
Dear Friends,

It seems to me…

How many hours do you spend worrying about suffering? Are you missing what the world is offering? As you spend hours at ease. Doing whatever you please. Then when you finally look back, your whole life at, will you remember the pain or playing in the leaves?

We all need a modicum of afflict. Else we won’t grow up even a bit. Maturing never. Adulthood to sever. Because without something to endure, we simply can’t mature, and we’ll remain children forever.

Even time at work isn’t so bad. It distracts us from going mad. Deep in productive labor. We build a world in which to savor. But in the end, do you want to spend, time with coworkers or the people you favor?

Of suffering life’s not full. There’s a lot of goodness and that’s no bull. But we magnify the pain. Then discredit the gain. Bringing past ache into the now, as if it will help us somehow, to be relived again and again.

Illness can’t be ignored. Especially when you’re floored. The material becomes intense, so much we lose our sense. Though it usually only lasts a short time, and after that we’re fine, but the memories it makes are dense.

The choice really is ours. We have the power. To remember the good. Not be caught in a torrent like a fragment of wood. The daily memory we make, hopefully for goodness sake, will serve us as best it could.

Despair anger and depression, can become a consuming obsession. A comforting place. Where life’s joys we needn’t face. A hidden fortress, where we needn’t impress, and our magnificent suffering we can embrace.

Though things may seem hopeless now. They will get better somehow. If we have not what we want. Know that change is a constant. It won’t come to you, without struggles not few, and then only in quotient.

About your self centered affair, with deep and abiding despair. Before you have a fit. The world couldn’t care a whit. Though reaching great heights, can be quite a fight, especially from the bottom of a pit.

Those that live in glee. They’re happier than you or me. Of jokes they may be the butt. Some may even cut. Made by people jealous of happiness, as if it makes the gleeful feel duress, and the hecklers are a pack of nuts.

So remember this sage advice. Before dwelling on bad think twice. Life’s hard but we’re here. The wise don’t live in fear. Our joys out number despair, and most just don’t care, but life’s more than it may appear.


John Pepin

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Modern Crimes Against Humanity

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite today appear to be guilty of some mighty serious crimes against humanity. The circumstances, were the suspect you or I, would be sufficient to get us charged. Moreover, as the crimes go unpunished, they get worse and more blatant. The election of Donald Trump seems to have been the trigger for the real insanity. During his inauguration progressive agitators burned down most of Washington DC, to the silence of the media, police and courts. Then there was the Russia collusion hoax, leading to the release of Covid. That crime against humanity was followed up by suppressing safe effective available treatments, for unsafe ineffective DNA altering clot shots. Impeaching Paxton to punish him for doing his job. Culminating in the Maui fires where 2000 kids are missing.

The creation of Covid was itself a crime under international law. The excuse, they’re creating chimeric viruses, to have vaccines on hand should they emerge naturally… is like saying, “I’m launching these bowling balls ten thousand feet into the sky, to deflect incoming meteors…” Though, given the likelihood of a Chinese cave bat getting aids, is non existent… making the second example is far more likely to work. Plus, bowling balls falling from the sky is far less dangerous than forcing humanity to take an untested and as it turns out, harmful shot. We know the technology was transferred to the CCP by Fauci and the NIH, that Covid was gain of function, the vaccine doesn’t work, masks make it worse, and they were forced on us by the elite, at cost to our careers. All crimes against humanity.

The disparate application of the law is an example of a late stage civilization eating itself. The founding documents are used to justify the ever growing authority of people who detest the ideas in those documents, as well as the people who wrote them, and so are dedicated to their destruction. Abandoning the foundational myth is the death knell of a nation. The US foundational ethos was, equal treatment under the law, freedom of expression, to keep and bear arms, of religion, in our papers and persons, to privacy, to own property, to farm that property, to start a business, etc… every one of these freedoms are now subject to license, regulation and arbitrary rule. Backed up by the courts. The same courts that stopped Trump as President from reversing unconstitutional edicts of prior Presidents.

The open and obvious election fraud, mail in voting, sending ballots to random addresses, zero signature matches, not to mention the video of illegal counting, covering the windows and ejecting republican election monitors, etc… then fabricating a false flag on Jan 6 to cover it all up… are the actions of evil people. People that will stop at nothing. Villains who would start a fire to steal land from the folks that live there, forbid water to stop the fires then put up police road blocks, forcing the victims back into the flames. Fiends who would cover up the fact 2000 children are missing from those fires. Are they little piles of ash, or are they now the playthings of pedophile elites? Who knows? I wouldn’t put it past them… would you? Both options are crimes against humanity that need to be punished.

