Make Public Opinion Matter Again

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite are indignant, the people of Europe and America are unwilling to lower our standard of living, so the elite can feel good about themselves. How selfish of us. Which brings us to the evil of public opinion. The elite hate to have to consider the will of the governed. Especially when that opinion conflicts with their plans. The globalist elite plan to lower the population, the survivor’s standard of living, and trap us in fifteen minute cities. We’ll own nothing and be happy… or else. That the will of the people conflicts with this goal is a conundrum. Unremarkably, the will of the people is always the same boring thing, a good standard of living, peace and safety. All of which conflict with the goals of the elite. Making us the problem.

By every measure our lot is going down. Driven down intentionally by the powerful. Inflation is eating away our wages, crime is diminishing our quality of life, and disease is now a problem where it wasn’t before. All done to stem climate change, reduce our burden on the planet and make more gold available to the rich. That we don’t like it, isn’t a problem for the elite… it’s a problem for us. The elite are perfectly happy with inexorably driving down our standard of living. It’s public opinion that creates issues. Which is another reason to lower the population… to lower the power of the will of the people. If there are less people, we have less power. Moreover, the opinion of the victims can be mitigated with judicious propaganda, vilification of truth tellers and outright lawfare.

The elite think our living too high on the hog is dangerous… to their privilege. Therefore our lives have to be made harder. So theirs can be marginally better. They want to put those of us that survive the culling in fifteen minute cities. Where we’ll live in tenements like Cabrini Green, have no cars, and no hope. But the elite think if we’re given unlimited access to debauchery we’ll be happy. That’s why they say, we’ll own nothing and be happy. Because we’ll be in a ditch, hopped up on drugs, riddled with VD and too stupid to know better. If the fifteen minute city plan creates a feedback loop, that wipes out mankind, so be it. The elite want to replace us with AI anyway. Public opinion is speciesist. So why pay attention to selfish people who would rather live than be replaced by AI.

The speciesist will of the people then is only a problem when it’s heeded. As long as the elite pay no attention to the masses, with torches and pitchforks, our opinion is irrelevant. More to the point, it’s dangerous. We all know, things that are dangerous need to be eliminated, like free speech, freedom of association, and the freedom of self protection. So the elite are working diligently night and day to demolish those roadblocks. While their storm troopers in Antifa and BLM busy themselves with rioting, iconoclasm and terrorism, the top is using the courts to eviscerate our Rights. Justified because bigots like us who think our right to exist, trumps the elite’s right to do as they please, need to be put in our place. A pine box buried in the ground.

Else we could use our opinion and will to fight back? While the elite would be incensed at our arrogance, they would have to bend, or break. Since public opinion is so obvious, people want decent lives to raise a family, it should be easy to meet. If we demand it be met. If instead, we continue to allow the elite their head, they’ll continue to run out of control. Until we’re swept off and land in a pile. So I say it’s time to pull back on the reigns. Get them under control. Then force absolute transparency on government, limit their power and prosecute those elites who’ve broken the law. Making examples of them. That’s the way to make public opinion matter again. Only if the will of the people forces change on the elite… will the elite change. Until then we’re riding a crazy horse headed for a chasm.


John Pepin

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