The Inflation Equation

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, why is it, when confronted with inflation, the expert’s only plan is to crush the little guy? If inflation equals demand divided by production. I=D/P. Then instead of always crushing demand with higher interest rates… why not increase production? How? By lowering impediments to production. Reducing impediments to production have a cost. That cost is paid by the bureaucracy, experts and elites. While the dividend is paid to all of society equally. The elite didn’t get to be elites because of their charity, ethics or human heartedness, they got there by hook and by crook. They would have to give up hard won power to benefit some rubes. That’s not going to happen, unless the rubes make it happen, by demanding lowered regulations from our “representatives.”

Milton Friedman said, in his Nobel winning work, that inflation is caused by there being too many dollars chasing too few goods. He went on, as long as the growth in money supply matched the growth in GDP, inflation would remain at zero. If the growth in money was faster than GDP, then there would be inflation, and if money grows slower than GDP, there is deflation. Deflation is where your money goes further instead of becoming worth-less. The elite and experts despise deflation. It increases wages of the middle class, and thus our standard of living. The argument that deflation causes recessions is disproven by the 19th and 20th centuries. The second half of the 20th century didn’t have a period of deflation, yet had plenty of recessions, while the deflation of the 1800’s didn’t lead to disaster.

Since inflation can be triggered by printing too much money, so too much money is chasing too few goods, then it stands to reason that inflation can be triggered by shortages as well. The same amount of money chasing less goods would cause inflation. Couple shortages with profligate money printing and government spending, and you have the equation for inflation. If that’s true, then the opposite must also be true. If shortages can cause inflation, gluts can cause deflation. Too few dollars chasing too many goods. Experts answer to inflation is always and everywhere, to harm the little guy, by raising interest rates to lower the money supply, and therefore diminish demand to come more in line with supply. This strategy only works when government printing and spending remains constant however.

If government is printing and spending two dollars for every one the federal reserve squeezes out of the private economy, inflation will continue roaring ahead. There is no amount of crushing the little guy that’s going to slow it. The source is elsewhere. Examples abound of how this is a failed strategy. Why not instead, try cutting the limits on production? If regulations are lowered, lawyers are muzzled and the courts could be made to be fair again, those huge sources of friction to production, would be eliminated. Put another way. If you want your car to go, pushing the gas pedal to the floor, only works if you lift off the brakes, at least a little. Our experts are like grannies that ride the brakes, and argue brake companies should be sued, for making such short lived products.

The elite aren’t likely to give up power just so the economy can thrive. The heat their friction creates is graft in their pockets, power in their hands, and a boost to their egos. That’s one reason they so despise Trump. He had a policy of eliminating two regulations for every new one they wrote. Galling! No wonder the bureaucracy turned on him like a rabid Saint Bernard. Kujo has got out of control. It’s economic arm, he Fed, is crushing the little guy so the big guys can clean up. The inflation is simply the symptom of the theft. The only way to get a handle on inflation is to get control of government spending, and cut regulations to spur production. That would address the correct side of the inflation equation. Instead of harming to help, why not help… to help?


John Pepin

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Abetting Crimes Against Humanity

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite and experts are absolutely convinced, the only way to protect people from crime, is to build an unaccountable criminal organization… bureaucracy. Make it part of the government and so unaccountable it becomes the real power behind the throne. The modern Praetorian Guard. Cross them and they have “six ways to Sunday to get you…” The typical bully mentality, if there’s a bully on the playground, get a bigger one to put him in his place. Then bow down to your own Frankenstein’s Monster. In our case it’s the FBI, CIA and all the other secret three letter agencies. Working from behind a curtain of fire they lower the lot of Mankind by their machinations. It initially got out of control under Hoover, but since then, the wire pulling has got worse and gone underground.