With each crime, the crimes get worse, and how much worse are we going to tolerate? Now the elite in Texas are impeaching the only Attorney General to stand up to the corruption. They’re making an example of him so no others will dare stand up to them. Until the elite are given an opportunity to prove themselves not guilty, I and all sane people will hold our elites guilty for these crimes against humanity. They would force you or I to prove our innocence, on the flimsiest of charges, to our great expense. Why are we allowing them to get away with literal murder, child molestation, and egoistically exploiting their power? Our power is our voice. Write them, ridicule them, and let them know just what you think of them. From the top to the bottom, let the elites know, we hold them equally guilty.


John Pepin

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The Party Line

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the first amendment’s right to free speech is studiously enforced… as long as you agree with the State. Take the example of Jordan Peterson. Does anyone believe that if he was pushing the official party line, climate alarmism, trans rights and depopulation… the regulating body would have demanded he undergo reeducation? Of course not! Only a fool would believe that. A double standard. If Peterson was a good post modernist expert, he would be lauded as a ground breaking free thinker. Because, as we all know, “free thinking” is thinking what the state wants you to think. Freedom of speech (for those who speak the party line) is a hallmark of Marxist and fascist regimes. That freedom to speak is protected viciously by the State. Politically inconvenient opinions however, not so much.

The experts believe that an opinion carefully crafted by experts must be the right one. How could it not be? If the smartest, wisest and most moral people craft an opinion, then having a different opinion is not only in bad taste but is actually dangerous. How far will we go to protect ourselves from danger? A very long ways. We’ve built a multi trillion dollar a year apparatus to protect us from every conceivable threat. So it’s not a big step to silence people who are actually dangerous. They’re a menace not only to society but to themselves. Such self destructive thinking must be controlled. The experts have deemed it so. With the existential threats the human race faces like, global climate change, man made viruses, and trans people barred from the women’s bathroom, we must act, there’s no time to debate.

Wrongthink, if you think of it, is extremely dangerous. Any thought that’s not sanctioned by the experts in the bureaucracy, is obviously, wrongthink. We’ve already established that anything dangerous is subject to regulation, to protect us from the bogyman, so it seems clear that wrongthink should be regulated as well. Since the State doesn’t have telepaths, yet, to monitor our thoughts, censoring our speech, is the only way to protect free speech. Allowing people to spout wrongthink willy nilly would encourage wrongthink, and in such an environment, how could rightthinking get through? That’s why only State sanctioned speech can be allowed. Not just allowed but protected at all costs. You see how perfect the progressive’s logic is… if a bit orbital, machiavellian and narcissistic.

Everyone knows allowing doctors to practice medicine, is very dangerous, that’s why we have expert bureaucrats to tell them how to do it. Doctors have a myopic view of their role. They see themselves as caregivers to the sick and injured. While a bureaucrat has a much wider field of vision. The bureaucrat understands that the role of all experts, is to move society from the political age, to the administrative age, the age of experts. All other considerations, like curing illness, alleviating suffering and saving human lives, are subservient to that goal. Any medical procedure that is politically favored, (moves society closer to the goal) no matter how detrimental to the patient is protected. Doctors that engage in politically inexpedient ones however, will have their license to practice endangered.

In our new corporatist order of things, all your rights are protected by the full weight of the government, as long as they are in line with the government’s views. No stepping on any of them will go unpunished. God help anyone who engages in iconoclasm on a politically favored tag. Our experts in the bureaucracy will regulate every aspect of human life. All you have to do is agree. Jordan Peterson didn’t, and soon will either become one with Landru, else be ostracized. Donald Trump is getting his just deserts for standing up to the experts that run the State. If your with them, your rights will be protected, but if your against them, you have no rights. The logic is as perfect as it is circular… and is the core ethos of Marxist, corporatist and administrative states.


John Pepin

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A Few More Limericks

The Elite And The Nanny State

An all powerful government is what they seek,

Where the state is strong and the people weak,

The worthless scumbag reprobates,

There’s no law they won’t violate,

Because the worst people are our elite.


If you stare deeply into Xi’s eyes,

There is one thing you may surmise,

You can tell even from afar,

As he eats honey from a jar,

The man is Winnie The Pooh in disguise.


