ideas have real world implications. That goodness needs evil and evil needs goodness… is one example.

Vulcans (if they existed) would not be able to grasp good or evil. Ethics for such people would consist entirely of calculated profit. If a strange dog helps you, it did it out of a sense of good and evil. On the other hand, if a theoretical Vulcan helped you, it would necessarily be out of a calculated sense of profit. Since Vulcans have no emotions, thus no sense of right and wrong. Why is a dog’s ethics better than a Vulcan’s profit calculation… if I am helped anyway? For several reasons. The first requires a sense of right and wrong to understand. The dog’s action, motivated by ethics is selfless, and therefore pure hearted. The Vulcan’s is essentially a selfish capitalistic exchange. Not immoral but not selfless either. Which means the Vulcan’s help (goodness) will always be contingent while the dog’s is not.

Therefore good and evil are deeper concepts than simply actions but of motivations and perspective. When a farmer cuts the head off a chicken, from the chicken’s point of view and evil has been done. From the farmer’s perspective a good has been done, and from a neutral perspective… it depends on the frame of reference (perspective) of the viewer. An observer who identifies with the chicken will see evil, where one who identifies with the farmer, will see good. A truly objective observer might see everything differently, depending if they have empathy, kindness and sympathy in their hearts, or coldness, selfishness and pride. Leading us to conclude that good and evil are not amenable to objective calculations but are basically subjective feelings.

Some may fall away there, and say if good and evil are “merely” subjective feelings, then why consider them at all? I might offer that our feelings are often the most important things in our lives at any given moment. At least we live as they are. I say that because there is not one among us who has not been overwhelmed by emotion at one time or another. How can we dismiss a thing that can overwhelm us? Only a fool pretends that something that can usurp our consciousness is irrelevant. Nevertheless, can a subjective thing be objectively measured? Again I would offer yes. Everything we measure objectively is based on subjective experience. We all subjectively experience red as a color and agree it is red. The same is true of an inch, a horse and cold. Making every objective observation subjective at its core.

If good and evil are subjective feelings, dependent on context and deeper than mere actions and motivations, then how can we ever measure the good or the bad? By using the aggregate subjective experience as a guide… as we do inches, colors and indeed horses. You and I can tell when we walk outside if it is cold or hot. Therefore we can also tell if a thing is good or evil, if we have kindness, empathy and sympathy in our hearts. Since we can now understand good and evil, and every human hearted person wants more good and less evil in the world, (although the elimination of all evil means the elimination of good as well). Then we are left with the Golden rule as the measure of good and evil, both subjective and objective in the aggregate, and reciprocity in response.


John Pepin

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A System For Great Men

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there always have been, there are and there always will be, what Thrasymachus deemed, “Great Men.” That is why the elite are building a global totalitarian corporatocracy. They are constructing a system for “great men,” such as themselves, for the future. The old system that serves humanity, the US founding Fathers set up, is of no use to great men. In fact, the old enlightenment system is toxic to great men, because it was designed to be so. This epic transformation has been over a century in the making, but it is finally, almost, here. The globalist fascist system the elite are creating, for the human race to toil under, is far more to the liking of great men. For only under such a system, can great men grasp the power they want and indeed, need.

There is a story of Caesar riding past a poor Gaulic town, when one of his friends asked Caesar, How would you like to have been born there… To which Caesar replied, I would rather rule there than serve in Rome. Another story has Caesar weeping at the feet of a statue of Alexander. Because Alexander had conquered the whole world, by the time he was Caesar’s age, and yet Caesar had not conquered even Rome. What these stories explain is the mindset of “great men.” They do not think as you or I do, they think in terms of rule, power and control. They measure their success by their power. They care not whether we want their rule, or if their rule will usher in famine, ruin or disease, they only want to rule. The rest is irrelevant unless it serves their insatiable hunger to rule over us.

Great men by definition have no scruples. In his biography of Alexander, Plutarch said, the only really bad thing Alexander ever did was to have every man woman and child in a city, killed. Other than that, Alexander wasn’t that bad a guy. Oh, and there was that time he got drunk, and killed one of his best friends. Then again, Alexander was the epitome of, a Great Man. While lesser men would be severely punished for murdering someone in a drunken rage, great men were never held to that standard… until recently. Once our great men establish the system they are forging, in the crucible of chaos, their rightful place will once again be reestablished. If a great man (or woman) stumbles, and slaughters everyone in a city, nation or heck, the human race, who are mundanes to complain?