Look at the example of Julian Assange. The man was indicted for journalism. Now he’s being held in literally the worse prison in Britain. He’s spent years in jail without warrant or charge for extradition to the US. Over the heinous crime of reporting the actual news. No wonder there are so few actual journalists today. They’re afraid of the deep state. Assange and Snowden are examples no one wants to be. Both have been hounded by the administrative state against the interests of the United States for decades. Proving the wrath of the bureaucrat is only matched by Lucifer himself. What did Assange and Snowden expose? The crimes of the administrative state. Which, according to the administrative state… is the ultimate crime. One for which no quarter can be given… ask Nixon.

Never mind the orders of magnitude of malevolence bureaucracy has brought into this world. The final solution couldn’t have happened without helpful public servants. Nor the effective extermination of the Gypsies. Stalin found the bureaucracy crucial in his atrocities. Mao couldn’t have done anywhere near the evil he did without a willing, effective and diligent bureaucracy. Indeed, every crime against humanity that has been committed since the start of the 20th century, has been with the explicit help of an administrative state. Meanwhile the bureaucracy is a giant jack boot stomping on the economy, society and the individual. So we can say, with a high level of comfort, that the bureaucracy abets the greatest crimes against humanity, while it bestows little benefit, and that benefit’s dubious.

The example of the deep state’s attacks on Trump epitomizes their wrath, envy, pride, greed and gluttony. The administrative state has it all. It epitomizes all the deadly sins. Very progressive! Defiling the law and the courts to keep the man out of office, destroys something they didn’t build, and have an obligation to protect. The vindictive nature of their prosecutions, not only of Trump, but Major General Flynn, Alex Jones and Amos Miller, is unhinged. To visit wrath on someone who has never harmed one, is proof of psychopathy. The deep state, and psychopaths, lack empathy, humility, reasonableness and as they grind little people into the ground, think they’re the acme of humanity. Which means, the bureaucracy is essentially, an invulnerable psychopath with unlimited power to harm.

It’s easy to convince someone they’re the greatest, smartest and wisest person, and so they should rule without accountability or consequence. Especially a fool. Then control the half wit you put in charge with the constant threat of destruction. No need take a political hit for your mistakes, that’s what the puppets are for, like Biden. The Pathological bureaucracy has proven its malevolence with its treatment of Trump, Jones, Snowden and Assange. Every day the farcical trials and unjust fines levied against Trump goes on, and the manifestly unconstitutional charges against Assange. Miller and Snowden continue… the poison proves its toxicity. Then there’s the bloody history of bureaucracy, without which, crimes against humanity become too cumbersome to commit. Thank Satan for bureaucracy.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,

The narrative must be protected,

Lest the truth should be detected,

Your eyes lie,

Wonder why,

So the elite can keep us subjected.


A government that shuts down farms,

Is a scoundrel without charm,

The elite eat Wagu,

Too soft to chew,

While the scum expects the rest of us starve.


Can you imagine that,

The elite are under attack,

Polls dropping,

Policy flopping,

And they continue to stab their voters in the back.


The “invisible government” is easy to see,

Binding us in shadows and calling us free,

Tax and regulate,

Guard the gate,

And now it’s clear it’s the bureaucracy.


The land we live is a phantasmal replica,

Of what once was a great near utopia,

Rule is arbitrary,

Rights contrary,

Because we’re in post Constitutional America.


When everything they say is the opposite of the truth,

The lies, manipulation and fear get’s long in the tooth,

Conniving swine,

Lying all the time,

And they act like not believing them is so very uncouth.


One thing that’s obvious once you know,

The media is nothing but a fancy show,

The die was cast,

When NPR asked,

Mr. Shumlin, Why does everyone like you so?


The CCP is anti human by dint,

Not a caricature with a squint,

Open unlimited war,

But what’s more,

They’re as foolish as the villains in our man flint.


I’m not saying science runs on grift,

Through the chaff the wise must sift,

Incentives do count,

To our bank account,

And change is always opposed when it’s a paradigm shift.


So far the Beast system has been a bust,

The zealots are worried it could go down in dust,

Be a good bloke,

Accept the yoke,

Because there’s nothing a liar needs more then our trust.



