Ideal Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, ideal government would be extremely limited, in scope power and reach. Moreover, it would be utterly transparent. With some organization empowered to oversee the elite and have independent power to prosecute elites who the DOJ refuses to prosecute. Then prosecute members of the DOJ for not doing their jobs. This organization would lord over judges and prosecutors, keeping them honest. No lawmaker would be allowed to pass a law that he himself isn’t subject to. The philosophy of ideal government would be first do no harm. Instead of charging in to fix every problem it can find… or create. No ideal government would censor the people. Censorship is proof of despotism. It would be pragmatic. Ideal government is like utopia… a goal across a chasm, dug by the elite.

As government grows in scope, power and reach, it becomes ever more corrupt, useless and harmful. The Pareto distribution is vicious to large organizations… and none are larger than governments. With their titanic bureaucracies. An organization of 8 people has 6 slackers, but an organization of 800,000 has 600,000 parasites. Making it useless for anything, corrupted by the layabouts and harmful to the people it’s supposed to govern. Shrinking the government gives the wielder of the layoff pen, the ability to cut the slackers, warping the Pareto distribution for a short while. As Javier Millie has done in Argentina. The smaller the government then, the less parasites it has, the less parasites the more efficient it is. Government that’s big enough however, is effectively nothing but, a parasite.

The elite need to be limited in all ways. Transparency is one of the most effective means. The light of public scrutiny burns the elite like the Arizona sun an albino. Because they’re so corrupt. That’s why everything they do is hidden as the default. We can beg for information, and they’ll give it… if they see fit. That’s the opposite of the way it should be. The default should be absolute transparency. Opacity for national security should take months of court proceedings. An ideal government would have every hallway, office, phone, email, chat, meeting room, etc… monitored, put on the internet as live feeds, and stored for posterity and potential prosecution. Transparency that’s absolute and inescapable would limit the elite very effectively. Naked government would have no pockets to hide shenanigans.

Ideal government would enforce every law passed on the lawmakers… first. CDL drivers are drug tested… lawmakers, judges, and prosecutors would have to be drug tested as well, before any truck driver. The same goes for insider trading, suborning perjury and pedophilia. A lawmaker that’s allowed to pass laws on others, that doesn’t apply to herself, is an oligarch. Because an aristocrat uses her power to benefit the people, an oligarch, only to help herself. Passing laws on others that don’t apply to the lawmaker then, is an act of naked despotic oligarchy, that deserves to be exposed. Plus, when lawmakers are subject to their own laws, they’ll be more temperate in their propensity to tyrannize. That’s why lawmakers should be forced to prove they meet every law they pass.

First do no harm… is a great motto. Especially if it’s kept. Unlike the medical community. Ideal government would endeavor to do no harm to any citizen. Even and especially the politically disfavored. Growing too big harms the nation, to help the governors, a lack of transparency hides a ton of crimes, and when laws don’t apply to lawmakers as Thrasymachus counseled… are examples of harm. Harming the people to benefit the elite. The definition of oligarchy. Ideal government would be pragmatically judged by results, not intentions, then held accountable. Sadly, ideal government would be and is blocked by the elite as populist. By oligarchs who fear losing their privilege to steal. That’s why censorship is all the rage today… to stop any debate or movement towards ideal government.


John Pepin

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