When great men find themselves corralled by customs, constitutions and laws, they set about changing those impediments to launching boards. They always use subterfuge as their means though. Whether it be by changing language, perverting law, or propaganda, their plays are well rehearsed. From Bernays and Goebbels came an entire science of how to manipulate us cattle into taking our stanchion. In this way the great men can seize the place they deserve. Those that are unwilling to violate all ethics and morals to usurp the throne… are simply not great men. Today the great men decide who we can vote for, giving us the illusion of control, when the control is theirs. That’s why they became unhinged when Trump won. His morality might derail the gravy train.

Today’s great men inhabit our corporate board rooms, run our governments and are members of the WEF, Davos crowd and attend the Bohemian Grove. They have been scheming for centuries to destroy the capitalistic, individualistic and self sufficient system they inherited, for one where they would rule from the top of an unlimited totalitarian global empire, the like of which the world has never seen before… and will last a thousand years! One where the great men will be able to be great men, vie for power like Hittite princes, breed us in their eugenics experiments, control us with omniscient eyes, and rule as they see fit, without the possibility of us rising up ever again, because we will be in our rightful station… poor, ignorant and dependent. To that end, they are proceeding nicely, very progressive.


John Pepin

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You Are Being Manipulated

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the manipulations are all around us, in the media, film and the internet. News stories like, “Man shoots robber,” manipulate us in a myriad of ways. They normalize killing people, make robbers more deadly and teach that human life is not all that valuable. That lesson is then applied when the elite want to minimize someone’s death. If human life is not all that important, killing so and so, is not that big a deal. Unless the government wants to be. Killing an innocent unborn child is perfectly legal today, but executing a serial killer is unconstitutional in many states, for example. Minimizing the value of human life is only one pernicious way we are being manipulated. The manipulators are clever, immoral and have a textbook how to manipulate us, written by history’s greatest villains.

Our children are being manipulated by the State, not to improve their life outcomes, but to lower them. There is a recent report in Geller that those pushing the “trans” movement are perverts of the highest order. I’ll not repeat what it says here because the story is too horrifying to relate. Check out the link if you want to be violently ill. The worse people who ever lived are manipulating our children into self sterilization, opiate addiction, hopelessness, aborting the babies that come from being molested, giving up on a normal life, believing in absurdities and anti God. The things the elite refuse to teach our kids in the public schools are, reading, writing, math, history and arts. Those things might empower the children to advance and live a good life. The opposite of what the elite want for our kids.

Whatever the media trumpets, is a narrative to distract, dissuade and confuse us. The (hoax) story of the Supreme Court supposedly overturning Roe v Wade is only a distraction and a way to galvanize the rusting democrat base. It distracts from the Durham probe and the shocking (to the manipulated) allegations about the source of the Russia collusion hoax leveled against Trump. The unbiased mockingbird media distracts us from seeing the ugly truths like, inflation, potential nuclear war, the replacement of the US population, rapidly approaching famine, out of control crime, hundreds of thousands a year dying of opiate overdoses, and our plummeting standard of living. These ugly truths are so damning, we need to be distracted with hoaxes like the Roe v Wade lie.

Another thing the manipulators suppressed was the Biden lap top story. Can anyone argue with a straight face, that the news was suppressed just before the election, to protect the people from disinformation, or, was it a naked manipulation to get enough people to vote for the dementia patient, so the election fraud could do it’s work? Trump came into office facing a special council investigating everything Trump had done since he was a child… due to a hoax. Meanwhile, Biden entered office under a cloud of election fraud, the lap top allegations and stomping on the Jan 6 protester’s Rights, yet there has not been a single call, even from republicans, for a special council? Why is that? Are establishment republicans also being manipulated… or are they among the manipulators?

The only way not to be manipulated today is to disconnect. Any interaction with the media, culture and society, is pure manipulation. The elite know they have no effective argument and so they have resorted to manipulating us into self harm. Every word they say is a manipulation. Don’t believe anything the elite say is the only way to stop being subject to their manipulations. Now you have been shown the manipulation… I pray you harden yourself against it. Talk to others about the lies. If we are aware of the propaganda, distractions and lies, they have much less effect. This is what we need to strive for, that everyone know the elite are liars, who do nothing but lie, because they are, psychopathic manipulators, that the elite today are the worse people who ever lived… and give their word its due.


