
Dear Friends,


The wrong opinion is under attack,

Elites are pointing an accusing finger at,

The victim of crime,

Should probably do time,

But when the elite point three fingers point back.


Those elites that preach diversity,

Want us to have lives of adversity,

The privileged few,

Know better than you,

While they themselves live in a fraternity.


There once lived Thrasymachus the sophist,

His theory of justice and law quite alarmist,

Hypocrisy with ado,

Double standard too,

And he was prescient as a legal futurist.


Our despotic elites do fume,

There’s an opinion in the room,

Shut it down,

Truth must drown,

And maintain the world in gloom.


The mind numbed like to tell,

Sin and suffering are just swell,

Chant this here,

Feel the sear,

If you die in sin and go to Hell.



John Pepin

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