John Pepin

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Mass Migration

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, western elites, by stupidity or malevolence, have created the migration fiasco the world is undergoing today. They started wars in foreign countries, stirring up chaos, poverty and disease, then tell the victims of their foreign policy, welfare is here if they come… and now we have a tsunami of illegal immigrants looking to get on the dole. Even as the US largely funds the process through government grants to NGOs. Meanwhile, malevolent foreign actors, like the CCP, have camps set up at the north end of the Derrien Gap, to facilitate Chinese nationals coming to the US. Plus, there’s one iron clad fact of history… mass migrations always lead to wars. Sometimes they’re world wars. So, by stupidity or malevolence, our elites have led the planet to the brink of world war, the villains.

The US provides most of the funds for the NGOs that facilitate the mass migration. Millions in taxpayer money goes to help the rapists, rape, to abet child trafficking, and the other crimes against humanity that the migration causes. Our tax money at work. Even as the US and Europe are being overrun, the media distracts us with the death of someone across the world, that has nothing to do with our plight. Yet we’re outraged by it because we need to be outraged at something. So the elite manipulate us to be outraged at what they want us to be outraged at. NOT what we should be outraged at. Like that our own government is sowing chaos to displace people, make them hate us, then draw them here with free everything. In NYC for example, illegals are given 10k each, to spend as they wish.

There are any number of horrible scenarios that could occur, due to our elite’s stupidity, or evil. In the case of the CCP attacking Taiwan. A platoon of CCP regulars could easily take over a US National guards base, for the weapons, a camp to tie down our regulars and a few airbases. Take a squadron of B1 bombers, bomb a US city, or Taipei and fly them to China. Multiply that by a few dozen platoons of CCP regulars, disguised as illegal immigrants, and you have a real military disaster, the likes of Pearl Harbor. A less disastrous scenario would be a few sappers taking out strategic power substations and shutting down the entire US grid… possibly for months. Because, a coordinated attack on the homeland, facilitated by Homeland security, would be far more effective.

Many of the people displaced by war don’t particularly like America. US bombs destroyed their homes, killed their families and displaced them. Forming a fertile recruitment ground for anyone seeking to harm the US, Britain or any other Western nation. Since they’re mostly on the dole, they have plenty of time to wax a grudge, to a gleam. If an October 7 style attack happened in the US, terrorists going home to home, killing, raping and cooking children, the outrage would not only be murderous but would result in chaos. Just what a malevolent elite might want. To turn the anger against their political enemies. Perhaps that’s why they’re building the scaffolding for the execution of our culture. No matter what faction you belong to, you have to admit, bringing people who hate your country into it, is stupid.

We’re living in a Stalinist famine, a Maoist great leap forward and WWII all in one. Brought to us by our elites. In the last decade over a million Americans have died of Fentanyl. Those who protest against abortion go to prison. Our schools manipulate our kids into self sterilization. Then we’re told we need immigrants to make up for those dead kids. As our cities melt down in crime. The border patrol rips down border fencing. We send tens of billions to Ukraine since 400,000 dead isn’t enough. Our elections are a planetary joke where government mails in its vote. Then there’s our crumbling infrastructure, despite the billions the elites have grifted from it. Our electrical grid, water, roads, ports, etc… are failing, due to astoundingly bad management, by the experts. So, are they stupid, or evil?


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


The experts say the evidence is ample,

Beef, eggs and pork are a deadly sample,

Give them hugs,

Eat the bugs,

But don’t expect the elite to lead by example.


Laws are for the little people you see,

They are to keep us down and in dependency,

Arbitrary rule,

Courts are a tool,

And the elite that exploit them are quite beastly.


Don’t look at the sudden increase in mortality,

The elite now define what we call reality,

Sit down now,

Thinking’s lowbrow,

And soon it’ll be your turn to be a fatality.


