
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite have normalized a total, utter and complete lack of shame. Leading by example, they have eradicated that feeling from the Western emotional lexicon. There was a time when shame reared its ugly head, limiting the actions of the proud elite, but not today. Nowadays the elites do whatever they want right out in the open. The Nazis were ashamed of exterminating the Jews and Gypsies, so they kept it hidden. Not today, modern Jew haters openly call for genocide, in their absolute lack of shame. Many people with a conscience are still restrained by their pride and the specter of shame. The elite however, leading by example, are trying to diligently stamp out shame, humility and pride, once and for all. So the shameless scoundrels can make us all shameless scoundrels.

Imagine a faction that defends waste, fraud, and abuse. Well, you don’t have to, the courts are doing it right now. The anti American partisans have to be incredibly smart, to defend the indefensible. So far the most effective tactic is usurpation of presidential power by the courts. Forcing unconstitutional spending, regulations, and actions to continue. Though such rulings are the exact opposite of the Constitutional role of the courts. Their utter lack of shame allows them to do anything they want. Even as their void of pride puts themselves above our Constitution. Prosecutors and judges are effectively above the law. Because a prosecutor can suborn perjury without consequence or dishonor. Judges are now free to change constitutional norms by fiat. Lacking remorse, wisdom or pride in their work.

The media that calls itself unbiased has soiled it’s reputation to the point it’s a laughing stock. Without humiliation they soldier on like they’re still trusted. Many businesses that claim to be news would be abashed at the discovery they’re mockingbird media. Like Politico getting most of its funding from USAID. Not them. Politico continues spewing propaganda without a hint of red in their faces. DOGE has exposed that all the legacy media was taking government payola. A fact they shrug off as if someone accused you of taking an extra doughnut. CNN couldn’t care less that everyone considers them fake news. They even report the talking points word for word. Without even the gumption to reword it, to garble the univoice. Yet, without pride in their work, why work so hard?

A total utter and complete lack of shame is really a superpower. It allows open and notorious hypocrisy. Epstein’s pedo Isle was a huge draw to the shameless elite. Bill Clinton had frequent flier miles to the isle. Then, when Epstein died in police custody, under what could only be described as a Hogan’s Heroes style arrangement, the elite shamelessly stood before us and claimed, he strangled himself with strangle proof paper sheets. That’s proof enough of the superpower that a lack of shame bestows. However, the Biden administration was the acme of the shamelessness, leading by example. Biden was charged with a far more egregious mishandling of classified document than Trump, but while Trump was prosecuted, Biden wasn’t… due to mental incompetence. Talk about a void of pride!

Today, the elite have normalized shamelessness. Why be ashamed you rape children, advocate for their sterilization, defend pedophiles, murder a man in prison, are caught taking payola, violate your duty, pervert the law, try to shut down food production, call for genocide on college campuses, seek despotic power, get caught in lies that kill millions, have openly double standards, use tax money to destroy the nation, abuse people under color of law, etc…? When you’re above the law, shame only limits you, if you have pride. Those without shame have a hypocrisy superpower. They can do anything, get caught, and go right back to doing it again. Right out in the open. Leading by example and normalizing shamelessness. I wonder though, wouldn’t it be better for us to self-limit, out of humility and pride?


John Pepin

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