The Hypocrisy Of Inclusive Language

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, “inclusive” speech is bullying, pretending to be kindness. The proponents of inclusive wording claim the rest of us have to use the language they demand we do else they’ll punish us… for the greater good. The term “illegal alien” is offensive to those who came here illegally. So they demand we don’t use the word, illegal alien. I suspect a rapist finds the word rapist offensive too, and so do the thought police. In my SEO plug in, inclusive language is included in the SEO assessment. I take great pride in trying to always fail on inclusive language. Which is one of the reasons I use words like stupid, despot, retard, half wit, fool, pervert, hypocrite, etc… to describe the thought police. Bullies like the thought police deserve our ridicule if we’re to be the least reciprocal.

We think in pictures, emotion and words. Experts claim the smartest among us think in pictures. They’re able to create and manipulate complex objects in their minds. Observing them from different angles inside and out. It’s how many engineers are able to think. Others have empathy and are able to feel the actual feelings of others. They use emotion as a limb. Then there’s the rest of us, who think in words. We all use pictures and emotion sometimes, but mostly, I think, we think in words. That’s why I also believe that the language we speak has a profound effect on our cognition. But that’s a different subject. When the words we can use are robust and wide ranging, our thoughts can be robust and far ranging. But when our words are hemmed in… so are our thoughts.

Hemming us in by controlling our words is conniving. If someone else controls our words, they control a major aspect of our thought, and that makes them our master. Take the example of illegal alien versus migrant. Both are true enough depending on the level of interpretation. They are indeed migrating so they can be called migrants. Which is one level of interpretation. They are also crossing borders illegally which makes them illegal aliens. Which is another level of interpretation. When we’re only allowed to think of them as migrants, and not illegal aliens, that traps us in the poor migrant level of interpretation. Closing off our ability to see them in a more nuanced way. This channelization technique controls how we feel about the situation, outside our own organic self interested interpretation.

Controlling our thoughts makes us slaves to their will. Taking illegal immigration further, when people who are negatively effected by illegal migration are forced to think only in ways that benefit the illegal, and to their own detriment, can’t be considered in any way human hearted, just, or reciprocal. It’s a naked self interested manipulation of people to act against their own interest. The way slaves are forced to act in ways that are antithetical to their self interest. Because only the slave master’s interests matter… or the hypocritical thought police’s. The yoke and lash is too obvious, and triggers many to rise up, so the scum bag despots have thought up a solution. Control what we say, and think, therefore control us. Brilliant… but evil. Putting the thought police in the same league as sewage.

The despotic thought police always call up the “greater good” to justify their usurpations of our very thoughts. Because the retards are so much smarter, wiser and dog gone it, just better people than the rest of us. Maybe not in action but definitely in the stupid fool’s own minds. No hypocrite who advocates we follow their rules of speech, and therefore thought… would ever submit to their own words and thoughts being controlled by us… for the greater good. Which is why refusing to participate in our own subjugation by the half witted thought police, is not only justified… it’s an obligation. Because, do we really want, stupid, half witted, foolish, retarded hypocrites, ruining the world through running our minds? If not, then speak as you want, or shackle and yoke your own mind to serve them.


John Pepin

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