John Pepin

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Contracts, Constitutions and Cads

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if one party to a contract usurps the power to unilaterally change it at their whim, the other party by reciprocity has the same right, and if denied by the threat of violence, the contract becomes a surrogate for slave papers. The party that is enslaved by the threat of violence is subject to the morality of the usurping party, the party without ethics… else it wouldn’t use violence or even violate a contract in the first place. I think this is pretty obvious to most people when looked at in this clinical manner, yet when we are the aggrieved party, often we fail to understand objectively we are even aggrieved, let alone do anything about it. The reason we all understand at a gut level the truth of this, is because we all have a sense of fairness, and this violates that sense in a profound way.

If you bought a car, paid for it and the seller withheld the car doubling the cost, and unwilling to refund the money you have already paid, you would feel aggrieved. If he demanded the money and had two goons beat it out of you, you would feel achy the next day… and further aggrieved. If then, the car salesman only gave you the keys but not the car. You might want to get even but know he would have you beat to a pulp should you try. So most people just take the bus, their car keys poking their thighs from their pocket. In times and places where violence is the arbiter of right and wrong, this is ever the case. The sanctioned violent are always right. The “sanctioned” are those who’s faction, group or entity has captured the courts, media and bureaucracy, in short, they have political favor.

Much of humanity’s struggles have been fought around violated contracts, pacts and treaties. The US founding fathers understood this and said as much. Warning that treaties be avoided, but once entered into, be enforced. They took contracts seriously. Since then, an entire industry has sprung up to get cads out of commitments, the legal industry. Moreover, another of its primary functions is to use contracts to harm instead of facilitate. Zuckerberg screwing his friends out of Facebook for example. A lawyer’s role, is to exploit law to do as much damage to the economy as possible, to enrich himself and the legal industry. He who has the better lawyer wins… in a court of law, proving our courts are political. That’s why contracts that harm the elite get nullified, while those that harm the people, enforced.

Using a contract as substitute for slave papers is just malevolent. In the past courts have ruled that one cannot sign over their Constitutional Rights, to a corporation or individual. I wonder if they will continue to maintain that stance now though, under the corporatocracy they helped build. Corporatocracy doesn’t simply mean rule by corporations, but that all of society and the economy be marshaled under the state, to one end. It is how Goebbels defined his system, and the same idea as the World Economic Forum’s, Stakeholder Capitalism. Under these systems, or system, the individual is reduced to the chattel of the elite. A system where the elite make rules they themselves are not subject to. A system the ancient Greeks called… arbitrary rule.

This argument is never more true, than when the elite use a Constitution in this manner, not following a single tenet themselves, but using it to legitimize their tyranny. This sin is magnified as the elite are reduced to increasingly use violence, to enforce their rule, because they have abandoned the legitimate authority derived from the Constitution. One way to judge the reliability of a friend is to watch how reliable they are with others. A friend, or government, that lies to everyone else… also lies to you. To trust a proven liar, who abandons legitimate authority for the authority that flows from the barrel of a gun, is stupid, or done out of the fear of violence. Either way, it is submitting to a bully. Those who submit to bullies accept perpetual bullying, it is only those that stand up, who become free.


John Pepin

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Human Speciecide

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite’s war on us is going very well, heck, most of us haven’t even realized we are being systematically exterminated. How could I make such a shocking statement? Because reality. If we only look at statistics, the death rate among young people is up between 40% and 80% depending on the source. They do all agree that the youth are dying in astounding numbers. Some from overdoses, others from suicide and many from side effects of the experimental biological agent the elite forced us to take. Then there is the artificial famine the elite are creating from whole cloth. Obviously, calling for nuclear war is a suboptimal path to our species expansion, longevity and health. Why do they hate us so much they are committing speciecide? Because many of us voted for Trump.

Let us review recent history. The CDC, NIH and Fauci transferred the technology and funded the creation of the Wuhan flu. Then covered it up. The release might have been from stupidity else as a means to get the unsanctioned Trump from office. Then the elite refused treatment to the victims of their novel corona virus. That little trick magnified the death count tenfold or more. They created a biological agent that they called a vaccine, lied about it’s safety and effectiveness, then mandated it. The deaths from that will probably collapse our healthcare system in the next decade. The shut downs that were billed to fight covid resulted in an astounding rise in suicides, drug overdoses and hopelessness. Then there is the artificial famine the elite are creating… for our enjoyment.

