The Criminal State

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if, as the elite claim, only criminals want to hide from the government’s view… Isn’t that an admission by the elite themselves, that a government who hides from it’s citizen’s view… is a criminal State? By simple reversal. If our motives are to be questioned by the State, then the State’s motives must be questioned by us. Because the consequences of the State being criminal are terrible indeed. Wars, poverty, crime, hopelessness, inflation, migration, famine, epidemics and turmoil are all the result of a criminal State. The more criminal the State the worse these things will be. So if you find that your elites admit to being criminals, and the results of their leadership is chaos, then you probably have a criminal State. If that’s the case, we probably should do something about it.

The reason we go to great lengths to limit crime is because of the negative effect it has on our standard of living. Petty crime has little effect on our standard of living, so isn’t enforced as vigorously as major crimes, like murder. As a general rule, the more destructive a crime is to our standard of living the more severely it’s treated by law enforcement. This is only a general rule though, because it doesn’t apply to a criminal state. The crimes of a criminal state are literally existential to the people, yet aren’t enforced… because it’s the State that does the enforcing. A criminal state won’t impose the law on itself. That’s one of the attributes of a criminal state. It exploits law as a weapon. As Thrasymachus advised Glaucon. This is another way to tell a criminal state.. it doesn’t apply the law to itself.

Motive is an integral part of law. The way it was explained to me is, if I am at a restaurant and accidentally grab the wrong coat when I leave. I didn’t commit a crime… because there wasn’t intent. In the law motive is important to charge someone with a crime. So the state looks at our motives for everything trying to discern if there’s any criminal intent. To justify their salaries, authority, power, and fill the State’s coffers. Despite our Constitution’s protections, the State gets around them by conniving and crookedness, to put us under a microscope. Even as the state itself stays hidden behind an iron curtain of secrecy. Justified by “national security.” The state then goes on to ascribe motive to us by our actions… motives that better fit their actions.

The consequences of a criminal state are horrible. History is filled with examples. A few are, Mao’s great leap forward that killed upwards of 40 million human beings, Hitler’s thousand year reich that killed 60 million and then there’s gain of function, that could end up killing 100 million or more. Between the disease, the clot shot and economic disruptions. Then there’s the possibility of civilization ending nuclear war. Which means no more lattes, shopping or cars. For the lucky survivors. Civil war is another possibility that arises from a criminal state. Internal struggle between racism religions or politics is not out of the question. A State’s crimes are existential in seriousness. Those consequences should be enough to motivate us to act.

If the State has nothing to hide, then open up, and let’s see what they’re up to. Since the consequences to our standard of living, of the crimes of a state, far outweigh those of a serial killer, bank fraud or speeder… they should be treated as such. The weight we bring to bear on a problem should be commensurate with the weight of the problem. Great consequences should be given great consideration. Which brings us back to the criminal state. Since its crimes are existential, they must be avoided at all costs… even to the privilege of the elite. To that end, I think we should write FOYAs about everything the deep state does, while demanding transparency laws from our representatives. Talk about transparency to your neighbors. We have the power to stop the criminal state… use it.


John Pepin

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