Fauci is a man of decision,

His will is an imposition,

Believing himself god,

He committed much fraud,

And now he belongs in prison.


The people there just never knew,

They really didn’t have a clue,

Their resources to be had,

Coveted by the power mad,

So the CIA sponsored a coup.


Waging war is so much fun

Especially when heroic tales are spun

But it spells your doom,

When the only sane one in the room,

Is North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.


Some people think positive liberty’s great,

To have so little of our lives left to fate,

Others will pay,

For our way,

Because we want to live in a nanny state.


The hypocrisy of progressivism,

A dogma that can’t stand criticism,

Willing to fight,

So we’ll think alike,

And enforces it through the ostracism.



John Pepin

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Corruption Unpunished, Is Corruption Rewarded

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, corruption unpunished, is corruption rewarded. Because the advantage of corruption shows itself immediately, while the costs only later, and if there’s no punishment… there’s no costs. Under such a paradigm, the paradigm we live in, corruption is encouraged, promoted and it can’t be a shock when it becomes epidemic. That would be like going for a swim and being astounded we emerge from the water… wet. Even as we’re faced with the most corrupt administration and bureaucracy in American history, proven beyond doubt, there are elites calling to pardon the corruption. So the corrupt can engage in more corruption I presume. Forgiving the mountains of corruption, hasn’t resulted in the corrupt backing down, no, that forgiveness has resulted in the corrupt becoming more corrupt.

When Hillary had an email server in her closet, that forwarded top secret emails to a CCP controlled account, then destroyed evidence, she was forgiven. The administrative state said it would be vindictive to prosecute her. When we discovered the entire Mueller investigation and Russia collusion narrative was a hoax, that cost this nation literally hundreds of millions of dollars, the frauds were forgiven. The DOJ certainly doesn’t want to be vindictive! All the liars, frauds and minions faced no consequences. Even Klinesmith, who literally fabricated evidence, so the administrative state could have court backing to monitor Trump… was given a slap on the wrist. Even as Trump attorneys are harangued and threatened with losing their law license. Clearly, not being vindictive has failed against the vindictive.

The benefit of corruption is in the immediate public reaction. Any reaction after that is necessarily muted due to distance in time. So a lie, like the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, when they knew they were lying, that Biden really is that corrupt, and therefore those who lied to put a corruptocrat into the White House, are corrupt as well… had its effect at the time. The correction takes place after the damage has been done. The genie can’t be put back in the bottle. So the only way to stop such evil is to punish it. Like any other crime. Corruption is extremely destructive of societal cohesion. The crime of government corruption damages the reputation of government, increases crime and creates chaos. Since people follow their leaders, and ours have shown crime pays… expect more crime.

There is an old adage, “What makes a king a king? Public opinion…” Once the public considers our leaders inept, liars and hypocrites… corrupt, we don’t consider them anything but stooges. Thugs worthy of nothing but contempt. That contempt can’t help but show itself to judges, politicians, and elites of every stripe. People who are universally hated can’t rule. No one takes seriously a joke of a man. And our leaders have made themselves laughing stocks with their self unaware corruption. Why did the maggot jump from the meat wagon? Biden’s motorcade was passing by. Giving up even the appearance of fairness, the FBI now assassinates old men in their underwear by SWAT, for making idle threats against Biden. Even as Trump and RFK get actual threats by the bucket load every day.

When the democrats impeached Trump for crimes Biden was guilty of, as we now know, they corrupted the system to such an extent, no one believes there’s justice in the halls of power anymore. That action sullied the edifice of government more than any libel could. Even people who agree that Trump is so bad he has to go, no matter what, recognize in their ice cold hearts, what’s been done. The government crossed a Rubicon, and with the latest flurry of fraudulent indictments, they continue to march toward Rome. Our corruptocracy grows with every criminal act that’s forgiven, because the elite don’t want to be vindictive to people abusing power, (themselves). It’s not the least vindictive to abuse authority to swing an election, to the point of trying to jail him, and why not, corruption unpunished…


John Pepin

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Managed Decline

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite want to manage America’s decline, and will brooch no exception to that paradigm. There’s a ton of money to be made riding the US into the ground. Then the global administrative state that comes after will be glorious. That’s why the idea of America in ascendance, is not just unthinkable, but infuriating to the elite. Those who seek to stop the decline are therefore, enemy number one, even as those who seek America’s fall are allies by default. They’re captured by the idea that if only they can manage the decline of America, so us grazing masses don’t notice, then they can grind it to dust, and restart a new world order from the ground up. In the image they find appealing. A global bureaucratic nanny state, run by experts, from which there is no escape.