The war in Ukraine has cut wheat, fertilizer and palm oil production and export, from Ukraine and Russia. The western elite magnified the issue by regulating the railroads out of shipping fertilizer and diesel fuel additive to farmers in the US breadbasket. Then there are the ongoing terrorist attacks (probably by the FBI or some other government agency) on our food production facilities. Famine has always been the means socialist have used to get rid of unwanted elements in society. Look at the Ukrainians in the 1930s for example. The world wide famine that is rapidly approaching sets up the ideal conditions for a great reset. Where we are reduced to slaves, slaves to people who would slaughter millions to make a point… slaves to subhumans without the ethics of a rabid dog.

Calling for nuclear war is as psychopathic as it gets. There have been rumors for decades that the elite have vast underground bunkers with which to set out Armageddon, and the fallout, to reemerge with an army and take over the starving mutants, that are left of our posterity. A normal human being would be ashamed of creating such suffering on a global scale, not our elite, they lack shame as well as a conscience, ethics and a heart. Satan himself shudders at their evil. Creating a pandemic, denying treatment to the victims, shutting down the economy leading to shortages, inflation and famine, burning food processing plants to the ground, using false flags to create a goblin and trying to get a nuclear war going. Their eternal reward is all but guaranteed.

The elite have a plan, and they are not even secret about it, read the Georgia guide stones. They lay it out, reduce the population by 80-90%. Of course, those that think that way, will never lead by example. They expect us to die so they can have the world to themselves. Which goes to show, there is no filling up a hog, no satisfying an addict and no trusting a demon…. all of which the elite today epitomize. It is all out in the open and yet most refuse to see. Probably because it is too ugly a truth to acknowledge. Yet truth it is. There is a war on between the elite and us. They are waging it with all the gusto of the Nazis in Operation Barbarossa. The only question is, will they win and exterminate us, or will we win, and they get their just comeuppances?


John Pepin

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Changing The Course Of History

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our choices reverberate throughout the ages, whether we like it or not. How many times could the course of history have been changed, by someone, anyone, saying or doing the right thing at the right time? That still holds true today. If someone says the right thing at the right time, in the right place, it can goad a politician off stage, change the movements of armies and bring into being a future that everyone before had thought impossible. There are many examples of an orator changing the course of history. Alcibiades urging Athens to war in Sicily, Marius calling for the execution of his rival faction and Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. Often, it matters not who says it, but that it is said. How many times then has history gone wrong, because someone kept his or her mouth shut?

The adage that a butterflies wings can cause a hurricane across the planet, actually means, the future can only be predicted in the near term, due to the fact that there are too many variables that pile up over time. It has also come to be understood as meaning a very small cause can lead to mammoth effects. Both definitions are true enough, so I will use the second. A small action by an individual, at the right time in the right place can change the world for the better… or worse. The implication is terrifying. That you and I have power far beyond anything we can imagine. Our little fantasies that we are powerless, are just that… fantasies we tell ourselves so we don’t have to confront the scary reality of the incredible might we wield, so drunkenly. So we pretend we are irrelevant… and watch Masked Singer instead.

History is made by small events that grow into larger ones. Who knows, if Gavillo Princip had met someone who gave him a change of heart, maybe WWI might have been averted? Instead he assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and we were off to the races. Which means, when you interact with random strangers, they could be a Gavillo Princip, Lee Harvey Oswald or James Earl Ray. One option would be to shoot everyone you meet, just in case, but that is a sub optimal strategy. Another tactic might be to treat everyone like you yourself would want to be treated if you were in their circumstances. In that way, by humanizing everyone, Gavillo might have gone home instead of changing the world for the worse. Uncountable wars have been averted by human heartedness.

History is like a river and we are flotsam caught in the current. Except we are not flotsam, we have agency, mouths and will. Even the mightiest river can be diverted by a random stick changing it’s channel, you and I are not only a stick, but a stick that is intelligent. If we want to change the course of history for the better, all we need do is find that place where we can lodge, and even the least among us can put humanity on another course. In fact, the more powerful the current the easier it is to cut a new riverbed. If only one stick, in the right place can change the course of the greatest river, and has, then how much easier would it be for tens, thousands or millions of intelligent sticks, each looking for just the right place to wedge, diverting the river of time’s course for the better?