As the world sinks into a bog,

The propaganda says we’re only a cog,

Give in to fate,

Then capitulate,

While the elite keep on boiling the frog.


The names must be hidden lest we succumb,

To misinformation acting stupid and dumb,

The deep state is sly,

Public opinion to pry,

Because a lever always needs a fulcrum.


Pederasty in kindergartens isn’t fine,

Polluting kids in body soul and mind,

Feigned outrage,

At statues in a cage,

And building the Beast system crime by crime.


Gather round children and you’ll see,

A haunting tale that’s true and gory,

Millions died,

The experts lied,

And now we know the biggest liars in the world are the CDC.


Experts who are wrong all the time,

Aren’t worth a worn out dime,

Are they truthful,

Or slyly deceitful,

Because millions dead amounts to a crime.


Holding a leftist to the rules is racism,

As law is a weapon against conservatism,

Rule by arbitrary,

Justice contrary,

And merit is replaced by intersectionalism.



John Pepin

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The 21st Century And The Administrative State

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Biden’s presidency has shown what rule by bureaucracy is. He’s their man, he was appointed, not elected, and since he has late stage dementia, he’s an ideal hand puppet for the deep state. No debacle under his term has been his fault. They’re all the responsibility of the experts, the “new class,” that runs the bureaucracy. From the immigration disaster, to the world war that’s breaking out as you read this, every problem that’s been created under Biden, is the administrative state’s fault. Which means, the constant parade of failures after catastrophe, the first two decades of the twenty first century, is proof bureaucracy is inept, corrupt and stupid. Like the singular lesson of the Twentieth Century, that communism and socialism are failures, the Twenty First is proving bureaucracy a failure.

Biden isn’t in charge, the people around him are. They make the decisions, not the man who can’t find his way off stage, gets confused about who he’s talking to, and shakes hands with ghosts. Someone else is in charge, and they’re fearless, since Biden takes all the political risk. Then again, with Biden’s diminished mental capacities, he doesn’t know anyway. Give him an ice cream cone and he’s happy. The administration is filled with administrative state types. People with more degrees than a blast furnace. How could such brilliant people fail? Yet that’s all they do… fail. Is anything going right since the deep state took office? Foreign policy failures in new wars and lost old ones, the economy is in shambles with inflation running at least twice the official figures, and crime is out of control.

The buck stops with the man, or people, in charge. The people in charge in the US today, the faction of the administrative state, also called the progressives, globalists and corporatists, are where the buck stops now. They’re driving the car so all the new dents are their fault. Being so smart, they’ve figured out a way to skate on consequences for their epic failures. They distract and claim plausible deniability. Even as the elite stand before us with a straight face and claim, clear cutting the rain forest to provide food because they shut down European farms will save the planet, the elite need to decide what color your car should be to keep you safe, and Sending tens of billions to Ukraine to fight a war we don’t have a dog in, is more important than protecting our citizens.

The Twentieth Century taught us one lesson, if we are willing to learn it, that lesson is, communism and socialism lead to humanitarian disasters, everywhere and every time they’re tried. The Twenty first has shown us the administrative state also leads to humanitarian disasters. Lacking consequences for their failures, they go on to fail ever more spectacularly. With all the negative outcomes for the people of the world. Heartless, the bureaucrats at the top see permanent war, as a desirable thing. It insures their power lasts and grows. Since the post modernist, progressive faction that are zealous defenders of arbitrary power and the global administrative state, are the hegemonic faction in the West today, we’re treated to a constant barrage of propaganda, lies and censorship. Just like communism.

I wonder if our posterity will learn the lessons? We clearly didn’t. Perhaps a better way to put it is, the elite didn’t learn the lessons. Maybe it’s because 100 million regular people suffered the instruction while the elite watched, and often orchestrated it, from an opera box. Today the administrative state is off to a great start in proving its inhumanity, ineptitude and stupidity. The biolab experiment that escaped, Covid, killed millions, and the vaccine the elite forced us to take is killing even more. Fentanyl has killed over a million Americans in the last decade, the world war the elite have ginned up is killing people whole sale, and wait until China gets involved. This and more is what we can expect from the administrative state. Until it’s recognized as the disaster it is… and done away with.


