
Dear Friends,


In every country the deep state is wed,

To the globalist faction they are in bed,

Power is the end,

Elitists don’t bend,

So if they might lose an election they cancel it instead.


Her manifesto’s unifying thought was hate,

Tragic for her and her victims parents mate,

Portrayed as a ghoul,

She’s a mindless tool,

Captured by nihilism and made to annihilate.


We used to see this in a gossip rag,

UFOs abduct a purple haired hag,

Is it aliens flying fast,

Or just swamp gas,

But most likely it’s just another false flag.


Corruptocrats so love their power,

They grow it by making life sour,

Perverting elections,

Conniving confections,

And lowering the lot of Man by the hour.


Knowledge and intellect are like a fast car,

They’re an efficient means to get us far,

But without a steering wheel,

They’re not that great a deal,

Because speed without guidance is the way to a scar.



John Pepin

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