Dear Friends,
Banning jokes is so very cool,
Censorship is the oligarch’s tool,
Covering lies,
With alibis,
Since the truth would make them a fool.
We knew this would happen since it’s rote,
Due to the bridge damage from the boat,
While sipping tea from a cup,
They said it’s no cover up,
But a wise man would call them a scapegoat.
Imagine what an unbiased press would make of this,
Did they use the intel and why hide it seems obvious,
They’re in cahoots’,
With combat boots,
And this is another cover up to protect her corruptness.
Democracy to democrats has become a relay race,
Stab supporters in the back and spit in their face,
Jump from horse to horse,
Reigning us in by force,
And if we citizens buck migrants can take our place.
There once was a group in a daze,
Their devices blew up in their face,
Emergency call,
It blew off a ball,
And now they’re eunuchs and chaste.
Censors are hypocrites you see,
Omniscience bordering on godly,
Thumping their chest,
We experts know best,
And their logic is appeal to authority.
John Pepin