Hegelian Terrorist Attack?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, with all the reports of terrorists having come here through the open boarders, isn’t it possible the deep state and democrats, have set up another 911 trap? A big terrorist attack to corner Trump into another war. Why? To limit Trumps scope of action. Another big war, like Iraq and Afghanistan, would tie his hands, empower the deep state, and enrich the cronies. A win win, at the cost to young men, spent as ammunition. A big war would also disguise the economic effects of the administrative state’s administration. The unemployed youths without a future, can be sent across the globe, to make the elite richer and more powerful. Trump, with his aggravating peace mongering, stands in their way. A terrorist attack and resulting war would solve that problem.

There’s money in them thar wars! General Smedley Butler thought so, and said it many times. When Biden sends a few tens of billions to Ukraine. Ukraine gets weapons and ammunition… Lockheed Martin, RTX and General Dynamics get the money. Money that pays their bonuses, their workers and feed back into the political system, to keep the gravy train rolling. Over the bodies of human beings. Nevertheless, the wealth that’s transferred to the political and defense crowd is astonishing. Power is also transferred at an alarming rate. So the elite profit from war in wealth, privilege and power. At cost to you and I in wealth, standing and life itself. Making war very attractive to psychopathic elites who stand to gain so much for so little.

Unemployed youths can be swept off the streets with recruitment. One thing that history shows is always true of socialism, and socialist policies… is their utter failure at securing economic prosperity for anyone but the politically favored. The more socialism is applied the poorer the people become. The lot of the politically powerful on the other hand rises. Because socialism is the distribution of the goods of society by political favor. As the elite get more power over the economy, it fails ever more spectacularly. Leading to the need to disguise that failure and the resulting high unemployment. It’s done with censorship, manipulating the numbers, and using recruitment to sweep up the unemployed. Plus, the Keynesians can claim, war spending increases aggregate demand.

Trump stands in the way of all these goods… profit, reduced youth population and even more power in the hands of psychopaths. So they need a way to subdue him. The Russian collusion frame job worked last time. It even allowed the deep state to hem Trump in with a Special prosecutor the first few years of his first term. That won’t work again though. The failure of lawfare to dent him is proof. So the bureaucracy and cronies need a Hail Mary. A massive terrorist attack would fit the bill. It’s not like they haven’t done it before. Remember the memory holed Las Vegas Attack? Where a super human gunman, shot people from a single window, across town… in multiple locations, even after his death? Proving precedent. Making the possibility… possible.

The US borders have been wide open for almost four years now. Not only open, but if a terrorist comes here, they get a phone, pocket money and welfare… to support whatever grudge they have against us. Which means, the only terrorists that haven’t come here to wage war, are those too busy waging war at home. There could be tens of thousands of men under arms here. All the CIA and FBI need do is activate one and voila. If enough people are killed and maimed the outrage will be like a wave. A wave that can be surfed all the way to World War Three. An enraged people will demand action. Problem reaction solution. The problem of terrorists in the homeland was produced by government opening the border to terrorism, so the outrage can be ridden to a war. Taking away Trump’s agency again.


John Pepin

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