Lurching Towards Outright Despotism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the world is lurching towards outright despotism, in the name of democracy. The elite, think tanks and experts, who are absolutely certain of the rightness of their cause, need totalitarian powers else they could be stymied. Their tyranny is our redemption. The ruling class believe that absolute government is not only just, but needed, in these times of chaos, technological wonders and potential. Rapid advances in technology threaten to free mankind from the need of government, creating chaos in the halls of power, that require extreme measures, else inhumanity can’t reach its fullest potential. Willing to use violence, lies and bio weapons to further the cause… our elites have the stomach to make the hard decisions… dragging us to a Star Trek like globalist utopia.

Many innovative ideas are fluttering through the heads of our betters today. They’re mulling such notions as, global nuclear war is survivable, male and female are interchangeable, and that despotism is a legitimate form of government. Moreover, when the elite are convinced of a thing, they impose it on the rest of us, by whatever means necessary. For our own good of course. Modern rulers look back at history and see slavery was eliminated by the elite of the time. That those elites were religious, not secular elites, isn’t important in their chemically enlightened minds. So, the idea that despotism is a legitimate form of government makes perfect sense… if the despot(s) are as wonderful, flawless and wise as our elites are. Humility is for the lessers.

The end justifies the means, or so Machiavelli said, in his letters to the Medicis. If the end is noble enough… then much evil is justified. Imagine a world where human nature itself had been overcome and Shangri La was established globally. No war, poverty or suffering of any kind. A world of peace and prosperity unrivaled even in the minds of our wisest sages. Eden if you will. If someone really truly believed that notion, they would be able to do the most heinous things, and sleep well at night. Because the work they’re doing is so wonderful. I’m sure that’s how the death camp guards, Young Turks, Khmer Rouge, and Red Guard justified their evils. The work may be dirty but the goal is beautiful. So goes the mental process that allows fiends to consider themselves saints.

To people so driven, using biological weapons against their foe, is not only justified, it’s an obligation. Creating Covid and the vaccine that wasn’t was only the opening salvo. The experts are assuring us Monkey pox is next. If the future Star Trek utopia is at stake, isn’t subverting democracy worth it? The consent of the governed is a nice idea, but if it stands in the way of progress, then it’s just an idea. An idea that can be resurrected once the public agrees with the elite again. Law and justice, as Thrasymachus said, are cons the strong use to abuse the weak. To claim the weak deserve it. Our experts agree wholeheartedly, except they use law against their political foes, not the weak. Law is now a weapon in the hands of our rulers to protect the weak, themselves, from the strong, us.

So, the world lurches step by shambling step towards global despotism, in the name of democracy. “Democracy” being a euphemism for a Star Trek like global utopia. A goal worthy of absolutely any atrocity. Things like free speech, consent of the governed and blind justice are road blocks to the goal, so must be subverted. The end justifies the means… or do the means taint the ends? Is any goal that requires atrocities to bring about really human hearted? What if the goal is impossible? The crimes against humanity wouldn’t be justified, they’d be crimes against humanity. Moreover, evil done is evil, regardless how the evildoer justifies it in their own spastically mental minds. In despotic governments, a crime is only a crime if the elite say it is… and the elite can’t be criminal, they’re the elite.


John Pepin

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