No one knows when or where that right time or place is, so to insure we don’t miss an opportunity to change the course of history for the better, we should speak our minds, follow the Golden rule and expose treachery when we see it. Solzhenitsyn said that lies lead to gulags. I think he is right. Don’t parrot a lie just because it is convenient, that temporary convenience will lead to a lifetime of regret. Moreover, leading by example has more power than you can imagine. Others who might be too timid to stand often have a backbone infusion when seeing another use his. You are not powerless, that is what the malevolent forces at work in the world want you to think. Your power is angelic if you want it to be. Else you can become mesmerized, by the glittering lie… your a weakling.


John Pepin

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Seditious Conspiracy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, seditious conspiracy (the charge the Oath keepers are facing) can only be committed against the Constitution, and never the government. Why? Because sedition is committed against the authority. In the US the authority is the US Constitution. Which demands the government be constantly challenged by the people’s speech, our conspiring in our churches and even resorting to violence if it becomes absolutely necessary. It is as simple as that. The people do not exist to serve government, government exists to serve the people. People can engage in insurrection against a government but sedition can only be committed against the founding authority. Which means that if the federal government charges anyone that pledges themselves to our Constitution, as written and meant with seditious conspiracy, it proves that government itself is guilty of seditious conspiracy.

The first thing we have to establish is that the government derives all of its authority from the Constitution. The Constitution doesn’t exist to serve the needs of those in government, those in government are there to serve the needs of the Constitution. If a government ceases to serve the Constitution, and instead uses it to cover their naked oppression, then that government is conspiring against our Constitution, and is no longer legitimate. Since it has voided the very document that its legitimacy comes from. Because a government is elected, doesn’t mean it has legitimate authority, unless that election was done under Constitutional restraints, and that government rules within Constitutional limits. The US Constitution is a “charter of negative liberties…” limiting government.

Conspiracy means people getting together and planning something. What is illegal is planning a bank heist. With the caveat, that a bank heist is a far less heinous, socially destructive or as pernicious a crime as conspiring against our Constitution. Conspiring to get the federal government to follow the Constitution can never be seditious, since it is not against the Constitution, but against a government that is seditiously conspiring against our Constitution. By definition, anything that government does is a conspiracy. Federal bureaucrats conspire to, regulate the extraction of energy, how farmers must farm and that your children be indoctrinated in the State religion, atheism, not one of which is Constitutionally allowed… before the Supreme court shredded our Constitutional protections.

Sedition is the act of overthrowing a legitimate government by subversive means. A government can only be legitimate if it follows the Constitution, else changes it in a manner that the Constitution itself has set forth. In the case of the US Constitution, the manner to which it is legitimately changed is lengthy and arduous. The Supreme court was never meant to change it arbitrarily, to “keep up with the times.” In fact the process to change it was intentionally difficult so that it would not follow the fashion of the times. They knew it is wise to follow fashion in dress but to follow custom in lifestyle. Fashions change with the wind while customs are built out of the life experiences of generations of people. A Constitution must not follow fashion… yet the elite have perverted it so.

Seditious conspiracy is exactly what the government is engaged in when it charges Oath Keepers with seditious conspiracy. The Federal government is following Bill Ayers urging to would be tyrants, to “Charge the enemy with what you yourself are doing…” How can anyone with a straight face, honestly and without shame, argue that a government that has a department of disinformation, shut down churches and has federal law enforcement agencies that are obviously dedicated to the seditious overthrow of our Constitution… is legitimate? Moreover, creating false flags like the Whitmer kidnapping hoax and the Jan 6 Reichstag fire, then charging the dupes with seditious conspiracy, proves beyond a doubt the government is guilty of seditious conspiracy.


John Pepin

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Will The Elite Moral Hazard Us Into A Nuclear War?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it is very possible our stumble bum elite could flounder into a nuclear war with Russia, possibly ending the human race. The ultimate failure for any elite, which would make the elite that blow up the planet, ultra losers. Failures like famine, disease, war and oppression are common points of failure for the elite, but it takes a stupid fool of a higher order… to end the world. Nevertheless, that is exactly the path today’s elite have set the world on. If they have bunkers built and stocked up to cozy it out, while the rest of us sweat it out up here in a nuclear wasteland, then it would seem they have it all well in hand, for themselves. The elite can arise, once the radiation has subsided, and re-fight their war for world domination. To that end… they are willing to fight to the last of us.