Any friend of America is an enemy of the elite. That’s why Trump is so despised by the elite. He doesn’t want to manage the decline of the US, he wants it to go into ascendance again! That rat! Moreover, when he was in power, he actually did it. That in and of itself can never be forgiven. Pointing out the ineptitude of the elite, whether contrived or true, is unacceptable. Plus it opens a portal for the victim class to see the mechanism of our oppression. A nation in ascendance, is by definition, not in decline. Since decline is what the elite seek, Trump and anyone like him, who would see the US ascend, is enemy number one. That’s why they’re willing to make up anti constitutional “laws” to get the man. They’ve become unhinged at the threat to their plans… to manage the decline of the US.

Any enemy of America is a friend to the elite. You see this in the way the elite so love the CCP. Abetting the chemical warfare against our youth with open boarders. Nothing says, “The Fentanyl must flow…” like welding the gates to the boarder open. Speaking of open boarders, it’s no shock to conclude that American culture will be watered down by millions of people flooding into the nation. Just like British, French, and German culture is watered down by millions of illegal immigrants. Undermining the culture itself is a great way to create decline in a nation. Making inflation by shutting down the economy (creating supply shortages) and handing out stimulus (increasing demand) will force inflation, even in a world’s reserve currency… and thus manage the decline of our nations.

A managed decline is very profitable to those who manage the decline. They know the timing of the absurdity and short the stocks of the industries they are bankrupting. Naked short sell an investment you’re demolishing by exploiting law as a means to destroy… ride them to zero, take the profits and hand back the worthless paper to the shareholder. I’m sure Nancy Pelosi could conduct a university level class on this tactic. The inflation angle is a historically tested way to transfer wealth from the bottom to the top. Print money and give it to the top. The top gets the utility of the printed money while the bottom pays the inflation price. Argentina has used this strategy to fleece the people many times. Like Lucy offering Charlie Brown a football, the Argentinian elite say, “This time…”

We have to ask ourselves, do we want to ride America and Europe into the ground, or do we want to ride it to infinity and beyond? Because in truth those are our options. Every problem we have, is self imposed by the elite, to achieve their end game of a glorious new world order, where we’re ruled by experts with the unlimited authority they need, to make us do the right things. Because, the elite are better educated, smarter, and well dog gone it, just better people than us. Riding our nations into the ground using the naked short selling model. Borrow the shares (get power) use the power to destroy the nation, then cash out. If they can manage the decline of America and Europe, they could birth a CCP type world government. If they can manage the decline. To have my druthers, I prefer ascendance.


John Pepin

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These are heady days,

For the elite’s wicked ways,

Their corrupting touch,

That harms so much,

Because the elect have proven crime pays.


There once was an elite so malevolent,

They did crimes that were apparent,

Election Fraud and false flags,

Covid jabs and the mask gags,

And as for pedophilia they had a penchant.


There once was an elite so corrupt,

The people said enough is enough,

We voted them out,

Without a doubt,

But election fraud made it too tough.


There once was a nanny state so smothering,

Some said it was all consuming mothering,

With experts abound,

No truth could be found,

And in so created much suffering.


The first was from a downed wire,

The second from a screeching tire,

But who really knows,

The way Maui wind blows,

And the boy with matches says I didn’t start the fire.


There’s one thing we all know,

If the economy is running slow,

It’s not the little guy,

Who doesn’t wear a tie,

Blame the elite who run the show.

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How To Kill A Hydra

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, by their own actions, the Department Of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as other once prestigious agencies of the bureaucracy, are not only despoiling their names, but the very reason for their existence. Proving, no agencies are capable of handling such authority, without perverting it. Because, since it’s happened once, it’ll happen again. Moreover, the more power invested in such agencies of government, the more likely they are to abuse that power. It’s a function of human nature. Their open political bias has become a horrible nightmare. When the apparatus of power serves itself, including perverting elections, what solution is there? The obvious answer, is to get rid of the entire bureaucracy, but firing one’s master, is a dangerous thing at best.