John Pepin

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Our Beloved Corrupt Courts

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the open corruption of our court systems, in the US and Europe, are proof we need a Numa, or fourth branch of government… a police of the elite. Judges sullying their own reputations, with their anti law rulings, are ruining centuries of effort in building trust in our courts. Trust lost is nearly impossible to regain. By their actions these corrupt judges are stupidly destroying the system itself. There are mechanisms in place to deal with corrupt judges, but they’ve failed. No one is seriously talking about impeaching judge Engoron, despite the severe damage he’s done to the NY economy and rule of law, and the NY supreme court isn’t punishing him either… so there are no consequences for destroying the entire court system, for a vendetta. That’s why we need a system that self limits.

The US court system used to be a paragon of fairness. Whether true or not, the courts had the trust of the people, which was and still is, the source of their authority. Authority comes from personal power, as Confucius put it. Respect comes from admiration. Stupid people think authority runs out of the barrel of a gun. Just as idiots think respect comes from fear. Power comes from a gun, loathing comes from fear, both result in a short life. Once someone, faction or group, gives up genuine authority for power, and respect for fear, you can be sure they’re stupid idiots. Any system that tolerates stupid idiots in positions of authority, deserves to lose that authority, and certainly will. Today the US courts have made themselves the laughing stock of the world. What are US courts good for? Playing ball.

Judges who openly defy the law, our Constitution, precedent, and even their own past rulings, prove the courts hand out arbitrary justice. Arbitrary justice isn’t justice at all but corruption. Corruption is proof of dishonesty. Judge Engoron and Willis’ open persecution of Trump, Guerra Gamble’s flaunting the law and our Constitution, McAfee’s naked bias in the Fanni Willis corruption case, the jan 6 judges persecution of people protesting for election integrity, the judges who took the Pontius Pilate route when confronted with the 2020 election fraud cases, etc… have utterly discredited the US judiciary. The open corruption of the courts, in cahoots with the DOJ, has exposed the US legal system to be a joke. To the whole world. How is a vulture like the DOJ? They both survive on corruption.

The entire political class, including judges, are at the mercy of permanent government, the national security apparatus. “Cross them and they have six ways to Sunday to get you…” Just ask Julian Assange, Edward Snowden or Donald Trump. The courts are one of those ways. The FBI tolerates corruption because it serves the FBI’s interest. The deep state and it’s national security apparatus has become our Praetorian guard. The power behind the throne, that encourages corruption in the elite, because that corruption puts a long lever on them. Who do you suppose has the Epstein tapes of elites molesting children? Do you think any elite on film is going to cross them? The dross floated to the top and now it’s polluted the whole society. Why are the elite so useless? Dross makes a poor caste.

Our system was supposed to self limit, but, as the founders themselves said, this system is fit for a righteous people and no other. That’s why an ideal system of governance would be self limiting… no people are virtuous forever. The elite for the last half century has set itself to creating a corrupt people, after themselves, so a system that requires virtuous people can’t function. Corruption has built up because… the courts, the bureaucracy and the politicians are unable to police themselves. That’s why we need a Numa, a constitutional branch of government, pitted against the government itself. Make the incentives to root out corruption and it will be done. Once leachate ponds, on the surface of your lawn, it’s time to dig up the sewer. We wade knee deep in it, and we’re getting sick, it’s past time… make government self limiting.


John Pepin

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Why Limit The Expert Elites?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, all of human history is nothing but a recount of why people, especially the elite, need to be limited in their ability to implement their stupid ideas on others. Among the multitude of problems with tyranny this is one of the worse. Too much power, in the hands of a despot, oligarch or bureaucrat will lead to absurdity. The lack of feedback mechanisms and unlimited power combine to make rulers insane. Such paradigms are epitomized by Sodom and Gomorrah, Athens and the modern West. Don’t think I’m only talking about sexual depravity, it’s the whole gambit of stupidity. The leaders of these and many other states, in history and many lost to history, were alike in that they had insane leaders with unlimited power… that ruined their prosperity, health and humanity.

