Biden Is A Deep State Asset

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, since the deep state is so protective of Biden and his criminal enterprise, it leads me to conclude, he’s a deep state asset. Why else would they go so far to protect the man? The Biden laptop lie letter, signed by top intel bureaucrats, proves they will even destroy their own reputations to defend Biden. Turns out many are actual spooks on the payroll! Obviously this breaks a multitude of laws protecting our bureaucracies from being partisan. Which proves the point all the more. Why put yourself in jeopardy for no reward? Unless it’s a function of your already dangerous job. Then there’s the obvious unindicted disclosure of classified information the Biden docs case proves… I, and any rational person can only conclude, Biden must be a deep state asset.

People don’t do work to help another unless they have something to gain. That’s simply human nature. When was the last time you put great effort into helping someone for nothing? Even charity gets the laborer a ticket to heaven, goodwill or a tax write off for a donation. Moreover, those who signed that letter put themselves at risk for it. Both reputational and criminal. People who rise to great heights in a bureaucracy don’t put themselves at risk. Certainly not those who’ve scaled the heights of the signers of the Biden laptop lie letter. That’s not the way the game is played. Plus, many are still on the CIA’s payroll! Making their signatures a literal criminal offense. Since the action is apparently so against logic, precedent and self interest… there must have been a powerful reason for it.

Those in the national security apparatus are prickly about national security. At least acting as if they are. Going to great lengths, to jail anyone who discloses even the most mundane fact to the public, let alone our enemies. They raided a former President’s house with orders to shoot to kill anyone who balked, even Secret Service agents. Despite those documents being in a secure location and the legal property of that former President. Showing how serious they must take national security in general and secret papers in particular. Which is in stark contrast to the way the same people didn’t lift a finger, to get top secret documents out of a Delaware university, the Penn Biden Center and even Biden’s garage next to his corvette. Until we found out. What explains this disparity in action?

Both examples, the lie letter and allowing our national enemies to have access to top secret papers via Biden’s bribery scheme, makes any sense… is if Biden is a deep state asset. The national security apparatus must want that top secret information to be fed to our enemies. They need to protect him at their own risk, maybe because he’s part of a disinformation campaign against the CCP. The huge bribe to the tune of 30 million is simply smoke to cover the operation. Spooks are willing the throw themselves on their own sword to keep a CIA operation going. No matter the cost. Which explains their zealous defense of the criminal… because he’s their criminal. Is that the whole story though? While it wraps up the enigma in a pretty blue bow… there maybe more to it.

We have to ask ourselves, “who’s really in charge up there?” Clearly, it’s not Biden. There was no question to anyone with their eyes open before the debate. Now even those with their eyes firmly closed and humming the Star Spangled Banner, see and hear it. It’s the deep state that’s in charge. So, while the deep state may or may not be protecting him because he’s an operational asset… it looks like he’s an actual asset, like a rental property. He pays dividends. Which brings the circle of logic to its start. Of course the administrative state loves Biden, whether or not he’s an operational asset… because he allows them to run the show. They’re not selflessly protecting a disinformation operation, they’re serving themselves. Adding political to their already mighty bureaucratic power.


John Pepin

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