
Dear Friends,


Tony Heller is a bad man and you shall never listen,

A climate denier, skeptic and his forehead does glisten,

Our data is right,

The planet’s alight,

And saving the Earth from you is our greatest mission.


When election fraud is clear,

They can’t let anyone hear,

The truth be told,

Lies become bold,

And wielding lawfare the fraudsters will never fear.


The elite sit back drinking Arabica.

Playing lies on their harmonica,

Chaos will win,

Bring them in,

But only those who chant death to America.


The elite want to control us with fear and CBDC,

Taking away our individualism and autonomy,

Acting the fool,

Open to ridicule,

They betray themselves with deft and stupidity.


Marx was Jewish like Crowley was a Christian,

Though they were the same both being a villain,

The pragmatists recollect,

Judge a cause by it’s effect,

And with the two evil philosophies are the elite smitten.



John Pepin

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