Dear Friends,
There once was a vegan sublime,
She only drank water and wine,
She’d never eat meat,
Kindness you can’t beat,
But she thought abortion was perfectly fine.
Do no harm is often the first commandment.
So doing harm should lead to an indictment,
The elite are fine,
Abetting crime,
In total disregard of the Second Amendment.
Research grants, reputations and egos are on the line.
Reading clever cons in Science while drinking wine,
Careers are made,
Don’t make waves,
That’s why science advances one death at a time.
There once was a man named Herodotus,
Some say him misleading and venomous,
The people he wrote,
Are amazing to note,
But he wrote his Histories for the rest of us.
Don’t have kids or heat your house,
Try to be as efficient as a mouse,
We go without,
So AI can sprout,
To put us out of work, a future and a spouse.
John Pepin