The CCP’s Expansionist Aims

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if I were the psychopathic totalitarian ruler of China, and I wanted desperately to conquer Taiwan, I would implement a plan similar to the one Whinny the Pooh is. I would take out my target’s primary allies, and instill so much fear in others, that no one comes to their aid. One of the main goals of the invasion would be to capture the TSMC semiconductor plants. So the invasion would start with paratroopers landing there… during a distraction. The thing about any sea born invasion is… it’s a logistical nightmare. Supplying an army from a beach without infrastructure to offload freight is impossible. That’s why during the Normandy invasion, a vital goal was the deep water port of Cherbourg. The CCP will have to use a similar tactic… else fail.

The European countries are already tied up in their war to conquer Russia, and their internal migrant issues are hollowing out their civilizations from within… taking them out of the order of battle. All the CCP need do is help foment the chaos in Europe, and even with conscription, the EU won’t be able to field an effective force anytime soon. Plus, the migrants won’t fight, leaving only natives to fight… who are in demographic collapse as you read this. They aborted their children and so have none. The elites there think the migrant replacements will fight for them, but I suspect the elite will be replaced, by the migrants. The moment the natives are deleted. Whether by war, abortion or vaccine, the European race is on its way out. So the CCP doesn’t have to worry about a European army in Taiwan.

North Korea would attack the South to tie up the US troops stationed there. Moreover, with the US in a three or four fronted war by that time, there will be no reinforcements coming to Korea, let alone Taiwan. Supplies of ammo will be all but gone, since the US elite sent them to Ukraine. Rendering the tip of the spear pointless. There may be a few remnant US troops trapped on Taiwan but their numbers will make them irrelevant. Meanwhile the vaunted US navy will be tied up protecting the homeland, in Korea and the Middle East, so won’t have even a carrier group to throw at China. Perhaps Whinny the Poo’s greatest ace is Biden. His bought and paid for puppet. That 30 million wasn’t for honey… or was it? Which means the US can easily be taken off the chessboard by wise strategy.

Japan has to be cowed. Because Japan still has a navy and army. Who knows if this generation is as tough as their grandfather’s was, but who’s foolish enough to see? The CCP. So if Japan can be intimidated into remaining sidelined, along with the Philippines, the invasion will be smooth sailing. Other than the perpetual chaos and disruption of plans that accompanies kinetic engagement. Should Taiwan destroy their ports at the outset of invasion, as well as the TSMC semiconductor plants, the invasion will have gone sideways. Because even without allies, every inch of Taiwan is an improved position, due to terrain and cities. An army lacking supply in such a situation, faces the same fate as Germany’s 6 Army at Stalingrad. Expansion by war is a high stakes game.

Employing Alexander’s tactic against the Indian King Porus when crossing the Jhelum river, would be the final strategy… as the CCP is doing now. By constantly maneuvering troops in a threatening way, Whinny hopes Taiwan will become lackadaisical about it… then the CCP will strike. With the US and Japan out of the way, the Philippines will probably take the “safe” path, and stay out of it. Should the invasion of Taiwan go as hoped. The Philippines will be the next target of the CCP’s drang nach osten. Since I’m not the psychopathic nutcase despot ruler of China, this is all conjecture. He may decide to change course and make China a Constitutionally limited republic, or become a peacenik. Maybe space aliens will land. No matter, reflecting on the past, we can see the future, through a mirror darkly.


John Pepin

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