Dear Friends,
It seems to me, a government that seeks to circumvent constitutional restrictions could contract the despotism out, rather than do it in house. In other words, pay a non governmental organization (NGO) to do the dirty work. As Machiavelli told the wise Prince, If an evil needs to be done to the people, have someone else do it, then execute them and the people will call you a hero. In this an NGO is handy. They can undermine the culture for the elite, using tax money, without the elite getting their manicured nails dirty. Moreover, there are plenty of people willing to do the wet work of killing the country. This way the elite can impose whatever nonsense they want on us and pretend it’s organic. As those same NGO’s silence anyone with the audacity to speak truth to power.
Censorship can be subcontracted out to the payola press in league with the dominant governing faction. As USAID has exposed, tax money was paid to the media that calls itself unbiased for, “mass deception.” I guess bureaucrats need not heed the advice, never in writing and always in cash. Though there is that four trillion of unaccounted money. NGOs taking tax money can lobby to destroy the Second Amendment, and the politicians can claim the demand is organic… its from NGOs. Why should government even be limited? NGOs can solve that issue by creating problems that cause people to turn to government for a solution. Expanding the scope, role and power of government. Paid for by the people who are being abused, stolen from and conned.
Money laundering can be done by NGOs as well. They get money, donate some back to the faction that gave it to them, insuring the money go round keeps playing calliope music. It’s a win win lose. A win for the cronies in the NGOs, a win for the politicians getting kickbacks from those NGOs and a lose for the people. Without the money laundering of NGOs, the progressive faction wouldn’t be able to put up a sustained political fight. Because nothing they say is magnetic. Perpetual diminishment of the human condition isn’t a winning message. Especially as we approach the zero unit cost of labor and the unimaginable wealth that will create. Which is another advantage of using NGOs to tyrannize, to concentrate all that unimaginable wealth in the hands of a very few.
NGOs also pervert the nation from within. I have to wonder how much of the funding of the BLM and ANTIFA riots in 2020, were paid for by NGOs, out of the public purse. It was odd how there was a construction site with a handy pallet of bricks, delivered just before and next to, every George Floyd riot. Then there’s the perfect harmony of the media that calls itself unbiased. Of course everyone wants to pay for tranny story hour in Downtown Guatemala. Then there are the NGOs that flooded the US with illegal aliens. They pay destitute people to come to America for the glistening opportunity to get welfare. Then become a permanent voting bloc for the globalist progressive faction. Who needs enemies when you have a government that pays an NGO to oppress us?
It really is a handy scheme the globalist progressive faction has worked out to game the system. Using non governmental organizations to oppress us for them. Thereby getting around Constitutional restrictions. As SCOTUS itself has backed the constitutional usurpation. The NGO con is a self perpetuating mechanism, like fire, that operates until the fuel is exhausted. In this case, until the nation is bankrupt. Then the operators will move to a private island to luxuriate in their riches. Rationalized by altruism NGOs deliver suffering on an industrial scale. Which is one reason I think NGO’s shouldn’t be allowed to get a penny of government funding. They can do whatever they want on their own dime… but the time of using our money to unconstitutionally oppress us has to be over.
John Pepin