Abuse Of Power

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the worse problem the human race faces, is the elite’s open and notorious abuse of power. All other issues arise from the oligarch’s abuse of power. How can we name them anything but oligarchs? Since that’s the definition of oligarchy, when the aristocracy (elites) abuse their power. Why abuse power? For self enrichment. Abuse of power is the root cause, the symptoms though are myriad. Wars, economic downturns, crime, poverty, drug use, homelessness, pandemics, hunger, illiteracy, angry people, hopelessness, and political violence are but a few symptoms of the elite’s abuse of power. This is the real fight of our day. To control the elite and their maniacal abuses of power. How to though? Transparency. By pointing it out, demanding redress and not setting down until its rooted out.

Every problem we have as a race today is because of the elite’s abuse of power. Even natural disasters, since we have the technology to notify people of incoming hurricanes, super cells and even volcanoes. Any failure to notify people is a failure of the elite. How many people reading this think there’s a cure for cancer, that can’t be let out, because it would bankrupt big pharma? That’s a common “conspiracy theory.” Though… what’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact? About six months. Five years ago, even as jaded as I was then, I would never have believed the elite capable of creating deadly viruses in a lab, and letting them go. I was far too naïve to think such a thing possible. Now, I think, intentional release is the most likely scenario of how Covid came about.

The elite abuse every power they’re given, to make life worse, then claim they need more power to fix what they’ve broken. Once the elite have more power, nothing gets fixed, it only gets worse. The Supreme Court managed to get the government around Constitutional limits, with Buck v Bell, Korematsu and Wickard v Filburn, among a host of other anti constitutional rulings. Allowing the elite to live in Liberty Hall. Where nothing is off limits. Because their power is essentially unlimited. Imagine the literal Hell they’ve delivered those 300,000 missing “unaccompanied minors” into? I wouldn’t be surprised to hear the price of Adrenochrome has nose dived. No wonder Kamala cackles constantly. Can you think of a single power the elite have, that they’ve not exploited and abused?

The elite aren’t going to stop until they’ve sucked the marrow from our bones. I hear Bobby Kennedy Jr. recently said the leftists are strip mining the middle class of wealth. That’s not only good rhetoric, it’s true. The census just reported that the standard of living has declined for three years in a row. A declining standard of living is clear proof of failure of the elite… or success, depending on the goal. If strip mining us of wealth is the goal, then… well done. Our elites are like gold fish. They’ll eat themselves to death. The elite can’t understand the concept of enough. Taking until there’s nothing left to take, then realize, there’s also nothing left to buy. So we’ll all live in poverty. It’s not the fault of the elite. They can’t help themselves. It’s our fault for not stepping up.

Evil grows in darkness… like mold. The more we allow the elite to work their corruption in the dark the more we’re culpable for their crimes. We have to stand up and demand, in no uncertain terms… absolute and total transparency. With transparency as the default. Cameras and microphones in every office, cubicle, hallway, parking garage, etc… in short, anywhere politicians or bureaucrats conduct business. In fact, the politicians themselves should be drug tested, and forced to wear cameras. All of it put on the internet in real time and stored for later. Let’s see what our public servants are doing in our names. For our benefit. The solution to the open and notorious abuse of power then is transparency. Demand it of your representatives and senators. Anything less is abetting abuse of power.


John Pepin

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