Examples of the naked political bias of the DOJ, FBI, and basically every single agency of the bureaucracy, abound. The standing joke, “Every time a Biden scandal breaks… they arrest Trump,” Simply makes the point. The bureaucracy is progressive. That’s as natural as water flowing downhill. Bureaucracies are filled with “experts.” Experts, shockingly, believe in experts. They know they’re great, and so assume all the other experts, are just as great as them. Experts also believe in progress. They are by nature then, progressives. So no one should be amazed that the experts in the bureaucracy, believe that experts are the best to rule. With unlimited power, because what does an expert need with the ideas of laymen? The hoi polloi, their self interests and morals, just get in the way.

The future can be reliably predicted by looking at the past. People have known this for a thousand years or more, yet fail to implement it, ever. It’s like not allowing that two plus two equals four, it must equal five. Then acting on it and wondering why our math doesn’t work? It must be that math is racist. It can’t be that we don’t accept empirical reality for it’s political inexpediency. That bureaucracy becomes corrupt, is in and of itself, proof that bureaucracy will always eventually, become corrupt. Look for the black swan all you want but in the lake we swim in… there are only white ones, and a few grays. Even if a black swan were to exist somewhere, the rarity alone precludes it as being the standard, used to justify such oppression, corruption and societal destruction, as meted out by the administrative state.

In a perfect world, we could pare the bureaucracy back to a manageable level, but the bureaucracy is itself a hydra. A hydra that justifies its existence by the chaos it creates. Because nothing else could contain that chaos but a hydra. Or so the circular logic goes. Moreover, that hydra controls the levers of real power, the courts, police and bureaucracy. It’s growing more heads even as you read this. Each head is a kingdom in its own right. Trump tangled with the hydra and he’s still feeling the bites and stings. Perhaps if someone cut a head off the thing might be slowed, but all anyone wants to do is tame a head or two, to their bidding… not kill the monster. It can be so helpful to a political career. So how to slay the beast, or set it back, at least?

The heart is the weak point of the bureaucracy. Wickard v Filburn, Korematsu and associated rulings that gave birth to the hydra in the first place. Rescind them, by demanding it of the Supreme Court, or constitutional convention of the states if need be, but remove the heart and the beast dies. The only way to make such drastic changes is to enrage public opinion to it. The fodder’s there. The corruption is evident and undeniable. Even yellow dog democrats see the corruption and are starting to balk. Expose the heart of the hydra and perhaps some great attorney, destined for history, may pick up a legal spear and stab it. Ending the terrible reign of an unconstitutional parasite on our great Constitutional Republic. Tell people about why the corruptocracy exists… the courts created it. They can end it.


John Pepin

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Pacifying Prose Printed On Friable Paper

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if you’re afraid to use your Constitutional Rights, you don’t really have Constitutional Rights, you have, at best, pacifying prose printed on friable paper. Think about it, do you feel as if you can say anything you want, short of yelling fire in a crowded theater? Do you self censor because you believe you would be chastised for having an opinion that isn’t sanctioned by the authority? Do you think other people do? I’ve been told to tone it down else the authorities could knock on my door. Have you? Do you take measures to keep some personal information away from the government? Do you lament their knowing everything about you despite your efforts? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you don’t have Constitutional Rights, you have pacifying prose printed on friable paper.

People self censor because of fear. Maybe the government has gone full 1984 and has literal thought police, that arrest you as some psychopath recites a poem, “Here comes a candle to light up your bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head…” or perhaps the faction that controls the government, stem, branch and root, has storm troops that beat you up for having the wrong opinion. Like the Bolsheviks did in the 1920s, the NAZIS did in the 1930s and the post modernists do now, with ANTIFA and BLM. Government sanctioned goons to intimidate and if needed, beat up a few people, to enforce self censorship. Ask Andy Ngo. He had the bad taste to record an ANTIFA riot and was beaten to a jelly, several times. ANTIFA admitted it and was found innocent in an act of jury nullification.

Then there is social media censorship at the government’s behest. Even as a judge ordered it stopped, it continues. The faction that runs it all, deems what can and what cannot be said, then have their minions in the social media monopolies make it happen. Underhanded, unconstitutional and effective, government has shut down debate on a myriad of subjects by this method. Thereby subverting our Constitution and the Rights promised in it under the Bill of Rights. From the origins of covid and the astonishing side effects of the vaccine that isn’t, to climate change and if boys can be girls, debate has been sidelined, so only the experts have a say. Anything said by a non expert is misinformation anyway. Even if it’s true. A Right must be usable, else it is not a Right, it’s something else.