Let’s go with the stumble bum theory for now and set aside the idea they are actually evil beyond reckoning. This is clearly a reasonable position given the track record of the elite. If not for them, and their interference, this world would actually be the utopia they claim to want to create. Giving a stupid fool power is a sub optimal trajectory, to hit the target of Eden on Earth, giving them unlimited power is an optimal trajectory to hit Hell on earth though. Moreover, playing along with their rantings, like only a biologist can tell the difference between a woman and a man, birthing people could be men, but only woman have a say on abortion, whatever and whoever the hell they are… Absurdities, where the logic is not at all consistent even to the point of insanity, are required to be believed, then repeated.

You have to wonder what the elite are up to in Ukraine. Not just because they are willing to burn the world down in a nuclear fire, but the second Trump touched that third rail, the elite impeached him at mach 3. It could be the bio labs that rumors claim were set up to create race specific epidemics. Race specific means the virus would target people… of Slavic ancestry, for example. The ideal place to do this would be a client state Slavic country, that has no real legal protections for the people, so innocent Slavs can be used as lab rats. You know… like Ukraine. I don’t think that is sufficient though. I worry there is something more subtle, evil and disgusting going on. Something the elite are loathe to stop. The mockingbird media will never expose it. They would rather watch their children’s faces melt.

If the elite have bunkers all built and ready for them, then they can be as stupid as they want and there will be few consequences for their idiocy… for them. We will be severely punished for allowing such morons to run the show however. There will be no bunkers for us, we just paid for them, for them. The insurance world has a term for it, the term is moral hazard. When someone knows they are protected in case of disaster, they will take less care, because of that perceived safety, and in many instances bring on that very disaster, by not taking care. Could today’s elite might simply be engaging in moral hazard since they have bunkers to wait out the nuclear winter? Then there is the possibility that they are not taking the care of someone else property as they would their own.

In the end, it really doesn’t matter if the elite are stupid beyond all sense of comprehension, or villains determined to destroy the universe, we will suffer the consequences… not them. The existence of underground bunkers for the elite are a poorly kept secret. Making moral hazard or a lackadaisical attitude towards other people’s property a very real and dangerous possibility. No matter what the elite are up to in Ukraine, we can count on the media that calls itself unbiased, to cover it up. The media today is worthless as dog poop on the side of your heel. Morons or connivers, they have proved their power needs to be reigned in, not expanded. The world rests in the balance. We still can write, call and email the elite with our opinions. “Not to speak is to speak…” Bonhoeffer.


John Pepin

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Lies, Manipulation and Roe v Wade

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the strange leak that the Supreme Court is supposedly overturning Roe v Wade, is not only odd that here was a leak, but timely, in that it diverts attention from the nation’s ills created by the democrats, and will reliably turn out democrat voters this November. Not that I would lament the return of sanity to the US judicial system, but we don’t know if this is even true, especially since pathological liars have verified it. The news could be nothing but psychological operations on us grazing masses. Else it could be a way to push some justices into voting one way or another? Until the Supreme Court releases an actual verdict, and returns to Constitutional rule or maintains rule by the administrative state authorized by judicial fiat, we cannot know. Which means the news is nothing but propaganda.

Since the media are pathological liars only a simpleton would take them at their word. Especially with something as controversial as the Right to life. Just as the progressive faction is trying to get infanticide legalized in the US the Supreme Court is suddenly going to overturn Roe v Wade? Why that absurd ruling and not another? Why do it now, just before an election that looks to be a landslide against the interests of the administrative state and its proponents? John Roberts has voiced his opposition to Buck v Bell, yet overlooked a golden opportunity to use the recent covid mandates, to overturn it. Why? Nothing we are being told makes any real sense outside of a political lens. In these conditions it is the height of folly to believe a known liar. They are clearly manipulating us.

We know the justices on the Supreme court, even those appointed by Trump, are quislings for the administrative state. They don’t rule based on the Constitution… but based on the edicts of the Davos crowd, popular opinion among the snobs and their dark master’s orders. Nothing they do forwards Constitutional limits but advances the interests of the administrative state. Expert rule, by the experts, for the experts, managed by experts. What could go wrong? All the experts agree, they would be the best rulers, and they are the experts. With only a very few exceptions, everyone on the Supreme court thinks themselves an expert and identifies with the managerial class of experts. So we have to consider these facts as we assess why this ruling, why leak it… and why now?

