A Progressive Innovation… Corruptocracy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… the democrat party has made the US into a corruptocracy. There has never been a political party that is so openly corrupt as the Democrat party today. It is astonishing. The Obama administration may go down in history as the most corrupt ever. If Biden doesn’t win. Of course, such open and verifiable corruption can only happen in a political ecosystem, with a media that is every bit as corrupt. The corruption is fed by the corrupt corporations that pay politicians to be corrupt, hides their corrupt actions and have been made the gatekeepers of information, leveraging their ability to silence the American people, through their monopoly control of social media. The corruption has become so bad it is oozing to the surface for everyone to see.

I like to give examples but a comprehensive list would far exceed the one page I limit my articles to… so here is a partial list of verified democrat corruption in the last few years. Hillary’s email server, the Russian collusion hoax, the special counsel, impeaching Trump to hide Biden’s crimes, Crossfire Hurricane, framing General Flynn, introducing hearsay as evidence and ruling on it, Adam Schiff’s lies, the utter corruption of the DOJ, State department, CIA, IRS, the abandonment of all pretense of justice by the court system, the whole Epstein affair, perjury by Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Brennen, destroying evidence, the Awan Brothers, Barbara Feinstein’s CCP driver, the corruption of our education system and Podesta’s stupefying choice of words in his emails.

Not to mention the newly discovered transgressions by the Biden crime family. From Hunter Bidens I macs he abandoned at a computer repair shop, to his partners, Tony Bobulinski and Bevan Cooney, have given thousands of emails showing that Joe Biden is bought and paid for by the CCP. The same people who created and released the Wuhan Flu, own the democrat presidential nominee. You don’t get more corrupt than that. The Biden crimes are astounding. Influence peddling, bribery, money laundering, selling US foreign policy to the highest bidder, who knows what shoe will drop next? At no other time in US history, could a person with so many verifiable unpunished crimes in his background, be able to stand for dog catcher, let alone President.

Everything is out for the world to see. The Hunter Biden Hard drive is exposing new crimes every day, their former business partners are verifying the revelations and releasing damning emails of their own. The scandal grows by the moment, even as the media misdirects with the red herring it is all Russian disinformation, and questioning the providence of the hard drive. With the witnesses though the crimes are getting harder to hide. The Intelligence agencies are getting into the act, going on the air to say Russians and Iranians are meddling in our elections… but they never mentioned the Chinese communists. I wonder why? Maybe because Biden is in the pocket of the CCP and the FBI knows it? They have had Hunter’s hard drive for a year, and have sat on it… like the Epstein tapes.

No one is perfect. Everyone lies now and then, everyone falls occasionally, that is why Catholics have the confessional. We are human beings, fallen and flawed. One thing that we also have though… is a sense of right and wrong. This allows us to recognize evil when we see it and to avoid evil people ruling over us. We used to despise people who are corrupt. That is one of the checks on a political party becoming corrupt. Yet, it would appear many of us have lost this most fundamental attribute, the ability to recognize right from wrong. Electing a president who is in the pocket of our mortal enemy, is idiotic, and people used to understand this fact. That many of us don’t, and still vote for the most openly corrupt political party that has ever existed, shows we “deserve the corruptocracy we get.”


John Pepin

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