The Elephant In The Room

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there’s an elephant in the room that we’re not allowed to notice. Those who notice it are immediately canceled. Especially in Europe. That elephant is… the elite’s use of Islamic terrorism. The only reason I can write this is because it’s my own website. Otherwise the elite would have canceled me long ago. Like they did Parlor. Even as the elite abet Islamic terrorism, then after a few kids are stabbed, some folks are beheaded in Spain or a bomb goes off in Sweden… the elite wring their hands, the far right could use it to vilify Islam. While claiming our outrage to the outrageous is proof we’re intolerant. Holding two opposing ideas in their heads… without a bit of cognitive dissonance. Proving a lack of cognition. It’s time to expose the elephant and discuss what we’re going to do about it.

If the problem is the far right, why do they only riot when children are stabbed to death? Every time the elephant steps on someone, the left decries any reaction to it, as racist. The people who don’t want to be crushed under an elephant’s foot are the problem. Not a rampaging elephant. Especially since their fear implicitly exposes the existence of that elephant. Which makes me wonder if the problem the elite have with the “far right,” or in other words, us grazing masses, is the threat of exposure. The elite are insistent that Islam isn’t a problem… but nationalism, populism and self interest are. All apparently are attributes of the far right. Could it be, the outrage the hoi polloi show at the outrageous, exposes the malevolent plans of the elites? Is it possible that’s the real problem the elite have with us?

Terror is a tool of Islam and has been since day one. It’s not like Muslim leaders are shy about it. They call openly for Jihad. Only a fool ignores it when someone declares holy war on them. An ignoramus of the highest order else someone manipulated into stupidity. The liar elite expect us to believe them, when they say Islam is a religion of peace, and to consider the Islamic clerics who say otherwise… apostates. Then again, atheists love to put false words in the mouths of other religions. It’s a form of communist dialectic. Nevertheless, the elites are exploiting the violence they know Islam will bring to all non Muslim nations, that Muslims are settled in. That chaos and violence serve their Hegelian plans in the most wicked way possible. A cruel and vicious elephant indeed.

Meanwhile, when Islamists riot in their global jihad against the West, the police stand down, but when Brits protest against the outrageous, they get the jan 6th treatment. Proving a double standard. Double standards are proof of no standards… only the naked application of power. Destroying any legitimate authority the authorities claim to possess. It’s not the Islamists that control the police… it’s the elite. The Islamic riots that are allowed, are allowed by the elite. The protests, social media posts and praying that’s not tolerated, is not tolerated by the elite. The police do the bidding of their superiors… not the people. So the chaos is the result of the elite’s actions. Because it’s not the Islamists that are the real enemy… it’s our own elites. The Islamists are merely the elephant’s feet.

Why would the elite not only tolerate riots against their own rule but encourage them? What are we to make of it? Clearly the elite want to overthrow the present power structure. What are they saying? The UN, NGOs and think tanks agree that capitalism, freedom and individualism have to go. The population needs to be culled and we need a global totalitarian government. Obviously, using language that’s more manipulative, but that’s the essence of it. In order to make globalism happen, they need chaos sufficient to move us from this steady state, to the one they want us in. Islamism is the tool they’ve chosen. Once the Islamists have done their job, and overthrown the West, the elephant will step on them as well. Maybe we should expose the elephant and usher it out of the room?


John Pepin

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