The polls appear to say the democrats are going to get shellacked in the midterms this year. Biden has had glowing press for two years as the policies he is implementing have systematically destroyed the United States of America. Even with the operation mockingbird media behind him, his poll numbers and those of the entire progressive faction, have plummeted. Facts speak for themselves despite all the propaganda in the world. The destruction, whether intentional or by stupidity, is dragging down the credibility of the administrative state. Even ardent democrats are disheartened at the performance of their party given unlimited power. All of this suggests the polls are correct, the democrats are going to get slaughtered this November. Which means progressives have to act, decisively, and fast.

There is nothing more divisive to Americans than abortion. It triggers a visceral reaction on both sides. We know the republicans are ready and raring to go vote, and the democrats are disheartened, so ginning up republicans will do nothing to effect the election results, ginning up the democrats will though. To protect their precious sacrifice to Moloch, they will go out to vote, no matter what. All the administrative state needs is to goad enough democrats into voting, to give their election fraud some semblance of legitimacy, and they can turn disaster into glorious victory. In that they can count on their quislings to prod their cattle. Once again, they will have manipulated us into giving them more power at our expense, and they will call it, “The will of the people,” when it is anything but.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Progressive Avatar

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the progressive faction, or as Tucker Carlson calls them, the neo liberals, epitomize, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth, lust, greed and pride. Well, epitomize may be too mild a word. The progressive movement is based on envy of everyone who has more of anything than the progressive. Gluttony is epidemic in our age and it is entirely the creation of progressives. The progressive monopoly education system inculcates sloth as the primary virtue followed by lust and greed. Then there is the pride movement. All of which are the brainchild of the Frankfurt school, the Fabian society and the Masonic order as well as many other powerful organizations that work behind the curtain in our society. When they removed prayer from the public square no one thought it would be replaced by this.

Let’s examine recent scandals that have not been disproved… by actual investigations. The Pizzagate scandal was never investigated, instead it was quickly swept under the rug, probably because the allegations are too ugly to behold directly. Instead, we must use a mirror of skepticism to look, lest we be turned to stone by it. There is the Jeffery Epstein “suicide” where all the cameras were turned off anywhere near his cell, the guards were asleep and he broke his own neck he strangled himself to death so vigorously… with paper sheets. The “suicide” of his European partner, Jean Luc Brunel, who died under the exact same conditions, didn’t raise an eyebrow. Then there is the conviction of Ghislaine Maxwell for pimping underage girls… and not one elite in their black book has been charged.

Compare the way the Mueller team went after the victims of the Russia gate hoax, to the way Durham is going after the creator of that hoax. Roger Stone got a 5AM FBI and SWAT raid on his home, complete with an operation mockingbird CNN backup. General Flynn was ruined financially and his reputation effectively destroyed by the administrative state, to protect the Russia collusion hoax. The malice, vitriol and utter contempt of both their victims our constitution and the law are unambiguous examples of the progressive’s wrath. Nixon was ruined because he had ventured onto the progressive hit sheet by prosecuting Alger Hiss in the 1950’s. Showing their teeth are sharp and their memory is long. Lust and wrath are perhaps the progressive’s principle virtues.

When has there ever been a man or woman of the people who couldn’t be bought off? Take a peek at Bernie Sanders. He went from stealing wood from people’s woodpiles to keep warm, to having multiple mansions on the lake, not from work, starting a business or smart investing, perish the thought… but from corrupt politics. Even though a progressive can be bought with opulence their hunger for it only grows along with their consumption of it. Like hogs at a trough, today’s progressive cannot get enough luxury, power over the masses and shoes. If not for Nancy Pelosi’s iron constitution, she would have dry rotted years ago, from plastic surgery to cover the drinking. Then there is progressive economics, outwardly based on socialist ideology (envy), and inwardly based on corporatism (greed).

Progressives even march with pride over their perversions. Thank goodness for the progressive’s legendary laziness though else they would have already raised Hell on Earth. That people who are the avatars of envy, lust, greed, gluttony, wrath, sloth and are proud of it, would engage in censorship follows like morning after night. We see the results of their unlimited rule and almost no one likes it. Our kids don’t know if they are boys or girls, their addiction to cell phones, selfies and fentanyl are mortally dangerous. as our money becomes worthless and everything is breaking down. Seemingly, a society based on the seven sins, sucks snot from a sewer.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment