Astonishing Hypocrisy

Dear Friends,

It seems astonishing to me, that Israel is supporting Azerbaijan, in its genocide of Armenians!? I thought the words, “Never again,” rang in the minds of Jews across the world? Is it the case that the phrase is hollow? Depends on your definition of “never,” and “again.” While I fully support Israel’s right to exist and defend itself… I don’t support this move. Moreover, Israel is being charged with genocide of Gazans, in their war with Hamas, as a strategy to weaken it. A charge that’s mere rhetoric. Because if they are, Israel is the worse genocider in history. The population of Gaza is growing fast… not shrinking. Like the population of Nagorno Karabackh. Yet Israel is actually guilty now of abetting genocide. Not of Gazans, but of Armenians. Like I said… astonishing!

When Hitler proposed the final solution, the genocide of Jews in Europe, he was asked by an astonished OKH, what would history think of Germany for such a heinous act? Hitler slammed his fist on the table and shouted, “What does history say of the Armenians?!” Meaning, no one cared, that the Young Turks had systematically exterminated every Armenian they could get their hands on. Especially relishing cutting the babies from pregnant women, in front of their husbands and fathers. To show their superiority. Since history had recorded these atrocious crimes against humanity, and has passed judgment… that it was perfectly acceptable, Hitler thought exterminating the Jews in a far more humane way, gas chambers, would be even more acceptable. Boy was he wrong.

While the continued liquidation of Armenians by famine, is acceptable by the world elites, the arming of Armenia against genocide is not. The world is livid that France had the audacity to send arms to Armenia. The globalist shills in the media are already exclaiming Armenia will attack Azerbaijani occupation forces in Nagorno Karabackh! Where Armenians have been systematically exterminated since it was surrounded by Azerbaijan. As the Armenians are exterminated, their cemeteries are plowed under, their homes razed and their churches burned to the ground. All traces of the existence of Armenians in former Armenia are destroyed. Total erasure of the people, culture and past. As if they never existed. Which is what Hitler wanted to do to the Jews, Gypsies and Russians in Leningrad.

None of this would be possible without the coordinated efforts of the unbiased media. The presstitues whore themselves out to the globalist elites, for money, prestige and privilege. While there are lots of articles vilifying France for hindering genocide, and many praising Israel and Azerbaijan, Nargono Karabackh is never mentioned. I suppose, because letting the masses know there is an actual genocide going on there, right now, might change their perspective. Just remember, everything the media tells us is a lie. A lie of omission, commission or yellow gaslight. Even as the media laments the continued war in the Caucuses, because it distracts from the wars in Ukraine, Middle East and the pending war in Taiwan. You can count on the press to lie when the truth would serve them better.

Even as the media shouts about a fake genocide, and covers up a real one, we’re left wondering what’s true and what’s not. We become agitated when propaganda is applied in liberal doses. Becoming a mindless mob instead of mindful men. Which is the idea. Bernays would be proud of today’s media. Making genocide palatable and self defense a crime is a rhetorical coup. Which makes it all the more astonishing that Israel, the former victim of genocide, and the present victim of propaganda, is hiding behind the media’s propaganda and abetting genocide. Supporting Israel’s right to exist and right of self defense, as well as Armenia’s right to exist and Armenia’s right of self defense, is no inconsistency. To support Israel, and not support Armenia however, is the acme of inconsistency. It’s hypocrisy.


John Pepin

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