There’s the tale of Caligula, the mad Roman emperor. Crazy as a bed bug he ruled with unlimited authority. Backed up by the Praetorian Guard. As is often the case with insane rulers, they have no personal power, they’re a post turtle. ‘You come upon a turtle on a post and you immediately know several things. One, the turtle didn’t get there itself, someone put it there. Two, it has no idea what to do once it’s there. Three, it’s terrified of falling off.’ – from the internet. In the case of Rome, it was the praetorian Guard that put him there. In the case of America, it’s the permanent government, the bureaucracy, deep state also called the administrative state… that put the post turtle Biden there. Our little Caligula, crazy as a tornado, inept at anything but graft, and a puppet in all but name.

History explains what happens to societies that are ruled by maniacs for long… they collapse in ruin. Usually historians record their demise as the result of an invasion, famine or revolution. Those are tangential exigencies, that didn’t lead to the collapse, but were the “feather” so to speak. The same city state, nation state or empire would have been immune to invasion while in their prime, famines come and go but they only lead to collapse once the society has uncoupled with reality, and revolution only happens when the people are fed up. Nations rise in virtue and fall in decadence. It’s the cycle of mankind, just as biological entities experiences periods of growth, stagnation and more growth. The same holds true for ecosystems. Man’s governance of himself is no different.

The Twentieth century’s lessons were unnecessary and unlearned. By 1920 the truth was obvious but too bitter for an elite that desired total power and control. Moreover, they convinced themselves they were smarter, wiser and more benevolent than Robespierre. So they set themselves to improving the lot of man… by slaughtering a large portion of it. Hitler thought himself a hero, Lenin believed killing people no different than breaking eggs, and the millions killed by Mao was a down payment on the reshaping of humanity itself, through eugenics, to make us more compliant, less individualistic, and therefore, better servants. The hubris of the elite back then resulted in crimes against humanity that boggled the mind… before our elites came out with Fentanyl, permawar, covid and the “vaccine.”

You and I are no different, born into a life without consequence for anything we do, convinced of our rightness, and drinking wine laced with lead… we’d likely become insane despots as well. It’s not the tyrant you see, that’s the problem, it’s the tyrant you don’t see, that’s the source of the problem. The power behind the throne enables insanity to triumph over sanity. Rome had the praetorian Guard, Stalin the KGB, and Biden the deep state. They all serve their purpose, to skim the nation of wealth and power. Eventually, the insanity gets bad enough that nation invites invasion, sets itself up for collapse, or the people get so fed up with the insanity, they revolt. No matter how it ends, insane leaders always lead the people to ruin, that’s why they need to be limited… unless history’s wrong.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The herculean task of onshoring industry,

Will be stymied by bureaucratic idiocy,

A billion for a toad,

Ten for the road,

And the plant will be sued closed for injury.


The globalist elite count on our apathy,

So they can get away with chicanery,

Full bellies creates disinterest,

A bulging wallet earns interest,

But passion is peaked when we’re hungry.


Progressive post modernists believe it’s about power,

Living in an echo chamber atop an ivory tower,

A devious advantage,

For political damage,

So there’s no bridge they won’t cross and devour.


The elite do anything they want with agility,

No law, moral or ethic hinders their ability,

They’ve nothing to hide,

The media’s on their side,

And they call it plausible deniability.


There’s a large difference between immigrants,

The dreaded Irish and Italians weren’t indigents,

They blended in,

So we all could win,

But the newcomers are lazy entitled and militant.


Military’s don’t start conflicts,

They fight by the elite’s edicts,

The ruler’s decide,

The soldier’s fight,

And to evade responsibility the truth they contradict.


