Corruption Unpunished, Is Corruption Rewarded

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, corruption unpunished, is corruption rewarded. Because the advantage of corruption shows itself immediately, while the costs only later, and if there’s no punishment… there’s no costs. Under such a paradigm, the paradigm we live in, corruption is encouraged, promoted and it can’t be a shock when it becomes epidemic. That would be like going for a swim and being astounded we emerge from the water… wet. Even as we’re faced with the most corrupt administration and bureaucracy in American history, proven beyond doubt, there are elites calling to pardon the corruption. So the corrupt can engage in more corruption I presume. Forgiving the mountains of corruption, hasn’t resulted in the corrupt backing down, no, that forgiveness has resulted in the corrupt becoming more corrupt.

When Hillary had an email server in her closet, that forwarded top secret emails to a CCP controlled account, then destroyed evidence, she was forgiven. The administrative state said it would be vindictive to prosecute her. When we discovered the entire Mueller investigation and Russia collusion narrative was a hoax, that cost this nation literally hundreds of millions of dollars, the frauds were forgiven. The DOJ certainly doesn’t want to be vindictive! All the liars, frauds and minions faced no consequences. Even Klinesmith, who literally fabricated evidence, so the administrative state could have court backing to monitor Trump… was given a slap on the wrist. Even as Trump attorneys are harangued and threatened with losing their law license. Clearly, not being vindictive has failed against the vindictive.

The benefit of corruption is in the immediate public reaction. Any reaction after that is necessarily muted due to distance in time. So a lie, like the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, when they knew they were lying, that Biden really is that corrupt, and therefore those who lied to put a corruptocrat into the White House, are corrupt as well… had its effect at the time. The correction takes place after the damage has been done. The genie can’t be put back in the bottle. So the only way to stop such evil is to punish it. Like any other crime. Corruption is extremely destructive of societal cohesion. The crime of government corruption damages the reputation of government, increases crime and creates chaos. Since people follow their leaders, and ours have shown crime pays… expect more crime.

There is an old adage, “What makes a king a king? Public opinion…” Once the public considers our leaders inept, liars and hypocrites… corrupt, we don’t consider them anything but stooges. Thugs worthy of nothing but contempt. That contempt can’t help but show itself to judges, politicians, and elites of every stripe. People who are universally hated can’t rule. No one takes seriously a joke of a man. And our leaders have made themselves laughing stocks with their self unaware corruption. Why did the maggot jump from the meat wagon? Biden’s motorcade was passing by. Giving up even the appearance of fairness, the FBI now assassinates old men in their underwear by SWAT, for making idle threats against Biden. Even as Trump and RFK get actual threats by the bucket load every day.

When the democrats impeached Trump for crimes Biden was guilty of, as we now know, they corrupted the system to such an extent, no one believes there’s justice in the halls of power anymore. That action sullied the edifice of government more than any libel could. Even people who agree that Trump is so bad he has to go, no matter what, recognize in their ice cold hearts, what’s been done. The government crossed a Rubicon, and with the latest flurry of fraudulent indictments, they continue to march toward Rome. Our corruptocracy grows with every criminal act that’s forgiven, because the elite don’t want to be vindictive to people abusing power, (themselves). It’s not the least vindictive to abuse authority to swing an election, to the point of trying to jail him, and why not, corruption unpunished…


John Pepin

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