Plausible Deniability Is A Conspiracy Theory

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the only people in America that get the presumption of innocence, are the elite. The rest of us are guilty until proven not guilty. The charged are forever unconvicted criminals. No matter how obvious the crime and the criminal, if the perpetrator is an elite, any accusation is a conspiracy theory. Then again, if not for the double standard in law, lawyers would have no standards. If the elite seek to oppress someone, all they need do is point out the man, and the KGB er, Gestapo, no… the FBI will find the crime. Take for example Trump. They started with the Russian collusion hoax, impeached him by anonymous witness, the Mueller lawfare, perverting FISA courts, etc… all went by without consequence, for the villains. Only the victims paid a price. So the villains are still in charge.

The assassination attempt itself was proof of ineptitude or malevolence. There are no shades between. Because, if it happened without the knowledge of the SS, they’re inept, and if they allowed it, they’re involved. The only other possibility is the SS is both corrupt and inept. By ineptly allowing the shooter to get that close, then allowing him to get a shot off, before they took action. But, saying out loud the SS is corrupt and or inept, is a conspiracy theory. Until it isn’t. Jim Jordan and others are pushing to get answers. Had the bullet been discharged a mile away, from inside a blind, that would be different. But the story now is the post was abandoned because the SS officer was hot? Multiple snipers fired? Spectators pointed the assassin out? That conspiracy theory is rapidly becoming conspiracy fact.

Covid came from a lab, was a conspiracy theory… until it wasn’t. The experts, scientists and press went spastic over it. Anyone who mentioned the gain of function lab at the epicenter of the Covid pandemic was vilified. Their speech censored as misinformation and disinformation. The pangolin story, though absurd, was driven down our throats. Turns out the laboratory that was up grading bat coronaviruses to infect people… caused it. Then there was the vaccine that wasn’t. Any mention of side effects was conspiracy theory, misinformation and disinformation, of the most dangerous kind. It could cost people their very lives!! Resulting in many being forced to take it and prove they had. Turns out the vaccine cost more young people their lives than Covid. Who’s been punished for it?

That the 2020 election was the most secure in history was common knowledge… until it wasn’t. The courts refused to hear a single election related case. Even the Georgia court that was legally obliged to hear Trump’s case, within a month… sat on their hands. You try that, when the law gives you a deadline to act, see how your treated by that same court. With zero evidence the 2020 election had any integrity, and mountains of evidence it was fraud through and through… the loud mouths of public opinion claimed it was the most secure in history. Blinding us by the gaslight. Then the elite went a step further and imprisoned anyone who had the audacity to protest a stolen election. Many are still in prison. Despite the Supreme Court ruling most didn’t break the law. Has anyone been punished?

Jeffery Epstein strangled himself with suicide proof paper sheets, is the narrative we’re expected to believe… against every whit of common sense. Anyone who’s watched a single episode of Hogans Heroes knows how that was done. Slip a micky into the guards coffee, disable the cameras, unlock the doors in that wing… and your hit man stationed in the next cell strangles him, making it look like suicide. The coroner knows better than to challenge the narrative. He could suddenly become despondent in a parking garage and beat himself to death with an iron pipe. So we live in a world where, we’re guilty until proven innocent, while the elite are innocent even when proven guilty. Which is why the elite are so utterly, totally and completely corrupt… they can be. Until they can’t.


John Pepin

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