Davos, Bilderberg and the WEF are bandied about,

An argument can be made that’s quite stout,

They’re no accident,

Middle management,

And our real rulers names are hidden without a doubt.


The world decries genocide in all but reality,

Embracing hypocrisy in all it’s duality,

Fighting back is genocide,

Ethnic cleansing is legitimized,

So that millions of people’ lives can be a catastrophe.


It’s not your neighbor we need to defeat,

They’re brain washed robots on two feet,

To do what their told,

They follow the fold,

Realize all our problems are the fault of the Machiavellian elite.



John Pepin

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Corruption And Collapse

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, once the elite’s corruption has oozed to the bottom of society, that nation is on a water slide to oblivion. People follow their leaders. That’s a major tenet of Confucius’ ideology. Mo Ti also argued that the rulers of society choose the direction of that society. That train of philosophy seems to have gone past the station though. Elites today believe wholeheartedly that they act in a vacuum. Their corruption only effects society, tangentially, and not directly. The effect is direct because we follow our leaders. If our leaders are virtuous, or at least appear virtuous, we will follow their example, and be virtuous, if they’re obviously criminals, we’ll follow and be criminals. Once the people have followed criminals, and given up all ethics, that society has fallen and it can’t get up.

We follow the examples of those we’re shown. The rotating bedrooms of the movie stars, in the nineteen fifties and sixties, normalized divorce… to great effect. Bernays used our herding nature to get women to smoke cigarettes, as a way to be your own woman. Of all the ways we’re manipulated the most powerful are the examples of the elite. When Sara Palin strode on the republican stage, sporting shooting glasses, they instantly became a fad. We follow the elite because we want to be the elite. You don’t follow the example of criminals, drug addicts or derelicts… because that’s not your goal in life. Unless it is. We mimic those we want to be, not those we don’t want to be. Which means, the elite have a responsibility to act virtuous, to keep society on the right path.

An elite that’s so bereft of self awareness they expose themselves as corruptocrats, are unlikely to get religion and see the light… unless criminal charges sway over them like a sword of Damocles. As long as there are no consequences for anything they do… pervert elections, make up false allegations to jail innocent people, and pedophilia, it’ll get worse. The solution is for a few of them to go to a real prison for a very long time, as examples. That our courts are as corrupt as vulture vomit makes punishing corruption difficult. Not impossible though. We still have sway over our “representatives.” A barrage of calls demanding the impeachment of a few judges, Engoron, Maya Guerra Gamble, Christopher Lopez, etc… who have proven themselves unable to adjudicate law fairly.

Rome is a classic example of a culture that rose in virtue and fell in corruption. Regulation and bureaucracy became a means to wealth through graft. The elite flipped every incentive upside down to enrich themselves. In doing so they led the Roman people to become every bit as corrupt as they. If crime pays… everyone becomes a criminal. In Rome the elite made crime the paradigm. As our elites have done today. In our collapsing culture, society and nations, crime pays, but virtue is severely punished. The corrupt can make up stories about someone, total fiction, and if the victim doesn’t go to prison over the fraud, and has the unmitigated audacity to call the liar, a crazy person, a court will fine the victim of the lies, 80 million dollars. For slandering the liar.

One reason our society, culture and systems have fallen, and can’t get back up, is a corrupt elite. They ride a gravy train that rolls over the wealth, rights and children of the people, it’s the elite’s sworn duty to protect. Morals and ethics are no impediment to an elite, that are so corrupt, a maggot won’t pass them on the street. It’s not that the system’s are broken, it’s the scumbags who’s job it is to run them, that are broken. They’re actually defecating in their own wells. Polluting the very source of their authority… our Constitution. Moreover, in their insanity, they refuse to listen to reason, because, they claim to be the only ones who are sane. As they castrate their little boys. How does a people recover from justified and total distrust in utterly stupid elites? Ask the Mongols, Celts and Romans.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment