The GCC; Galactic Criminal Court

Dear Comrades,

It seems to me, the International Capitalist Party, should start a self appointed Galactic Criminal Court (GCC). The very name makes its rulings supersede those of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Which claims, by virtue of its name, its rulings superseded those of national assemblies, courts and executives. My Galactic court would even overrule solar system level courts. Using the same rational as the ICC and UN, self appointment, my GCC would also be self appointed overseers of the Galaxy. For all species human and alien. Using the philosophy of the day, the GCC can rule on the criminality of anything it sees fit. Holding the powerful to account. Moreover, it can be funded by the grift getting out of such charges would naturally bring.

The ICC is a self appointed entity, so by that standard, set by the experts and elites themselves, my GCC could be self appointed. Same sauce for the goose and gander and all that. Since I’m the self appointed titular leader of the International Capitalist Party… I’ll simply deem a crew, to be doctors of law. They then will have the authority to set up the GCC. Just as the ICC was created, by circular authority. Then the GCC will have authority to poke its nose into everyone else business. Just as the ICC does. What halcyon days they will be. When the rulers of the galaxy, will be controlled by the GCC. Can you imagine the glee? Who wouldn’t want to be, under the benevolent heel of a jack boot or three? The precedent has been set. There is a vacuum. So we better fill it before dust does.

Should we contact an alien species they will of course be offered an appointment to the GCC. If their philosophy is compatible with the philosophy of the day. Diversity only applies to appearances… not opinions. That’s how you know we’re the real deal. We’ll follow the ICC road map. Rule in ways the powerful like, to establish credibility, then go full bat poop. As the ICC did, we can be the tool of a few powerful entities, to gain momentum. Let oligarchs and tyrants enforce our rulings. Then, when the political winds are right, we turn and go rabid. As all courts do, we’ll follow Thrasymachus version of justice. Our rulings will serve whomever is paying us. The GCC has the opportunity seize the day. All I need are a few sycophants willing to sell their souls for power and money.

Being on a Galactic court would bestow honor and prestige. Whether self appointed or not. Just as being in the UN does. Oh, I can hear some complain, but people at the UN are experts, they are appointed by other experts, and the UN was established after the collapse of the League of Nations. All true. Validating my presumption. Did you vote for the ICC or UN? The GCC will be self appointed also, by people who call themselves experts. Having the same legal status as the UN and the ICC, self appointment, the GCC will be able to bring stability to our galaxy. Starting with Earth. We’ll be able to lord over elected leaders with the moral superiority and smugness of a true hypocrite. Making an appointment to that prestigious body, the Galactic Criminal Court, a great honor.

The GCC will obviously be a political entity that serves itself first, just as the UN and ICC do. The grift would be spectacular. Look at the opulence lavished on UN officials and judges at the ICC. That could be ours. Right now, there is no Galactic Criminal Court, which is a void that must be filled. Because as we all know, the more power, the greater the scope of authority and the less accountability… the better. All experts are self appointed if you go far enough back. Then those self appointed experts appoint others as experts, who then maintain the exclusivity. Which is exactly how the GCC will be founded. So will have the same authority as the UN or ICC, but on a Galactic scale. All I need are volunteers we’ll claim are experts, and voila… Galactic power is in our greasy hands.


John Pepin

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