As The World Burns

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, to borrow a phrase, our elites would rather rule over Hell than serve in Heaven. Which is one reason I worry the elite will burn the world down, before they cede control to populists. Our elite are people driven mad by lust. Lust for power. They start as ignorant teenagers, protesting and demanding others do as they foolishly order. They may not have a clue if their demands make any sense but are all too willing to use violence. Look at how the elite today are so willing to discredit the legal system in their pursuit of power? Breaking their best tool. A sage looks at the world as it is, a pragmatist does what’s effective, and a good person serves mankind. While a fool sees the world as a pastoral, an idealist does what they want, and a bad person expects to be served.

There’s a ruler mindset. Plato described it in his work, The Republic. Those who would rule call themselves “Great men.” They consider the rest of us mere bricks for their castles. You see it manifested when a teenager, with zero practical experience and darned little book learning, demands someone else follow their orders. In doing so harming themselves. A thing a solidifying elite would never do. Molding ignorance with hubris in a base of hypocrisy to forge an elite. The climate change vandals are an example. They destroy that which they could never create, to protest a hoax, so the pathological elite can have more power, to make the world worse. That’s the price the elite are willing for the rest of us to pay… so they can have more power over us. Is it really for our good though?

Sooner or later they will have started a nuclear war with Russia. NATO has advanced to Russia’s very border and is amassing armies around it. Meanwhile claiming Russia is the aggressor. Then the elite flip out when Russia sends a fleet to Cuba to threaten us back. Psychopaths love victimizing others… especially when the victim is powerless to fight back. They epitomize the typical bully. Russia is ruled by a bully as well though. So, if pushed far enough, there’s no telling if Putin would use nukes. If he did, and the world ends, Western elites won’t be able to blame Putin, they’ll try, but will have to take the blame themselves. If history is recorded, it’ll record them as the worse people to have ever lived. Do you think the elite would nuke the world… rather than accept defeat at the ballot box?

If you use a knife as a pry it’ll break. Because tools have limits. A knife slices, a pry bar pries and screwdriver cuts your hand. The elite’s best tool of subjugation is the legal justice system. By using it the way they have, openly and publicly as a tool of political oppression, they’ve broken it. That tool is only as sharp as the people’s opinion of it though. Dull it in our minds by political bias and it doesn’t cut as well. Use it as a pry though and it breaks off. The elite have been using it as a political lever. Dulling it first by public corruption, and now breaking it, with their insane persecution of conservatives, MAGA, Trump and anyone else that stands in their way. Destroying the legal system in the process. How do you think a society functions without an operational legal system?

Pragmatists look at results and idealists look at intentions. Our elites could care less about the collapsing standard of living in the US and Europe. They’re ruling for “our” good making their intentions pure. Even if the results are evil. Someone aware, pragmatic, who has the best interest of the nation in mind, would step aside. Without grasping to power by election fraud, criminal prosecution of opponents and propaganda. As a person mesmerized by ideology, idealistic and haughty clutches onto power. Even as our economy collapses, crime escalates, and nuclear war is at hand… our elites call hard working Christian Americans, (the majority), America’s biggest threat. As the world burns, the elite prove daily, they’d rather rule over a hellscape than live in powerless opulence.


John Pepin

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