Christianity Is Europe’s Source Of Vitality

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason Europe went from besieged on all sides in the 1400s, to conquering the world by the 1800s, is because of Christianity. Others would point to warfare, technology or maybe forced evolution, from the existential catastrophes Middle Ages Europeans had to suffer through. Like the Plague, Islamic invasions from the south, and the Vikings from the north. I argue Christianity is the first cause, the rest are resulting causes. Why? Because philosophy presages science, technology and innovation. Moreover, Christianity introduced several philosophic innovations. The idea we are made in the image of God himself, our sins can be forgiven, and the Golden Rule. Each mundane sounding but seismic in outcome. Leading to Europe’s vitality and conquering the world.

Philosophy must come before new science, technology or innovation. Because a new philosophy gives people a new way of thinking. That new way of thinking opens up a multitude of possibilities, that were unthinkable before. Which allows science to advance. With the follow on increase in technology. Both of which further open the minds of men allowing for innovation. All based on a new philosophy, or new way of looking at the world. If someone went back in time to ancient Rome, and told them how to become an industrialized modern society, that time traveler would have been crucified. Because the changes needed would so upset the society and elites, the promoter of it would have to be made an example of. Because the philosophy of ancient Rome wasn’t up to the task.

Christianity introduced several critical philosophies to Europe that completely changed the paradigm. The idea you and I are made in the image of God is one. It opened up a whole new way of looking at people. From then on, no Christian could enslave another human being, because that would be figuratively enslaving and abusing God himself. Which made human slavery unthinkable. An idea that circled the world along with colonization. The divine nature of Man opened up the possibility that people could voluntarily work for pay instead of as slaves. Who then could buy the output of the economy, increasing aggregate demand. Leading to an economy with high and growing productivity, the need for industrialization, as well as free speech and thought, opening up innovation.

Some claim the unlimited power of European monarchs was a deciding factor. They say, the constant religious wars generated innovations, that allowed European armies to outmatch any other on the planet. Unlimited power then, they claim, was the primary cause. To which I might say, unlimited power was certainly not limited to Europe. The Islamic caliphs had far more power, as did many other despotic governments around the world. Moreover, tyrannical power was nothing new. Plus, history is unambiguous, tyranny leads to poverty, across cultures and time. So tyranny couldn’t have been the primary cause of European dominance of the world in 400 years. The primary cause must have been local, significant and unique. Otherwise Europe’s advancement would have been mirrored in the past.

In 1453, Constantinople fell to the Caliphate, Spain was fighting Islamic rule, Vikings were raiding the northern coasts of Europe, Islamic Pirates in the Mediterranean were taking Europeans as slaves, the Silk Road was closed, and the plague had several more rounds to go. Europe was on the rocks and about to go under for the third time. Christianity, which had once been the religion of the Holy Roman Empire, had been concentrated to a small section of the world. Yet European civilization not only survived but thrived. As the Caliphate rotted, that took young Christian men as slaves who would serve as Janissary. While Europe grew healthy. Leading to a world dominated by Europeans in 400 years. Sadly, a people who have abandoned that source of vitality, and it shows.


John Pepin

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