A Warning To European Leftists

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, European leftists who just won would be wise to look at the Biden administration, as an example of where they’ll be in four years. They’re high on fumes right now but that’ll wear off soon enough. The moment they enact their policies the economy of Europe will go into free fall. Which will be exhilarating. Soon rampant crime will be normalized making business impossible in many places. The civil war between diverse factions and races will be hard to stop. The elite in Europe think this will manipulate the people to turn to an all powerful state. In Hegelian fashion. Yet, in their transcendent ignorance, the elite fail to consider how self interested those factions are. Which will lead to the loathing of the leftists… as the democrats are experiencing today in the US.

Evil always destroys itself… if not by malevolence, then by stupidity. European leftists will not only continue their war on farms but will double down. Attacking their food source with gusto. Which, most would agree, is the summit of stupid. Even if famine is the desired goal, that proves stupidity and malevolence, wrapped up in one putrid package. Of course, the open borders, free welfare to all comers and sharia courts pretending to be European, will sow the seeds of open civil war. Not a war between states, as WWI and WWII were, but a true civil war. A kinetic war between factions within the state itself. Looking at Ireland, Britain, France and Germany, and judging their future trajectory by their past, makes this prediction inevitable. As long as leftist governments are in charge.

The economy of Europe will continue to fall… but that fall will accelerate to 9.8 M/S^2. As the childless natives age and retire, with only immigrants who refuse to integrate to replace them, there will increasingly be a shortage of skilled workers. So, not only will the culture be replaced by the migrants, so will the economy. No longer will Europe be a value added economy but an area barely able to sustain itself… until it can no longer. Because there’s no oil in the ground, the coal has been mined and the minerals are played out. The only thing left is to build things. And that takes a culture of innovation, hard work and education. Replacing all three with a culture of conquest, sloth and zealotry, will result in poverty. That’s why so many people have fled it for European welfare.

Leftists think they can simply ban parties that disagree with them. Until leftist’s are the only one left. Like in China, North Korea and the former Soviet Union. We see the stirring of this in Germany with calls to ban the AFD. If they manage to get that passed, then expect a wave of party banning to travel across Europe, like bubonic plague. Because leftists have a fundamentally different view of the role of law. They see it as Thrasymachus, Han Fei and Engles did. As a tool of political power. Not as Solon, Socrates, Confucius, Solomon and Christian thinkers have… as a tool to promote social concord, through justice. That’s why leftist parties are so quick to exploit the power of law to political ends. It’s the role of law in their eyes. Which is also why leftist parties always become totalitarian.

All adding up to a general revolt in a few years against leftist rule across Europe. Even the factions they’ve empowered will turn on them. Because nothing is as revolting as total utter and complete failure at everything. Economic disaster isn’t magnetic. Civil war doesn’t speak to the wisdom of the rulers. Just as government imposed famines tend to alienate the populace. After a few years of the left’s evil rule, they will have thoroughly destroyed themselves, Europe and their reputations. No amount of legal warfare will stop the seething anger of the people who’ve been subject to the stupidity. So in the end, the leftists will rue the day they finagled this election, to get power. Because, like Biden, being too stupid to keep their tongue out of the socket… that power will electrocute them.


John Pepin

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