Marxism’s Appeal

Dear friends,

It seems to me, Marxism appeals to the elite because communism and socialism empower the powerful, by justifying their authority. They need unlimited power to run the economy… for the best interest of the workers, then African Americans, and now, LGTBQ++ migrants. Abandoning, and eventually alienating each special interest group they used to pander to, as they evolve. Nevertheless, the elite who embrace the political might that communism bestows on them, assure us they only serve the interests of others and never their own… even when it looks like they’re serving themselves. “While it was illegal for an animal to sleep in a bed, the pigs had started…” -George Orwell’s Animal Farm. The elite need luxury and opulence to magnify their power. Justified by Marx himself. No wonder they love him.

The very term command and control economy says it all. How can one command anything without the authority to? Control, well, the word says it all, doesn’t it? There needs to be people with the authority and power to command and control the command and control economy, ie, a communist or fascist one. It’s like telling a pretty girl she’s pretty, flattery will get you everywhere, because the flattered want to be flattered. Like telling a would be despot, the power and authority he or she lusts after is rightfully theirs, and justified by how they seek to use it! Any counter arguments are mere details to be ironed out after the revolution. That’s why the elite, who openly seek power over us, are so drawn to Marxism, it justifies the authority they seek to usurp and makes them heroes for doing it.

The naked exercise of political power requires a distraction. As long as the elite can claim they’re acting on someone else behalf, they can oppress at will… and call it just. As Thrasymachus said they would. The despotic Marxist or Fascist for that matter, never tyrannizes for their own benefit, far be it! They tyrannize for the benefit of a politically favored group. Never mind they created that group from whole cloth, decorated it with patterns of victim hood, and then draped it over their naked despotism. Hiding themselves from the world and appearing to be what they aren’t. This masquerade has worked for over a century now. The con has swindled many a nation out of prosperity and into want. All it takes is a victim group to be created, made politically favored with propaganda, and voila… a costume.

There’s no way to get someone to agree with you faster or more completely then to convince them they’re great, wise and deserve unlimited power over others… for their own good. As Marx and Hitler did. The totalitarian despotic Marxist or Fascist can simply use the same argument on the people that’s so enamored them. From the Bronze age on, kings, tyrants and presidents have told their people they deserve to rule the world. All they need do is grasp it and it’s there’s. The same strategy that justifies unlimited power of the elite… justifies conquest. Do you think the Mongols conquered half the world, in an hour and a half, because they didn’t think they deserved it? Flattery works as well on a plebeian as it does on a patrician. Maybe better since plebeians aren’t used to it.

What is a wonder then, isn’t that the elite adore Marxism, but that it’s ever been eschewed by any elites. Offering Marxism to an elite is like offering candy to a toddler. Few have the wisdom to deny themselves. The elite will never give up on them no matter how many times Fascism and Marxism fail. The elite’s love of Marxism and Fascism isn’t contingent, it’s absolute. Because it tells them what they want to hear. Their lust for power is good, because they can command and control the economy, to help some politically favored group. The luxury bestows magnificence to the ruler in the eyes of the ruled. Moreover, the same flattery that so beguiles the elite, is used to justify wars of aggression. And so… Marxist and Fascist ideology in truth, appeals to all egoists, big and small.


John Pepin

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