They’re Capable Of Anything

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the democrats are willing to start a world war, rather than transfer power peacefully. Because, how can we have an election when we’re at war with China, the Middle East and Russia? There’s nothing they won’t do proven by their past actions. The Russian collusion frame for example. What’s to prevent them from detonating the cell phones of their political adversaries? The elite could say it was ISIS, the Houthis or Russia and claim plausible deniability. The progressive faction controls the media and who is investigated. So they don’t investigate their own crimes. How could I say that? History. They’re the monopoly faction of bureaucracy, the globalist elitist progressives, (the democrats), and are the hegemonic faction in most governments, corporations and the new class.

When someone gets away with a crime, they double down, they never let up. No matter how big the score people will continue. Because, once someone’s got away with a crime, the reward becomes the thrill of getting away with it, again, not the score. That desire for excitement can’t be consistently fulfilled no matter how big a score is. Without continuing in crime. When the elite do it though, they simply don’t investigate, or prosecute themselves. In fact, whistle blowers or rats, die in jail… like Epstein. While being above the law may diminish the thrill, of getting away with any given crime, it increases the feeling of superiority. Making a criminal elite arrogant. As a result, we shouldn’t expect the criminals in power to stop their malfeasance, instead we should expect them to double down on it.

The foolish, impulsive and naive go to jail, while the real criminals go to positions of power. In corporations, bureaucracy and politics. In real life, crime pays, if the criminal is connected to power. I wonder what profound innovation, brilliant insight or improvement to mankind, Biden, Zelenskyy or Bernie Sanders did to earn their millions? Or did they “earn” it by grift? In the movie American Made Tom Cruz’s character shows how law works. Law is a means for the strong to oppress the weak and pretend it’s justice. Exactly as Thrasymachus said in Plato’s Republic. You don’t see many second or third generation money in super maxes. Those places of lower education are for the weak… not the elites. Any examination of reality shows that the foolish go to jail while the conniving go to power.

The progressive faction means business. There’s not a bridge they wouldn’t cross, and burn behind them, to get where they’re going. Can you imagine the Kahonas it took to pull the Russian collusion frame, let alone use it to get FISA warrants, a special council and tie President Trump up for his entire term in office? Costing this country hundreds of millions in direct and indirect costs. I wonder how the elite walk with such a package hanging between their legs? Then they got away with it! Not only that but, gain of function? I bet an ad agency charged ten million dollars to come up with that euphemism for bio weapon research. If I call arsenic purple koolade, does that make it safe to drink? Then Covid pulled a James Bond and escaped. Yet, where are the charges for the millions dead? Or the clot shot?

Criminals will do anything to stay out of prison. Ask John Gotti. If it takes intimidating a juror, killing a witness, or starting a war, the real criminal psychopath won’t hesitate. Magnifying the excitement of getting away with it. The real criminals know, law is only the way the strong keep the weak, weak. It has nothing to do with justice. That’s merely a facade covering a prison. Meanwhile, the biggest criminal faction to ever exist, the globalist elitist progressive faction, is facing certain electoral loss. With it a possible reckoning for their crimes. That’s not acceptable to people who consider themselves above the law, and that law is a tool of power, to hold power. Which means starting a war is just using a tool. They’re capable of anything. Their goal being so awesome it justifies any atrocity.


John Pepin

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