Dear Friends,
It seems to me, communism, socialism and fascism are simply means for a faction to raid the treasury. Proved pragmatically by history and reason. Criminals who would raid the public treasury aren’t the type to balk at a lie or ten. Moreover, such people epitomize the adage, evil men will burn their nations to the ground to rule over the ashes. The history of all factions that has claimed a socialistic mantle is of despotism, gulags and famine. This supposition can be falsified… if there’s an example of a socialist, fascist or communist economy, that didn’t result in the political elite getting rich, while the rest of the nation became impoverished. Since there isn’t even a single example, even in the Norse nations, the idea hasn’t been falsified. This is important to understand for all of our well beings.
Elites say a lot of things… most of them untrue. Like when a bureaucrat, politician or judge claims he or she serves us. When the exact opposite is the truth. Remember the recent BOIR form small businesses had to fill out, or get a five hundred dollar a day fine? The same bureaucrats that thought such an unconstitutional demand was fine, are livid at being asked to list five things they did last week. The administrative state believes we serve it. The most trustworthy appearing people are usually cons. Because appearing trustworthy is their business. While a regular Joe will have some tells he isn’t. Then there’s the millionaire who stands before us and claims she will harm the rich to benefit us. Which is obviously a lie, because no one harms themselves, especially the self serving.
Pragmatists judge by outcomes. By that standard, the history of the socialistic factions is one of self enrichment, and national impoverishment. An idealist might argue, just because it’s never worked in the past, doesn’t mean the underlying idea is unsound. It’s just that no one has discovered a way to implement it. In other words, communism would work if they were the despot. Which makes idealists easy prey, for those selling the lie, government has a valid role to play in helping people improve their lives. A pragmatist might question the authenticity of the speaker, judging by past outcomes, while the idealist will swallow the bait hook line and sinker. Which doesn’t make the idealist a bad person, simply one who is easily manipulated and captured by ideas. Even evil ones pretending to be good.
The fact is, all the socialistic factions must become irrational oligarchies, then despots. When the pie is large, many people can take from it. Allowing an oligarchy of takers to arise. Since the pie isn’t added to by the actual economy, it gets ever smaller. As we’ve seen in Argentina, the USSR, North Korea and Nazi Germany, while the Nordic nations had to give up even petite socialism. As the pie gets ever smaller, the demand for the scraps becomes ever more aggressive. The government becomes molten with scheming and the dross rises to the top. The most self serving are purified until one remains. The Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot becomes dictator, in the name of the people. Who then lives in opulence while the nation starves to death. Forty five million starved in China under Mao, for example.
That all the socialistic ideologies are means to raid the treasury should be taught to all students as early and often as possible. To prevent cons from gaining power so they can raid the treasury. The reason it isn’t is because the education system is run by the scammers. Which is why Animal Farm isn’t taught anymore. The people who want to raid the treasury are teaching kids to be robots instead of individuals. Facilitating the con. We know liars lie, history is unambiguous and outcomes matter. Teach our kids, get it in the schools and inculcate this idea to our peers. Until everyone knows, socialism, communism and fascism are only means to raid the treasury, it will happen again and again. Make it common knowledge for our sake and that of our kids. Or do you think it could work?
John Pepin