The total undermining of our Constitutional Rights in court is another intimidation tactic. We know that at best, a criminal charge will bankrupt us, even if we win, but at worse, no matter how politically motivated, we go to prison. Meanwhile those perverting the law, exploiting their authority for personal gain and literally corroding our Constitution, face zero consequences for their actions. They are above the same law they use against their political foes. After seeing the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the astounding bias in our court system is obvious for anyone to see. History will record many important trials that have been denied, due to ripeness, latches, mootness and standing. They’ll be a source of ridicule. Then there are the indictments of Trump. All intended to scare us into self censoring.

Never in the history of the US has such a group of villains had control of our government, stem, root and branch. They’ve reduced our Constitution to placating prose printed on friable paper. Most are afraid to use their Constitutional Rights, and too afraid to be outraged, when someone’s Constitutional Rights are violated. The assault on our Constitution has been aggressive and illegal but effective. Since the administrative state decides who will be charged with a crime, they choose to charge only those they dislike. People who serve the faction in charge are above the law. We all know this, we all see that law has become a means to intimidate the citizen, yet we do nothing. Why? Because we’re scared. Cowering hasn’t worked, maybe try writing your representative, senator and speaker of the House?


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,

It seems to me, as Bidenvilles (homeless camps) spring up across our country, it’s important to remember that Biden didn’t do it himself. His team did. The progressive administrative state that put him in power, by election fraud, then covered up that fraud with a false flag on Jan 6, 2021. Now it exploits the law as a political weapon, protects the Biden crime family, created special prosecutors for political persecution, as well as to cover up Biden’s wrongdoing. Perhaps to protect themselves from a myriad of crimes. Like their complicity in creating covid, transferring gain of function to the CCP, hid the side effects, then mandated, a “vaccine” that neither protected from covid nor was safe. Those crimes against humanity must be covered up… else there could be consequences.

First, I think the administrative state and the faction that owns it will flush Biden and turn on him the moment it’s convenient. Then, by going after Biden so hard they will hope to create the impression they never covered his crimes up. Counting on people having the memories of guppies, their minions in the media will spin a narrative of the finest propaganda. Biden is a dirty shirt and he’ll be replaced before the next election. The administrative state has no great love of the man anyway. He was a convenient puppet. He had woven his own strings and carefully bound himself with them. All the administrative state had to do was pick up the strings and make him dance. So, sometime in early 2024 , I think Biden will be dumped like the turd he is.

Being a puppet, Biden’s role is to absorb the animosity for the actions of the administrative state. Biden himself is neither smart enough, nor aware enough to brush his own teeth, let alone run the government. He can’t even find his way offstage without assistance. Such a man is a figurehead at best. The real reason Bidenvilles are popping up, is because the administrative state, and therefore the grouped experts that run it, is either utterly inept, or malevolent. What other option is there? Biden isn’t in charge. The man is in late stage dementia. The hope of the administrative state is that Biden will take all our anger at covid, the economy, inflation, our being replaced, and the corruption in government… with him. Then they’ll install another puppet they can manipulate at will.

What we need to remember is, the administrative state itself is the enemy. Biden is a puppet, he has no will, thought or agency. I’ve known many people with dementia, they all have the same look in their eyes, as does Biden. Early in the primary season, if need be, the elite will admit his dementia so he can’t run. If someone pursues it, they’ll turn on him like a pack of rabid dogs. The administrative state, filled with the highest paid public servants known to man, have failed spectacularly at their very core functions. All of them… top to bottom. From the enforcement of law, protecting our elections and boarders, to keeping our food and drugs safe, and everything in between, they’ve failed. And why even try to succeed? Their failure has always been rewarded with more power and less oversight.

The entire apparatus of government has proven itself totally, utterly and completely corrupt, top to bottom, inside and out. A run over hog, that’s sit in the Texas sun next to route 30 for a week, is less corrupt through and through. They created the Bidenvilles, they transferred the technology to do gain of function to the CCP, and they let big pharma escape consequences for the side effects of their ineffective mandated vaccine. It’s the administrative state, every agency complicit, that covered up Biden’s crimes, indicted Trump to cover up their misconduct, and jailed American patriots, without bail or trial in inhuman conditions, for two years now, adding an additional crime to their false flag. Use the little power we still have, demand a reckoning and until then, ridicule the elite as the scum they are.


John Pepin

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